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Risks to the U.S. Tax Base from Pillar Two

Risks to the U.S. Tax Base from Pillar Two

A growing international tax agreement known as Pillar Two presents two new threats to the U.S. tax base: potential lost revenue and limitations on Congress’s ability to set its own tax policy.

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The Inflation Reduction Act One Year Later

One year after its enactment, there are concerns about the Inflation Reduction Acts overall fiscal impact, the additional complexity it introduces to the tax system, and the sustainability of its initiatives.

States Move Away from Throwback and Throwout Rules

As more and more states move away from throwback or throwout rules, those states that still impose these rules are becoming less attractive for businesses, which are incentivized to relocate their sales activities to non-throwback states.

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Section 179 Expensing: Good First Step?

The Small Business Jobs Act would improve the tax treatment of investment but the proposal stops short of full expensing, leaving room for improvement.

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College sports tax exemption and tax-free college sports discussions

The Big Business of Tax-Free College Sports

Moving from one athletic conference to another can mean millions in additional revenue sharing from lucrative broadcasting contracts and other revenue streams, all tax-free.

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UN tax cooperation efforts Tax Foundation response on cross border trade and investment United Nations general assembly

Global Tax Tug of War: Comparing the UN and OECD Approaches

The United Nations (UN) is preparing to flex its muscles on international tax policy. Several developing countries say the OECD’s approach favors richer countries at their expense, and the UN hopes to fix this.

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What Is GDP and Why Should I Care About It?

GDP stands for gross domestic product and is calculated by measuring a country’s total consumption, government spending, investments, and net exports.

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Another Digital Services Tax in Sight

Canada is planning to join the club of countries that, in the past 3 years, introduced a digital services tax (DST) despite U.S. opposition and concerns expressed by Canadian businesses.

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Summary of the Tax Credits Claimed on the Form 1040, Tax Year 2020

In tax year 2020, taxpayers claimed more than 159 million tax credits on their individual income tax returns worth a total of more than $277 billion. That was an increase of $35.3 billion from tax year 2019, largely due to an influx of pandemic relief administered through the tax code in 2020.

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Should Massachusetts Tax Netflix?

A bill introduced in the Massachusetts House, (H. 74) would expand funding for community media programming by imposing a new tax on the gross revenues of digital streaming service providers. The sentiment is understandable, but the proposed solution leaves much to be desired.

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Not All Taxes Are Created Equal Tax Types Video

Not All Taxes Are Created Equal

Discover why there are better and worse ways for governments to raise a dollar of revenue. That’s because no two taxes impact the economy the same.

Patent Box Regimes in Europe, 2023

The aim of patent boxes is generally to encourage and attract local research and development (R&D) and to incentivize businesses to locate IP in the country. However, patent boxes can introduce another level of complexity to a tax system, and some recent research questions whether patent boxes are actually effective in driving innovation.

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