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Michigan income tax reform Michigan tax reform 2022 Michigan corporate income tax proposal Michigan corporate tax cut Michigan corporate income tax cut Michigan business tax cut

Michigan Vapor Tax Bill Gets It Half-Right

In line with the nationwide trend of taxing vapor products, the Michigan Senate has passed a new 18 percent tax on vapor products. These taxes are often intended to achieve a two-fold goal: deterring youth use and raising revenue. The Michigan bill is no exception.

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Nebraska tax reform options Nebraska tax reform framework Nebraska income tax reform

CARES Act Conformity Would Promote Economic Recovery in Nebraska

Nebraska lawmakers may ultimately opt for a package that includes both property tax relief and the renewal of business incentives, but they should avoid doing so at the expense of decoupling from the CARES Act’s liquidity-enhancing provisions.

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Vehicle miles traveled tax VMT tax, motor fuel tax, transportation funding, highway trust fund economic impact of increased infrastructure spending

Cautionary Notes from CBO on the Effects of Federal Investment

Based on the CBO’s assessment of the economic and budgetary effects of federal investment, lawmakers should look to spur private sector investment rather than try to enact a massive federal infrastructure bill.

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broadband internet, digital capital investment, tax policy, and infrastructure, telecom, 5g internet

What the Internet Can Teach Us About Capital Investment, Infrastructure, and Tax Policy

The lockdowns imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic induced an increase in demand for broadband internet, as work from home and other social distancing measures pushed people to spend more time online. As broadband becomes a more important piece of America’s infrastructure, it makes sense to look at tax policy that will help drive more investment and better service.

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DC tax hike, DC income tax DC flavored tobacco ban

D.C. Council to Consider Tax Hike Despite Balanced Budget

Despite a balanced budget and and revenue shortfalls arising from the coronavirus crisis, the D.C. Council will consider proposals to raise income taxes to fund newly proposed spending projects.

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Colorado proposition 121 Colorado proposition FF Colorado income tax reduction or cut election results 2021 tax ballot measures Colorado proposition 119 Colorado proposition 120 Colorado proposition CC, Colorado TABOR, Colorado public education, Colorado education funding

Colorado Tobacco Tax Bill Includes Positive Change

While it is understandable that lawmakers and organizers are worried about Colorado’s financial situation, they should remember that narrow taxes are volatile and disrupt markets. Excise taxes can play a role in state revenues even as policymakers appreciate that excise taxes are not viable long-term revenue tools for general spending priorities.

4 min read

New Jersey Considers Bonds Paid for by Statewide Property Tax

As New Jersey lawmakers grapple with reduced revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, they have turned to an unusual solution: the issuance of bonds that would be repaid, if necessary, through temporarily higher sales and property taxes.

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Sports betting tax treatment of sports betting operators and gross gaming revenue

Sports Betting Will Not Solve State Budget Crises

The pandemic has left states in dire straits financially and lawmakers are getting creative in their pursuit of new revenue sources. However, it’s unlikely that revenue from sports betting will have any meaningful impact on budget shortfalls

3 min read
state vapor taxes, vaping taxes by state, vape taxes by state, state vapor taxes, vapor taxes in your state

Vaping Taxes by State, 2020

Many states may be looking toward vapor and other excise taxes to fill budget holes caused by the coronavirus crisis. While those areas may represent untapped revenue sources for many states, taxing those activities is unlikely to raise much revenue in the short term.

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Watch: Economic Recovery After Coronavirus

What are the best tax policies to encourage a smooth transition and strong economic recovery? How should goals of economic recovery and growth be balanced with revenue needs?

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EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CBAM EU carbon border tax (EU carbon tax or carbon tariff)

EU: The Next Generation

The European Commission announced new budget plans including loans, grants, and some revenue offsets. The proposals follow other support mechanisms for workers and businesses that were designed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic shutdown.

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