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Non-Profit Files Lawsuit over Withholding Requirements in Ohio

As work increasingly takes place in home offices, states will have to grapple with the revenue implications, and may find it necessary to adopt policies to better compete with outlying areas. Taxing people in places in which they no longer work, however, will not be the solution.

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Improved Cost Recovery Is A Wide-Ranging Policy Solution

Rather than limit improvements to certain sectors, lawmakers could pursue a broader policy of full expensing for all capital investment and neutral cost recovery for structures and clear the tax policy hurdles that currently stand in the way of private investment.

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Phase 4 Is not the Time to Experiment with Temporary Credits

As lawmakers consider returning to the tax code as a tool to revive a struggling economy with high unemployment and an unpredictable virus, they should avoid temporary changes that can be distortive in the short term and inefficient in the long term.

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State Tax Changes Effective July 1, 2020

Nineteen states had notable tax changes take effect on July 1, 2020. Pandemic-shortened sessions contributed to less—and different—activity on the tax front than is seen in most years, and will likely yield an unusually active summer and autumn, with many legislatures considering new measures during special sessions.

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Tax Policy Proposals for the German EU Presidency

While much of Germany’s EU presidency agenda is focused on policies to ensure economic stability and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a pair of tax proposals that the country is planning to develop and move forward at the EU level: a financial transaction tax and a minimum effective tax.

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Digital Tax Deadlock: Where Do We Go from Here?

We recently hosted an exclusive webinar discussion to get up to speed on recent digital tax developments and gain insight from leading international tax experts on the OECD’s BEPS project.

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Montana Voters Will Decide on Recreational Marijuana

Montana could vote to legalize and tax recreational marijuana in November, bringing in an estimated $39 million by 2025, but would the move help with short-term budget issues?

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federal government response to coronavirus, simplify next round of rebates, GAO report

GAO Report Reveals Need to Simplify Next Round of Rebates

A new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed that almost a half-million taxpayers missed their total rebate payment due to complications over disbursing funds to non-filers with eligible dependents. Administrability is just as important as rebate design and simplicity is just as important as speed.

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