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Evaluating Mark-to-Market Taxation of Capital Gains

The success of any mark-to-market system lies in its ability to accurately value tangible and non-tangible (or non-tradable) assets such as intellectual property and brand-value recognition. Administrative regulations, guidance, and enforcement are the Achilles’ heel of any plan to annually tax accrued gains.

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Two Years After Passage, Treasury Regulations for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Surpass 1,000 Pages

Treasury released final regulations on the base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT), which is meant to dissuade firms from engaging in profit shifting abroad. Other high-profile releases from 2019 include final regulations guiding enforcement of Section 199A, commonly known as the pass-through deduction; final regulations on enforcing the new tax on global intangible low-tax income (GILTI); and final regulations on state-level workarounds to the $10,000 limit on the state and local tax deduction (SALT).

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State Sales Taxes in the Post-Wayfair Era

Our new report explores the choices states have made regarding sales taxes following the South Dakota v. Wayfair Supreme Court online sales tax decision heading into calendar year 2020, outlines legal pitfalls states should seek to avoid, and offers up a few best practices for designing reliable, equitable, legally-sound remote sales tax regimes.

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Comparing Wealth Taxation and Income Taxes

A low wealth tax rate is equivalent to a high-rate income tax. The interaction between wealth taxes and the existing income taxes must be considered when analyzing a wealth tax plan.

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Comparing 2020 capital gains proposals

Comparing Capital Gains Tax Proposals by 2020 Presidential Candidates

Biden, Sanders, and Warren have staked out similar plans to increase capital gains taxes on the wealthiest Americans. While all three candidates have called for taxing capital gains at ordinary income rates, the phase-in levels and top marginal tax rates vary.

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