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Arkansas Tax Reform, Arkansas Phase 3 Arkansas Individual income tax cuts Phase Three

Corporate Tax Reform Comes to Arkansas

Arkansas’s Senate Bill 576 would overhaul the state’s corporate income tax code and dramatically increase its competitiveness from 46th to 44th nationally.

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OECD Secretariat Proposal, OECD Public Consultation Document, Unified Approach under pillar one

What’s up with Being GILTI?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes to the way U.S. multinationals’ foreign profits are taxed. GILTI, or “Global Intangible Low Tax Income,” was introduced as an outbound anti-base erosion provision.

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Testimony: Temporary Policy in the Federal Tax Code

Tax policy can increase the size of the economy by having a positive impact on the incentives to work and invest. However, when tax policy is temporary or retroactive, these positive effects are muted, and policies do not effectively incentivize the intended activity.

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Tax Foundation Response to OECD Public Consultation Document: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy, OECD, digital economy tax, OECD public consultation

Tax Foundation Response to OECD Public Consultation Document: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy

Though the challenges to international tax policy are many, the OECD has a chance to work toward a system that creates fewer distortions and negative economic effects than the current one. However, given the policies on the table, it will certainly take quite an effort to avoid further complexity of international tax rules that creates challenges to global trade and economic prosperity.

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GILTI global minimum tax Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

What Happens When Everyone is GILTI?

Secretary Mnuchin, Finance Minister Le Maire, and other tax policy leaders should encourage the OECD and their own research staff to perform serious economic analysis on the alternatives for changing international tax rules before moving forward. It would be quite unfortunate for the world to learn the wrong lessons from U.S. tax reform.

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