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Republican budget tax proposals RSC budget Republican Study Committee budget House Democrats tax increases in historical context Build Back Better Act Federal tax expenditures CARES Act Weighing the Benefits of Permitting Business Credit Cashouts in Phase 4 Economic Relief

Weighing the Benefits of Permitting Business Credit Cashouts in Phase 4 Economic Relief

As lawmakers explore options for “Phase 4” coronavirus relief legislation, one idea that has received renewed attention is allowing businesses to cash out business tax credits. This proposal would be strengthened by also permitting acceleration of firms’ accrued net operating loss (NOL) deductions and designing the proposal so that firms can quickly convert these tax assets into cash.

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International Rankings of Germany's Tax System. Learn more about Germany tax system.

Germany Adopts a Temporary VAT Cut

Tax policy responses to the pandemic should be designed to provide immediate support while paving the way to recovery. A temporary VAT rate cut in the context of an inefficient VAT system is likely to deliver mixed results at best.

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Washington State capital gains tax Washington capital gains tax proposal head tax Washington state ballot measures, 2019 Washington state tax voting issues, Washington state tax ballot measures november election 2019

Seattle Officials Return with New Proposal for Taxing Employment

Seattle’s city council are again gearing up for an effort to increase taxes on the city’s largest employers, intended to generate revenue for cash assistance to low-income households impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, among other reasons.

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cost recovery expensing capital allowances factory

Inefficiencies Created by the Tax System’s Dependence on Economic Depreciation

One idea that would help the nation’s economic recovery during the coronavirus crisis would be moving to full expensing of capital investment. The depreciation debate might seem confusing, so the question at hand is: how, when, and by what amount can businesses recognize (or recover) the cost of a capital investment, like a piece of equipment or a new warehouse, on their income tax return?

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New Jersey Considers Bonds Paid for by Statewide Property Tax

As New Jersey lawmakers grapple with reduced revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, they have turned to an unusual solution: the issuance of bonds that would be repaid, if necessary, through temporarily higher sales and property taxes.

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Sports betting tax treatment of sports betting operators and gross gaming revenue

Sports Betting Will Not Solve State Budget Crises

The pandemic has left states in dire straits financially and lawmakers are getting creative in their pursuit of new revenue sources. However, it’s unlikely that revenue from sports betting will have any meaningful impact on budget shortfalls

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Watch: Taxing the Digital Economy

What changed in the global economy that disrupted traditional means of taxation? Is it worth finding a way to include tax digital goods and services in the tax base? Why are digital services taxes so problematic? Are there better options—ways to adapt our current system without introducing complex and economically harmful policies?

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US EU tax trade cooperation inflation reduction act eu us trade representative, USTR trade probe digital taxes, tariffs, section 301 digital tax

The U.S. Trade Representative Expands Its Digital Services Tax Investigations

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) expanded its digital service tax investigations, announcing Section 301 investigations into digital tax policies in nine countries and the European Union. The announcement follows an investigation of the French digital services tax that was completed in 2019, after which the USTR threatened significant #tariffs in retaliation against France.

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New York Tax, New York data tax, New York tax on data,

New York Lawmakers Float New Data Tax Proposal

Taxes on digital services, digital advertising, and the sale or utilization of consumer data, which were already emerging before the #coronavirus crisis, look increasingly attractive to cash-strapped states and localities.

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Watch: Economic Recovery After Coronavirus

What are the best tax policies to encourage a smooth transition and strong economic recovery? How should goals of economic recovery and growth be balanced with revenue needs?

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Digital tax debate, Digital taxes around the world, Digital economy taxes

Digital Taxation Around the World

The digitalization of the economy has been a key focus of tax debates in recent years. Our new report reviews digital tax policies around the world with a focus on OECD countries, explores the various flaws and benefits associated with the wide set of proposals, and provides recommendations for lawmakers to consider.

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EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CBAM EU carbon border tax (EU carbon tax or carbon tariff)

EU: The Next Generation

The European Commission announced new budget plans including loans, grants, and some revenue offsets. The proposals follow other support mechanisms for workers and businesses that were designed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and economic shutdown.

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