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Income and payroll taxes make up a growing share of federal revenue, income tax, payroll tax, corporate tax, tax revenue, federal revenue

The Composition of Federal Revenue Has Changed Over Time

The federal income tax and federal payroll tax make up a growing share of federal revenue. Individual income taxes have become a central pillar of the federal revenue system, now comprising nearly half of all revenue.

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Education tax provisions

Evaluating Education Tax Provisions

Research shows that the current menu of education-related tax benefits is not effectively promoting affordability or the decision to attend college. Lawmakers wishing to provide education assistance should reconsider whether the tax code is the best tool to achieve that goal.

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Austria Tax Reform

Opportunities for Pro-Growth Tax Reform in Austria

Austria needs to pursue comprehensive business and individual tax reform if it wants to remain competitive. Our new guide explores several ways the Austrian government can achieve a simpler, more pro-growth tax code.

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Wisconsin budget surplus Wisconsin budget tax proposals Wisconsin property tax system, Wisconsin State Assembly, Wisconsin Committee on Community Development

Wisconsin Tax Options: A Guide to Fair, Simple, Pro-Growth Reform

Despite tax cuts in recent years, Wisconsin’s overall tax structure lags behind competitor states in simplicity, tax rates, and business climate for residents and investment. Explore our new comprehensive guide to see how the Badger State can achieve meaningful tax reform.

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A High Tax Rate on Star Inventors Lowers Total Innovation

Findings from a new study suggest that while a policy agenda to revive innovation must include an assortment of changes – including greater access to mentorship – tax policy matters too.

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