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UK taxes, UK tax reform 2021 UK tax reform British tax reform, 2021 UK budget

Brits to Prepare for Tax Reforms

Tax hikes or spending cuts implemented early in the year might undermine the desirable rapid recovery of the economy. The UK should focus on implementing tax reforms that have the potential to stimulate economic recovery by supporting business investment and employment while increasing its international tax competitiveness.

4 min read
PA tax increase, PA income tax proposal Governor Wolf Gov. Wolf PA income tax increase Pennsylvania tax increase proposal

A $6 Billion Tax Increase Proposal in Pennsylvania Would Yield the Nation’s Highest Combined Flat-Rate Income Taxes

Under the budget introduced by Gov. Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania’s flat personal income tax rate would increase by 46 percent, partially offset by an outsized increase in the poverty credit, which would see a family of four eligible for partial relief due to poverty until they reached $100,000 in taxable income—four times the poverty line.

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PPP state tax PPP loan forgiveness. State tax treatment of PPP loans. States tax forgiven PPP loans August 23 2021

Which States Are Taxing Forgiven PPP Loans?

Congress chose to exempt forgiven Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans from federal income taxation. Many states, however, remain on track to tax them by either treating forgiven loans as taxable income, denying the deduction for expenses paid for using forgiven loans, or both.

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Individual Taxes Are the Most Important Tax Revenue Source for the United States Sources of Tax Revenue in the United States US tax revenue, governmetn revenue in the US, US federal tax revenue 2021

Sources of U.S. Tax Revenue by Tax Type, 2021 Update

In the United States, individual income taxes (federal, state, and local) are the primary source of tax revenue, at 41.5 percent of total tax revenue. Social insurance taxes make up the second-largest share, at 24.9 percent, followed by consumption taxes, at 17.6 percent, and property taxes, at 12.1 percent.

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism EU CBAM carbon price carbon tariffs US global minimum tax US tax incentives Build Back Better tax rate on gilti Global Intangible Low Tax Income (GILTI) Global intangible low-taxed income US cross-border tax reform and GILTI Global Intangible Low Tax Income. Foreign tax credits

U.S. Cross-border Tax Reform and the Cautionary Tale of GILTI

The Biden campaign and Senate Democrats identified changes to GILTI that would increase the taxes U.S. companies pay on their foreign earnings. Rather than tacking on changes to a system that is currently neither fully territorial nor worldwide, policymakers should evaluate the structure of the current system with a goal of it becoming more, not less, coherent.

51 min read
Reliance on corporate tax revenue in Europe 2021 reliance on corporate income taxes in Europe how much do countries in europe rely on corporate income taxes? revenue from corporate income

Reliance on Corporate Income Tax Revenue in Europe

Despite declining corporate income tax rates over the last 30 years in Europe (and other parts of the world), average revenue from corporate income taxes as a share of total tax revenue has not changed significantly compared to 1990.

1 min read
Canada's Provinces Collect Almost the Same Amount of Revenue as Its Central Government Sources of OECD Tax Revenue by Level of Government, 2019, Sources of tax revenue in the OECD tax revenue

Sources of Government Revenue in the OECD, 2021 Update

Developed countries have on average become more reliant on consumption taxes and less reliant on individual income taxes. These policy changes matter, considering that consumption-based taxes raise revenue with less distortionary effects than taxes on income.

16 min read
International tax rules, International Tax rules House Democrats' covid-19 relief proposal

An “Interest”ing Tax Hike in the COVID-19 Relief Proposal

As the House Ways and Means Committee continues working on the latest round of fiscal relief amid the pandemic, one curious provision in the legislation is a tax hike on multinational companies. One section of the legislation would repeal a provision in current law that allows U.S. multinationals to choose to allocate their interest costs on a worldwide basis (more on that in a moment).

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Maryland sales tax hike on businesses proposed by state lawmakers

Maryland’s Digital Advertising Tax Is Unworkably Vague

In addition to its economic impact on Maryland businesses and the likelihood of serious legal challenges, Maryland’s proposed digital advertising tax is incredibly vague on vital definitions, creating uncertainty about where revenue is sourced and when it is subject to the tax.

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Maryland digital advertising tax litigation internet tax, Maryland digital ad tax, Maryland tax increases and Maryland tax proposals 2021

Tax-A-Rama in Maryland

The potential override of Gov. Larry Hogan’s (R) veto of a digital advertising tax (HB732) looms large over the current legislative session in Maryland, though it is only one of many tax proposals under consideration in the state.

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What are tariffs? who bears the burden of tariffs?

Understanding Tariffs

Depending on your perspective, tariffs are either a great way to tax countries like China for their protectionist trade policies or they are a big reason why all those imported toys, clothing and holiday gifts cost more than you expected. You’ll learn what tariffs are, how they function, and how they can impact the domestic U.S. economy.

American Rescue Plan state tax cuts Treasury clarification Biden international tax team, US treasury biden international tax appointees, Assistant Secretary in the Office of Tax Policy, Tax Policy as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Tax, Kimberly Clausing, Rebecca Kysar and Itai Grinberg.

Personnel Is Policy: Biden International Tax Team Edition

This week, the Treasury Department added several new appointees as staffing continues following President Biden’s inauguration. Among them were three scholars of international tax policy: economist Kimberly Clausing and law professors Rebecca Kysar and Itai Grinberg. These three will be influential in developing the administration’s approach to changing U.S. tax rules for multinational corporations and negotiating international tax policy changes at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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EU tax research The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy EU digital levy

The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy

The consultation on the EU’s digital levy provides an opportunity for policymakers and taxpayers to reflect on the underlying issues of digital taxation and potential consequences from a digital levy. Unless the EU digital levy is designed with an OECD agreement in mind, it is likely to cause more uncertainty in cross-border tax policy.

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2021 state corporate income tax rates and brackets. 2021 state corporate tax rates. What are the state corporate tax rates for 2021? Which state has the lowest corporate tax rate? Lowest state corporate tax rate

State Corporate Income Tax Rates and Brackets, 2021

North Carolina’s 2.5 percent corporate tax rate is the lowest in the country, followed by Missouri (4 percent) and North Dakota (4.31 percent). Seven other states impose top rates at or below 5 percent: Florida (4.458 percent), Colorado (4.55 percent), Arizona (4.9 percent), Utah (4.95 percent), and Kentucky, Mississippi, and South Carolina (5 percent).

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