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State throwback rule data and state throwout rule data as of 2023

Throwback and Throwout Rules by State, 2023

While throwback and throwout rules in states’ corporate tax codes may not be widely understood, they have a notable impact on business location and investment decisions and reduce economic efficiency.

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Shrinking Revenue from Sin Taxes: A Small Price to Pay for Healthier Behaviour

Younger and healthier Brits have created a $17.1 billion budget hole by smoking and drinking less. Yet, despite this resounding piece of positive news, some see any decline in tax revenues as a public finance crisis. Excise taxes target a tax base that is intended to shrink. Less consumption is a stated goal of the policy.

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Testimony: The Fiscal State of the Union

Testimony: The Fiscal State of the Union

Federal spending, deficits, and debt are at unsustainable levels. The proposed federal budget is laden with redundant programs, obsolete programs, corporate welfare, and nationalized industries. As Congress begins to craft the FY 2024 federal budget, it needs to establish a process of systematically reviewing programs and priorities.

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Mississippi business tax reform Mississippi capital improvement plan full expensing Governor Tate Reeves

Mississippi’s Capital Improvement Plan Leads in the South and Nationwide

A recently enacted bill in Mississippi made the Magnolia State only the second state in the country to make full expensing permanent. The bill joins reductions to the individual income tax and capital stock tax rates, already in progress, as model, pro-growth reforms for the region.

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2022 dividend tax rates Europe dividend income tax rates

Dividend Tax Rates in Europe, 2023

In many countries, corporate profits are subject to two layers of taxation: the corporate income tax at the entity level when the corporation earns income, and the dividend tax or capital gains tax at the individual level when that income is passed to its shareholders as either dividends or capital gains.

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Guide to property taxes Andrey Popov comp 2

Close to Home: A Short Guide to Property Taxes

As housing prices are rapidly increasing, and property tax bills along with them, the property tax has come into the spotlight in many states. The design of a state’s property tax system can affect how attractive that state is to businesses and residents.

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UK budget tax policies like UK tax reform options UK full expensing Spring Budget

Temporary Full Expensing Arrives in the UK

The UK’s adoption of full expensing is a welcome step that may generate short-run economic benefits. However, for the reform to have a meaningful effect on the UK’s international competitiveness and long-run economic performance, it must be made permanent—which the British government has said it hopes to do.

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New Mexico tax reform 2023 New Mexico omnibus tax bill business tax reform HB 547 New Mexico gross receipts tax

New Mexico’s Omnibus Tax Bill

Adopting the sound tax reforms still pending in Santa Fe is an opportunity for New Mexico to keep up with the pack or risk falling further behind.

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Chile tax reform 2023 Chile Boric business tax reform to Chile corporate tax reform

Chile Needs Pro-Growth Tax Reform

As Chile looks to the future, policymakers might want to follow the UK’s example. Policymakers should focus on growth-oriented tax policies that encourage private and foreign direct investment, savings, and entrepreneurial activity, increasing Chile’s international tax competitiveness.

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Capital Gains Tax Rates in Europe, 2023

In many countries, investment income, such as dividends and capital gains, is taxed at a different rate than wage income. Denmark levies the highest top capital gains tax of all countries covered, at a rate of 42 percent. Norway levies the second-highest top capital gains tax at 37.8 percent. Finland and France follow, at 34 percent each.

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