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State Tax Trends

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2023 Missouri tax reform proposals and Missouri income tax reform including corporate income tax rate reductions

Missouri Tax Package Would Set State Up for Success

Accelerating its current individual income tax triggers and setting up the corporate income tax for eventual elimination would increase Missouri’s attractiveness among states at a time when businesses are increasingly mobile and tax competition matters more than ever.

4 min read
North Dakota income tax reform including North Dakota tax reform proposals like a flat income tax

North Dakota’s Path to a Flat Individual Income Tax

Crafting a hybrid bill for a low, flat rate on a broad base—with well-designed revenue triggers to responsibly reduce rates in the future—could be an ideal way forward for the North Dakota Senate.

7 min read
West Virginia tax relief plan includes Governor Justice tax cut and West Virginia tax reform proposals

West Virginia Lawmakers Reach Deal on Tax Relief

In a day and age when businesses and individuals alike are increasingly mobile, West Virginians can be relieved that their state is getting off the sideline and into the action.

4 min read
Tennessee business tax reform and Tennessee sales tax holiday

Tennessee Looking Toward Pro-Growth Change in 2023

With other states upping their game to attract ever-more-mobile people and businesses, lawmakers and the governor are not content to leave Tennessee’s business taxes in their current, uncompetitive form.

7 min read
latest state tax trends and state tax cuts include responsible state income tax relief in 2024

There’s Still Room for Responsible State Income Tax Relief in 2023

Forty-three states adopted tax relief in 2021 or 2022—often in both years—and of those, 21 cut state income tax rates. It’s been a remarkable trend, driven by robust state revenues and an increasingly competitive tax environment.

4 min read
Analysis of West Virginia tax reform options including West Virginia income tax relief and property tax reform

West Virginia Is Being Left Behind on Tax Relief

West Virginia is one of only seven states that hasn’t offered any significant tax relief since 2021—and five of the other six forgo an individual income tax.

6 min read
Adobe Stock, Robert Hainer

Georgia Should Reinforce Its Tax Reform Intentions

By shifting to a flat income tax, Georgia has already made an important commitment to tax competitiveness. Although the state’s top rate threshold is already very low, a true single-rate income tax will help protect taxpayers from inflation-related tax increases and provide a buffer against rising tax rates in the future. To combine responsible rate reductions with these benefits, Georgia should create tax triggers that empower the state to keep pace with its competition.

3 min read
2023 State Tax Changes as of January 1, 2023, Comprehensive guide to 2020 tax changes and 2020 state tax changes

State Tax Changes Taking Effect January 1, 2023

Most of the 2023 state tax changes represent net tax reductions, the result of an unprecedented wave of rate reductions and other tax cuts in the past two years as states respond to burgeoning revenues, greater tax competition in an era of enhanced mobility, and the impact of high inflation on residents.

20 min read
State reciprocity agreements including state income tax reciprocity agreements

Do Unto Others: The Case for State Income Tax Reciprocity

Remote and flexible work opportunities are here to stay, whether states like it or not. With enhanced opportunities to take their job with them wherever they please, more workers can factor tax burdens into their decision of where to live.

15 min read
Wisconsin flat tax analysis of Wisconsin flat income tax proposal

A Flat Tax in Wisconsin Can Deliver Tax Relief for Everyone

With increases to the standard deduction, a flat tax could provide a net tax cut to taxpayers of all income levels, providing both short-term and long-term relief to taxpayers across the income spectrum. It would also simplify the tax code in ways that encourage greater investment and economic growth, particularly by ensuring that the marginal rate on small business investment is competitive with peer states.

4 min read
State and local tax collections, state and local tax revenue by state taxes by state Unpacking the State and Local Tax Toolkit: Sources of State and Local Tax Collections (FY 2020)

Unpacking the State and Local Tax Toolkit

Maine has blueberry taxes. Alabama has mosquito taxes. Each state and county has its tax quirks. But when state and local governments want to raise revenues, there are four key taxes they turn to.

Idaho flat income tax reform Idaho flat tax Idaho income tax reform Idaho to Consider Flat Tax in Special Session

Idaho to Consider Flat Income Tax in Special Session

As Idaho attempts to further solidify its position as a growth-oriented, taxpayer-friendly state this special session, other states should look to its example and pursue similar reforms.

6 min read
Kansas tax cuts what about kansas tax experiment (kansas experiment about brownback tax cuts)

Two Dozen States Show Why the Kansas Critique of Income Tax Cuts Is Mistaken

The Kansas experience is so infamous that “what about Kansas?” is almost guaranteed to be a question—sometimes as a retort, but often a genuine expression of concern—any time any state explores tax relief. But what about the other two dozen states that have cut their income taxes since then?

6 min read