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High-income taxpayers earn the majority of pass-through income pass-through business pass-through businesses

Pass-Through Businesses Q&A

Pass-through businesses are the dominant business structure in America. Pass throughs file more tax returns and report more business income than C corporations. Pass-through businesses are not subject to the corporate income tax, but instead report their income on the individual income tax returns of owners. This blog will address some frequently asked questions about pass-through structure and taxation.

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A Property Tax is a Wealth Tax, but…

Warren’s comparison between the property tax and her proposed wealth tax makes a good sales pitch. However, there are important differences between the taxes. By no means is the property tax in many jurisdictions perfect, but it is generally better structured than a wealth tax.

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Less than one percent of businesses employ almost half of the private sector workforce, business employment, employment and taxes

Firm Variation by Employment and Taxes

Less than one percent of businesses employ almost half of the private sector workforce. Large companies pay 89% of corporate income taxes in the United States.

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