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Extended Producer Responsibility EPR Tax Policies

Extended Producer Responsibility

Growing levels of waste and pollution, paired with increasing burdens on taxpayers to address environmental problems, have spurned policymakers in the US and abroad to encourage producers to be responsible, either financially or operationally, for the end-life of their products.

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Real property taxes in Europe property tax rates 2024

Real Property Taxes in Europe, 2024

High property taxes levied not only on land but also on buildings and structures can discourage investment in infrastructure, which businesses would have to pay additional tax on.

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Why is corporate tax important? Corporate tax rate effect and impact on workers

Why Should I Care About the Corporate Tax Rate?

Smart tax policy takes into account how policy changes impact real people. Understanding who bears the burden of the corporate tax and the effects of a higher rate are essential to sound policymaking.

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Bob Stack Unpacks US Challenges in Global Tax

Bob Stack Unpacks US Challenges in Global Tax

Bob Stack, an international tax expert, explores the implications of the EU’s adoption of Pillar Two and the potential for streamlining overlapping policies. He also addresses the issues that the US faces in global tax policy with the upcoming elections.

Online sports betting tax rates by state 2024

Online Sports Betting Taxes by State, 2024

Legal sports betting has grown rapidly since the Supreme Court granted states the ability to establish online sports betting markets in Murphy vs. NCAA in 2018.

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2024 state and local tax ballot measures details analysis and tax ballot measure results

State Tax Ballot Measures to Watch in 2024

Taxes are on the ballot this November—not just in the sense that candidates at all levels are offering their visions for tax policy, but also in the literal sense that voters in some states will get to decide important questions about how their states raise revenue.

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Donald Trump tax plan 2024

Donald Trump Tax Plan Ideas: Details & Analysis

Our estimates illustrate that Trump’s proposed tariffs threaten to offset the economic benefits of his proposed tax policy changes, while falling short of offsetting the tax revenue losses.

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Kamala Harris Tax Plan and Proposals 2024 Analysis

Kamala Harris Tax Plan Ideas: Details and Analysis

On tax policy, Harris carries forward much of President Biden’s FY 2025 budget, including higher taxes aimed at businesses and high earners. She would also further expand the child tax credit (CTC) and various other tax credits and incentives while exempting tips from income tax.  

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Neutral Cost Recovery for Structures Reform TCJA

Why Neutral Cost Recovery Matters

Allowing full deductibility of residential structures would mean more housing construction, particularly multifamily housing—a practical solution to address housing affordability challenges.

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