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Nebraska income tax reform and Nebraska tax relief pro-growth tax modernization in nebraska Nebraska Tax Modernization A Key to Economic Recovery and Growth in Nebraska

Thirteen Priorities for Pro-Growth Tax Modernization in Nebraska

We identify 13 of the highest tax reform priorities Nebraska policymakers should consider in their effort to create a more growth-friendly tax code. We also offer a sample comprehensive tax reform plan to show one way policymakers could begin tackling these objectives over the next couple legislative sessions, with further progress to be made in the years ahead.

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VAT revenues declined in 2020. VAT rates and VAT revenues amid the coronavirus pandemic. VAT covid analysis

Value-added Taxes in the Pandemic

Many governments have chosen to use VAT as a tool to provide tax relief for consumption in various sectors throughout the pandemic, but in the long term, VAT should not be used as a tool for relief.

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Small Town Main Street Small Business, Wisconsin ppp loans taxes

Wisconsin’s PPP Loan Recipients Face Hundreds of Millions in Surprise Taxes

Unless the legislature acts, businesses that have received PPP loans and related federal assistance will face $457 million in state taxes through 2024—with more than half of those taxes coming due this spring—despite Wisconsin being on track to see continued general fund revenue growth even amid the pandemic.

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Value-added taxes (VAT) make up approximately one-fifth of total tax revenues in Europe. Actionable VAT Policy Gap in Europe

Actionable VAT Policy Gap in Europe

Value-added taxes (VAT) make up approximately one-fifth of total tax revenues in Europe. However, European countries differ significantly in how efficiently they raise VAT revenues. One way to measure a country’s VAT efficiency is the VAT Gap.

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act offshoring OECD BEPS project, OECD consultation document, OECD multinationals, Consumption tax policies in OECD countries, Consumption taxes in OECD countries

Consumption Tax Policies in OECD Countries

Despite the potential of consumption taxes as a neutral and efficient source of tax revenues, many governments have implemented policies that are unduly complex and have poorly designed tax bases that exclude many goods or services from taxation, or tax them at reduced rates.

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Carbon tax revenue to grow economy, Using carbon tax revenue to address post-Covid economic recovery, carbon tax economic recovery

Using Carbon Tax Revenue to Grow the Economy

The economy and climate change are two challenges the Biden administration has identified as priorities. One way to address both issues at the same time is to enact a carbon tax to discourage carbon emissions, and to use the resulting carbon tax revenue to lower—or in the case of the TCJA’s individual provisions, avoid increases of—other, more distortive, types of taxes. This would not only address the challenges of climate change but also support the economy.

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Janet Yellen Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen Treasury testimony confirmation testimony and hearing

5 Observations on Janet Yellen’s Recent Confirmation Testimony

In her recent confirmation hearing, economist Janet Yellen, President Biden’s choice for Treasury Secretary, sought to reassure markets that the new administration would not raise corporate taxes until the economy improves. At the same time, however, she sent a troubling signal that when they do push for higher corporate tax rates, they would do so in coordination with other countries so that the U.S. doesn’t lose its competitive edge.

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R&D tax incentives, Research and development tax incentives, R&D tax subsidies and R&D tax subsidy policies in Europe

Tax Subsidies for R&D Expenditures in Europe, 2021

Many countries incentivize business investment in research and development (R&D), intending to foster innovation. A common approach is to provide direct government funding for R&D activity. However, a significant number of jurisdictions also offer R&D tax incentives.

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How much does your state rely on property taxes? Compare 2021 state property taxes and 2021 property taxes by state. State property tax reliance map. Revenue through property taxes

To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Property Taxes?

New Hampshire and Alaska rely most heavily on property taxes. Neither have individual income taxes, and in New Hampshire, significant government authority often vested in state government is devolved to the local level, where services are overwhelmingly funded by property taxes.

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controlled foreign corporation rules

Day 2 of OECD Consultation on International Tax Reform Blueprints

The OECD consultation is in the context of the Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting which is made up of delegates from more than 135 countries and is focused on policies that reduce opportunities for tax avoidance by multinational companies. The current proposals being considered would change both where and how much companies pay in corporate taxes.

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act offshoring OECD BEPS project, OECD consultation document, OECD multinationals, Consumption tax policies in OECD countries, Consumption taxes in OECD countries

Day 1 of OECD Consultation on International Tax Reform Blueprints

The first session was focused on Pillar 1 of the OECD proposal. The pieces in Pillar 1 would change tax rules so that companies would be paying more taxes in countries based on the location of customers. This approach would move more tax revenues into so-called “market countries.”

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Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income in Europe, Top Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income Distributed as Dividends in European OECD Countries, 2020

Integrated Tax Rates on Corporate Income in Europe

The integrated tax rate on corporate income reflects both the corporate income tax and the dividends or capital gains tax—the total tax levied on corporate income. For dividends, Ireland’s top integrated tax rate was highest among European OECD countries, followed by France and Denmark

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How Corporate Income is Taxed Twice Double Taxation of Corporate Income in the United States and the OECD savings and investment OECD capital gains tax retirement accounts stock

Double Taxation of Corporate Income in the United States and the OECD

Biden’s proposal to increase the corporate income tax rate and to tax long-term capital gains and qualified dividends at ordinary income tax rates would increase the top integrated tax rate above pre-TCJA levels, making it the highest in the OECD and undercutting American economic competitiveness.

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Where Did Americans Move in 2020?

States compete with each other in a variety of ways, including in attracting (and retaining) residents. Sustained periods of inbound migration lead to (and reflect) greater economic output and growth. Prolonged periods of net outbound migration, however, can strain state coffers, contributing to revenue declines as economic activity and tax revenue follow individuals out of state.

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Several States Considering Legal Recreational Marijuana

With most states experiencing reduced tax revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, several are contemplating whether recreational marijuana legalization and taxation may be one avenue to raise new revenue. While states that have already legalized do raise meaningful revenue, lawmakers should remember that establishment of legal markets takes time.

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How Expensing for Capital Investment Can Accelerate the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

Expensing for capital investments is a powerful tax policy for economic growth. But expensing can also help shift the economy to a more sustainable future through increased investment in new, less carbon-intensive technology. Expensing for capital investment would eliminate a tax bias against energy efficiency improvements that reduce operating costs but involve high upfront investments. It could also serve to accelerate the existing trend of movement towards more green energy power sources.

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Digital tax debate, Digital taxes around the world, Digital economy taxes

Digital Services Taxes

Over the last several years, policymakers in countries around the world have groped for new ways to tax e-commerce, social media, cloud-based, and other online businesses, in some cases stoking major international trade disputes in the process. In this episode of The Deduction, we explore the “digital services tax” (DST), one new and increasingly popular policy designed to address the digital economy.

2021 Value-Added Tax Rates in Europe, 2021 VAT rates in Europe

VAT Rates in Europe, 2021

More than 140 countries worldwide—including all European countries—levy a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services.

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