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Wisconsin flat tax analysis of Wisconsin flat income tax proposal

A Flat Tax in Wisconsin Can Deliver Tax Relief for Everyone

With increases to the standard deduction, a flat tax could provide a net tax cut to taxpayers of all income levels, providing both short-term and long-term relief to taxpayers across the income spectrum. It would also simplify the tax code in ways that encourage greater investment and economic growth, particularly by ensuring that the marginal rate on small business investment is competitive with peer states.

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marijuana policy, cannabis policy, federal taxation of recreational marijuana, MORE Act tax Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act

Cannabis Taxes Back on the Ballot in 2022

While changes to federal cannabis law are slow, changes at the state level are accelerating. Recreational cannabis is on the ballot in five states this November—Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Dakota—giving voters the ability to join 19 states that have already legalized recreational marijuana.

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A carbon tax explained

A Carbon Tax, Explained

Every policy has trade-offs, but a well-designed carbon tax has the potential to protect the environment without harming consumers, jobs, or businesses.

north carolina tax competitiveness North Carolina tax reform North Carolina business tax reform

2023 State Business Tax Climate Index

While there are many ways to show how much is collected in taxes by state governments, our Index is designed to show how well states structure their tax systems by focusing on the how more than the how much in recognition of the fact that there are better and worse ways to raise revenue.

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tax university endowments or tax college endowments analysis of university endowment tax

Should We Tax University Endowments?

Taxing university endowments has gained popularity recently, partly in response to the Biden administration’s forgiveness of student loan debt. Some view it as a means of holding universities accountable for the product they’re selling. Others view it as a tool to tamp down tuition rates or punish ideological opponents. But do these arguments hold water and is an endowment tax sound policy?

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2023 tax brackets 2023 federal tax brackets 2023 federal income tax rates and brackets

2023 Tax Brackets

The IRS recently released the new inflation adjusted 2023 tax brackets and rates. Explore updated credits, deductions, and exemptions, including the standard deduction & personal exemption, Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), capital gains brackets, qualified business income deduction (199A), and the annual exclusion for gifts.

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International Rankings of Germany's Tax System. Learn more about Germany tax system.

International Tax Competitiveness Index 2022

While there are many factors that affect a country’s economic performance, taxes play an important role. A well-structured tax code is easy for taxpayers to comply with and can promote economic development while raising sufficient revenue for a government’s priorities.

41 min read
California tax increases, California tax ballot measure California Proposition 30 and California windfall profits tax proposal for California gas prices and tax on oil companies

California Can’t Give Up Tax Increases

California is no stranger to high taxes, and the state has enough going for it that its economy can withstand higher tax burdens than would be viable in other parts of the country. But there’s always a tipping point.

5 min read
Tax treatment of Social Security benefits remains a confusing matter for taxpayers Social Security cost of living adjustment Social Security tax

Tax Treatment of Social Security Benefits Remains a Confusing Matter for Taxpayers

The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced the cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security payments based on inflation over the previous year. This has brought renewed attention to how the tax code treats Social Security benefits, which can be a confusing subject for taxpayers.

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state tax inflation response like state tax rebates and tax holidays to combat inflation Federal tax collections inflation surging 2022

Inflation Is Surging, So Are Federal Tax Collections

Federal tax collections are approaching the highest levels in U.S. history set during World War II and again during the dot-com bubble in 2000. Meanwhile, federal spending in FY 2022 was over 25 percent of GDP—a level only exceeded during the height of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and during World War II.

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Taxes and interstate migration data from IRS and Census state migration trends show Americans moving to low-tax states

How Do Taxes Affect Interstate Migration?

IRS and Census data show that people and businesses favor states with low and structurally sound tax systems, which can impact the state’s economic growth and governmental coffers.

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