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Louisiana tax reform proposals Louisiana individual income tax reform Louisiana corporate income tax reform

Louisiana Fiscal Session Finishes Strong with Tax Reform

It took until the last day of the session, but Louisiana lawmakers succeeded in passing a tax reform package Thursday that would simplify a complicated tax code and make the state more economically competitive.

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Federal highway fund taxes federal infrastructure funding for highways federal excise tax on heavy commercial vehicles

Infrastructure Funding for Highways Digs into Issues of Outdated Taxes and Narrow Bases

As spending priorities are dividing lawmakers trying to negotiate among the various federal infrastructure plans, less time is being spent on the funding of one of the key components—our highways, both current and future taxes and fees. One of the current taxes, a federal excise tax on heavy commercial vehicles and trailers, is an important revenue generator, but its flawed tax design has a negative impact on investment and leads to unstable revenue.

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Wisconsin budget surplus Wisconsin budget tax proposals Wisconsin property tax system, Wisconsin State Assembly, Wisconsin Committee on Community Development

Wisconsin’s Surplus Presents Opportunity for Down Payment on Future Economic Growth

As Wisconsin emerges from the pandemic, state policymakers have a rare opportunity to reinvest excess revenues in a structurally sound manner that will make the state more attractive to individuals and businesses, promote a quicker and more robust economic recovery, and put the state on the path to increased in-state investment and growth for many years to come.

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Inflation Reduction Act book minimum tax Inflation Reduction Act accelerated depreciation change in corporate tax liablities, book tax, or corporate minimum tax congressional budget office cbo Eliminating the alternative minimum tax eliminating the AMT inflation indexing, inflation adjusting state tax codes, traditional CPI, index brackets for inflation, index for inflation

A Closer Look at Eliminating the AMT

In our new Options for Reforming America’s Tax Code 2.0, there are several options that would simplify the tax code, including eliminating the alternative minimum tax (AMT). While this move would remove a source of complexity, policymakers should also consider reforming the deductions that created a justification for the AMT in the first place.

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Business tax hikes Some Corporations Pay Zero Federal Income Taxes—and That Is Not a Problem Democrats child tax credit plan. tax administration issues, tax complexity cares act. trump tax cuts who benefited taxpayer subsidies for drug ads

Explaining the GAAP between Book and Taxable Income

A recent study identifies dozens of large companies that paid no income taxes in 2020. While such studies get headlines and may seem shocking, the reality is much more mundane.

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Ohio gross receipts tax Ohio commercial activity tax Ohio CATOhio budget tax proposals, including Ohio income tax reform and Ohio income tax cuts

Ohio Lawmakers Ponder Tax Relief after Rosy Revenue Outlook

Ohio is one of a growing number of states which experienced revenue increases despite the economic slowdown from the coronavirus pandemic and is now looking to return some of that through tax relief.

5 min read
2021 Carbon Taxes in Europe Which European Countries have a carbon European Countries have a carbon tax Sweden

Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2021

In recent years, several countries have taken measures to reduce carbon emissions, including instituting environmental regulations, emissions trading systems (ETS), and carbon taxes.

2 min read
target property tax reforms, net wealth transfer taxes, property transfer taxes

Countries Should Be Cautious about Relying on Inheritance Taxes for Revenue

As tempting as inheritance, estate, and gift taxes might look especially when the OECD notes them as a way to reduce wealth inequality, their limited capacity to collect revenue and their negative impact on entrepreneurial activity, savings, and work should make policymakers consider their repeal instead of boosting them.

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Montana tax reform Gianforte tax reform (Gov Gianforte reform)

Montana Adopts Individual and Corporate Income Tax Reform

Montana adopted structural reforms to both individual and corporate income taxes during the recently adjourned legislative session, enacting three bills reducing individual tax rates, simplifying the state’s individual tax system, repealing 16 tax credits, and changing the apportionment factor for corporate income tax.

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marijuana policy, cannabis policy, federal taxation of recreational marijuana, MORE Act tax Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act

Less Should be MORE with Federal Cannabis Taxation

Federal lawmakers re-introduced the MORE Act, the most significant federal legislative development on marijuana policy in 50 years. The MORE Act would impose a federal excise tax on marijuana at a rate from 5 to 8 percent.

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arizona lawmakers Arizona income tax cuts Arizona federal conformity Arizona tax cuts

Arizona Legislators Consider Lower, Flatter Income Tax

The income tax changes in HB 2900 as introduced would improve Arizona’s individual income tax structure and economic competitiveness, making the state more attractive to individuals and pass-through businesses .

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Tax Relief for Families in Europe 2021 countries provide tax relief for families vs single worker without children

Tax Relief for Families in Europe

Most countries provide tax relief to families with children—typically through targeted tax breaks that lower income taxes. While all European OECD countries provide tax relief for families, its extent varies substantially across countries.

2 min read
How Does Your State Treat Social Security Income Does Your State Tax Social Security Benefits Compare States that tax Social Security benefits

How Does Your State Treat Social Security Income?

Thirteen states tax Social Security benefits, a matter of significant interest to retirees. Each of these states has its own approach to determining what share of benefits is subject to tax, though these provisions can be grouped together into a few broad categories.

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