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Tax Expenditures, corporate and individual tax expenditures

Corporate and Individual Tax Expenditures

The elimination of tax expenditures is a popular way to pay for tax reform, but not all tax expenditures are equally worthy of elimination. It is important to ask, for each expenditure, whether it serves a reasonable purpose and whether it accomplishes that purpose in a reasonable way.

23 min read
Average Effective Tax Rate on the Top 1 Percent of U.S. Households taxes on the rich taxing the rich

Taxes on the Rich Were Not That Much Higher in the 1950s

The top 1 percent of Americans today do not face an unusually low tax burden, by historical standards. In the 1950s, when the top marginal income tax rate reached 92 percent, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an effective rate of only 16.9 percent.

4 min read