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2022 State Population Change 2022 state migration trends. Americans moving to low-tax states united van lines u-haul census data

Americans Moved to Low-Tax States in 2022

The pandemic has accelerated changes to the way we live and work, making it far easier for people to move—and they have. As states work to maintain their competitive advantage, they should pay attention to where people are moving, and try to understand why.

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Taxes in Everything: Die Hard Edition

It’s Christmas time, and for millions of families around the country, that means revisiting some classic holiday movies. For some, that includes It’s a Wonderful Life and Home Alone. For others, that includes Die Hard.

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2023 State Tax Changes as of January 1, 2023, Comprehensive guide to 2020 tax changes and 2020 state tax changes

State Tax Changes Taking Effect January 1, 2023

Most of the 2023 state tax changes represent net tax reductions, the result of an unprecedented wave of rate reductions and other tax cuts in the past two years as states respond to burgeoning revenues, greater tax competition in an era of enhanced mobility, and the impact of high inflation on residents.

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Digital Services Taxes: Is There an End in Sight?

As it stands, Pillar One would usher in the end of many digital services taxes (though perhaps not all) at the cost of increased complexity (in an already complex and uncertain system).

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All I Want for Christmas is EU: Understanding Tax Policy in Brussels

When it comes to international economic competition, people often frame the argument as the U.S. versus China. But across the Atlantic, nation-states in the European Union have been working hard to show the world that they deserve to be considered an economic force. Rising up to this challenge for the EU is easier said than done.

The Efficiency of State and Local Tax Administration of Local Taxes including Local Sales Taxes and Local Tourism Taxes

The Efficiency of State Administration of Local Taxes

The logic that has prevailed for local sales taxes should apply equally to other taxes that localities impose on multijurisdictional businesses, including local tourism taxes. The evidence is clear that central administration of local taxes reduces compliance costs without sacrificing local revenue.

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Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2022

A new report shows that corporate tax rates around the world continue to level off. “We aren’t seeing a race to the bottom, we’re seeing a race toward the middle,” said Sean Bray, EU policy analyst at the Tax Foundation.

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Chile’s Tax Reform Heads in the Wrong Direction

As Chile looks to the future, the accelerated deductions for capital investment costs should be extended and made permanent while unnecessary tax hikes on individuals and capital should be avoided. Policymakers should focus on growth-oriented tax policy that encourages investment, savings, and entrepreneurial activity, increasing Chile’s international tax competitiveness.

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Tariffs are taxes

Tariffs Are Taxes Too

Even though tariffs are invisible, their effects clearly are not. They might be sold as a tool to strengthen the economy, but tariffs are just taxes that make everyone worse off.

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The Future of Tobacco Taxation in Europe

Later this week, the European Union is expected to release a new Tobacco Tax Directive, the first update in more than a decade. Early reports indicate that the EU will propose a significant increase to the existing minimum cigarette tax rates levied across the Union and expand the product categories that are taxed, including a block-wide vaping tax.

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A Tale of Two Tax Plans in the United Kingdom

History is clear. Lowering budget deficits via spending restraint frees resources for additional private output and jobs. Lowering them by raising taxes on business investment and labor services makes it harder to dis-inflate without a recession.

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