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Property Taxes by State and County, 2025

9 min readBy: Andrey Yushkov

Property taxes are the primary tool for financing local governments. In fiscal year 2022, property taxes comprised 27.4 percent of total state and local taxA tax is a mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national governments from individuals or businesses to cover the costs of general government services, goods, and activities. collections in the United States, more than any other source of tax revenue, despite being levied almost exclusively at the local (not state) level. Local governments rely heavily on property taxes to fund schools, roads, police departments, fire and emergency medical services, and other services associated with residency and property ownership. Property taxes accounted for 70.2 percent of local tax collections in fiscal year 2022.

Some states with high property taxes, like New Hampshire and Texas, rely heavily on them in lieu of other major tax categories. This often involves greater devolution of authority to local governments, which are responsible for more government services than they are in states with greater reliance on state-level revenues like income or sales taxes. Other states, like New Jersey and Illinois, impose high property taxes alongside high rates in the other major tax categories.

While no taxpayers in high-tax jurisdictions will be celebrating their yearly payments, property taxes are largely rooted in the benefit principle of taxation: the people paying the property taxA property tax is primarily levied on immovable property like land and buildings, as well as on tangible personal property that is movable, like vehicles and equipment. Property taxes are the single largest source of state and local revenue in the U.S. and help fund schools, roads, police, and other services. bills are most often the ones benefiting from the services (think about K-12 education, local surface roads, police and fire service, and parks). As Joan Youngman argues, a well-designed property tax, despite being the target of frequent political attacks, can be considered a good tax since it is usually transparent, simple, and stable, satisfying most of the principles of sound tax policy. Property taxes also tend to be more economically efficient than alternative sources of tax revenue.

Because property taxes are almost invariably levied locally, and millages (rates) are not directly comparable with each other across states, providing a useful state-level comparison can be difficult. In an effort to present a multifaceted view, we feature two maps focused on the property tax. The first looks at median property tax bills and effective property tax rates in each county in the United States, and the second compares effective tax rates across states.

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Table 1. Property Taxes by County

Median Property Taxes Paid by County, 2023 (5-year estimate)
StateCountyMedian Housing Value, 2023 ($)Median Property Taxes Paid, 2023 ($)(5-Year Estimate)Effective Property Tax Rate (2023)
AlabamaAutauga County197900 564 0.2850%
AlabamaBaldwin County287000 881 0.3070%
AlabamaBarbour County109900 415 0.3776%
AlabamaBibb County132600 271 0.2044%
AlabamaBlount County169700 508 0.2994%
AlabamaBullock County79400 309 0.3892%
AlabamaButler County99700 342 0.3430%
AlabamaCalhoun County149500 610 0.4080%
AlabamaChambers County129700 496 0.3824%
AlabamaCherokee County165900 643 0.3876%
AlabamaChilton County142300 478 0.3359%
AlabamaChoctaw County111800 199 0.1780%
AlabamaClarke County126400 388 0.3070%
AlabamaClay County144700 326 0.2253%
AlabamaCleburne County144200 417 0.2892%
AlabamaCoffee County180300 615 0.3411%
AlabamaColbert County161600 604 0.3738%
AlabamaConecuh County101300 328 0.3238%
AlabamaCoosa County111800 303 0.2710%
AlabamaCovington County142500 358 0.2512%
AlabamaCrenshaw County108400 347 0.3201%
AlabamaCullman County180500 457 0.2532%
AlabamaDale County129100 426 0.3300%
AlabamaDallas County97400 413 0.4240%
AlabamaDeKalb County135500 458 0.3380%
AlabamaElmore County213600 563 0.2636%
AlabamaEscambia County122700 485 0.3953%
AlabamaEtowah County160600 585 0.3643%
AlabamaFayette County121200 347 0.2863%
AlabamaFranklin County128000 432 0.3375%
AlabamaGeneva County120200 382 0.3178%
AlabamaGreene County86400 422 0.4884%
AlabamaHale County126300 406 0.3215%
AlabamaHenry County147800 506 0.3424%
AlabamaHouston County178000 534 0.3000%
AlabamaJackson County145800 449 0.3080%
AlabamaJefferson County224900 1,340 0.5958%
AlabamaLamar County112700 245 0.2174%
AlabamaLauderdale County185800 697 0.3751%
AlabamaLawrence County150700 459 0.3046%
AlabamaLee County238700 1,183 0.4956%
AlabamaLimestone County255100 782 0.3065%
AlabamaLowndes County80600 329 0.4082%
AlabamaMacon County95700 468 0.4890%
AlabamaMadison County267800 1,081 0.4037%
AlabamaMarengo County103400 397 0.3839%
AlabamaMarion County104300 308 0.2953%
AlabamaMarshall County183400 699 0.3811%
AlabamaMobile County176600 849 0.4807%
AlabamaMonroe County114900 362 0.3151%
AlabamaMontgomery County160100 598 0.3735%
AlabamaMorgan County193000 674 0.3492%
AlabamaPerry County87700 325 0.3706%
AlabamaPickens County123300 356 0.2887%
AlabamaPike County149000 403 0.2705%
AlabamaRandolph County184000 412 0.2239%
AlabamaRussell County152300 631 0.4143%
AlabamaSt. Clair County218500 666 0.3048%
AlabamaShelby County298700 1,343 0.4496%
AlabamaSumter County84100 297 0.3532%
AlabamaTalladega County137900 509 0.3691%
AlabamaTallapoosa County144800 450 0.3108%
AlabamaTuscaloosa County233700 754 0.3226%
AlabamaWalker County131100 357 0.2723%
AlabamaWashington County152800 357 0.2336%
AlabamaWilcox County84200 309 0.3670%
AlabamaWinston County110500 363 0.3285%
AlaskaAleutians East Borough144300
AlaskaAleutians West Census Area419100 2,969 0.7084%
AlaskaAnchorage Municipality375900 4,865 1.2942%
AlaskaBethel Census Area120600
AlaskaBristol Bay Borough269800 1,933 0.7165%
AlaskaChugach Census Area330900 3,033 0.9166%
AlaskaCopper River Census Area246700 199 0.0807%
AlaskaDenali Borough262000
AlaskaDillingham Census Area163800 2,875 1.7552%
AlaskaFairbanks North Star Borough282500 3,570 1.2637%
AlaskaHaines Borough318900 2,558 0.8021%
AlaskaHoonah-Angoon Census Area278300 1,159 0.4165%
AlaskaJuneau City and Borough432500 4,039 0.9339%
AlaskaKenai Peninsula Borough297500 1,974 0.6635%
AlaskaKetchikan Gateway Borough379000 2,588 0.6828%
AlaskaKodiak Island Borough382700 3,509 0.9169%
AlaskaKusilvak Census Area72700 199 0.2737%
AlaskaLake and Peninsula Borough166100
AlaskaMatanuska-Susitna Borough319200 3,512 1.1003%
AlaskaNome Census Area201000 3,110 1.5473%
AlaskaNorth Slope Borough219600 2,082 0.9481%
AlaskaNorthwest Arctic Borough162500 199 0.1225%
AlaskaPetersburg Borough301300 2,066 0.6857%
AlaskaPrince of Wales-Hyder Census Area221800 1,043 0.4702%
AlaskaSitka City and Borough442100 2,086 0.4718%
AlaskaSkagway Municipality430000 1,472 0.3423%
AlaskaSoutheast Fairbanks Census Area262800 1,871 0.7119%
AlaskaWrangell City and Borough289700 1,795 0.6196%
AlaskaYakutat City and Borough185000 1,410 0.7622%
AlaskaYukon-Koyukuk Census Area87800 757 0.8622%
ArizonaApache County68500 574 0.8380%
ArizonaCochise County207400 1,325 0.6389%
ArizonaCoconino County413200 2,008 0.4860%
ArizonaGila County247000 1,331 0.5389%
ArizonaGraham County202700 1,094 0.5397%
ArizonaGreenlee County136300 489 0.3588%
ArizonaLa Paz County117600 831 0.7066%
ArizonaMaricopa County414700 1,965 0.4738%
ArizonaMohave County253200 1,229 0.4854%
ArizonaNavajo County186100 1,126 0.6051%
ArizonaPima County286900 2,248 0.7835%
ArizonaPinal County312100 1,615 0.5175%
ArizonaSanta Cruz County216100 1,387 0.6418%
ArizonaYavapai County392900 1,734 0.4413%
ArizonaYuma County195700 1,281 0.6546%
ArkansasArkansas County129400 722 0.5580%
ArkansasAshley County88800 542 0.6104%
ArkansasBaxter County165400 765 0.4625%
ArkansasBenton County285100 1,731 0.6072%
ArkansasBoone County169300 904 0.5340%
ArkansasBradley County97000 544 0.5608%
ArkansasCalhoun County97300 485 0.4985%
ArkansasCarroll County186300 980 0.5260%
ArkansasChicot County90500 494 0.5459%
ArkansasClark County147100 839 0.5704%
ArkansasClay County88100 459 0.5210%
ArkansasCleburne County174600 814 0.4662%
ArkansasCleveland County123400 716 0.5802%
ArkansasColumbia County141700 683 0.4820%
ArkansasConway County137000 718 0.5241%
ArkansasCraighead County198700 1,084 0.5455%
ArkansasCrawford County170000 904 0.5318%
ArkansasCrittenden County155100 934 0.6022%
ArkansasCross County104000 574 0.5519%
ArkansasDallas County98200 459 0.4674%
ArkansasDesha County89100 517 0.5802%
ArkansasDrew County127800 572 0.4476%
ArkansasFaulkner County211300 1,201 0.5684%
ArkansasFranklin County118800 598 0.5034%
ArkansasFulton County107200 494 0.4608%
ArkansasGarland County176400 915 0.5187%
ArkansasGrant County154500 840 0.5437%
ArkansasGreene County162200 792 0.4883%
ArkansasHempstead County100200 503 0.5020%
ArkansasHot Spring County127900 650 0.5082%
ArkansasHoward County135400 708 0.5229%
ArkansasIndependence County120500 657 0.5452%
ArkansasIzard County122100 714 0.5848%
ArkansasJackson County87300 492 0.5636%
ArkansasJefferson County106000 667 0.6292%
ArkansasJohnson County124800 706 0.5657%
ArkansasLafayette County74600 422 0.5657%
ArkansasLawrence County91100 445 0.4885%
ArkansasLee County77900 409 0.5250%
ArkansasLincoln County106100 572 0.5391%
ArkansasLittle River County113400 549 0.4841%
ArkansasLogan County126900 670 0.5280%
ArkansasLonoke County184100 1,178 0.6399%
ArkansasMadison County157800 702 0.4449%
ArkansasMarion County158400 813 0.5133%
ArkansasMiller County148200 916 0.6181%
ArkansasMississippi County115800 646 0.5579%
ArkansasMonroe County82200 405 0.4927%
ArkansasMontgomery County136000 522 0.3838%
ArkansasNevada County85700 462 0.5391%
ArkansasNewton County178800 729 0.4077%
ArkansasOuachita County99600 500 0.5020%
ArkansasPerry County129300 672 0.5197%
ArkansasPhillips County76200 500 0.6562%
ArkansasPike County115400 645 0.5589%
ArkansasPoinsett County101200 519 0.5128%
ArkansasPolk County122600 541 0.4413%
ArkansasPope County161700 918 0.5677%
ArkansasPrairie County87500 539 0.6160%
ArkansasPulaski County199600 1,562 0.7826%
ArkansasRandolph County118100 519 0.4395%
ArkansasSt. Francis County87700 474 0.5405%
ArkansasSaline County211700 1,335 0.6306%
ArkansasScott County110900 456 0.4112%
ArkansasSearcy County108100 517 0.4783%
ArkansasSebastian County166000 1,081 0.6512%
ArkansasSevier County111700 536 0.4799%
ArkansasSharp County94600 548 0.5793%
ArkansasStone County149400 528 0.3534%
ArkansasUnion County114700 661 0.5763%
ArkansasVan Buren County122300 562 0.4595%
ArkansasWashington County266000 1,465 0.5508%
ArkansasWhite County159600 761 0.4768%
ArkansasWoodruff County96800 558 0.5764%
ArkansasYell County131300 679 0.5171%
CaliforniaAlameda County1057400 8,061 0.7623%
CaliforniaAlpine County466100 3,190 0.6844%
CaliforniaAmador County422800 2,939 0.6951%
CaliforniaButte County408700 2,819 0.6897%
CaliforniaCalaveras County441800 3,154 0.7139%
CaliforniaColusa County375100 2,481 0.6614%
CaliforniaContra Costa County830800 6,903 0.8309%
CaliforniaDel Norte County319600 1,872 0.5857%
CaliforniaEl Dorado County640500 4,510 0.7041%
CaliforniaFresno County362600 2,704 0.7457%
CaliforniaGlenn County338400 2,190 0.6472%
CaliforniaHumboldt County418800 2,731 0.6521%
CaliforniaImperial County279500 2,348 0.8401%
CaliforniaInyo County338400 2,392 0.7069%
CaliforniaKern County310600 2,833 0.9121%
CaliforniaKings County305700 2,295 0.7507%
CaliforniaLake County316800 2,295 0.7244%
CaliforniaLassen County259500 1,868 0.7198%
CaliforniaLos Angeles County783300 5,438 0.6942%
CaliforniaMadera County367700 2,575 0.7003%
CaliforniaMarin County1390000 10,001 0.7195%
CaliforniaMariposa County358000 2,437 0.6807%
CaliforniaMendocino County486000 3,376 0.6947%
CaliforniaMerced County368400 2,487 0.6751%
CaliforniaModoc County212000 1,445 0.6816%
CaliforniaMono County514300 3,936 0.7653%
CaliforniaMonterey County723100 4,782 0.6613%
CaliforniaNapa County838800 5,840 0.6962%
CaliforniaNevada County602800 4,468 0.7412%
CaliforniaOrange County915500 6,096 0.6659%
CaliforniaPlacer County658800 5,600 0.8500%
CaliforniaPlumas County327400 2,360 0.7208%
CaliforniaRiverside County510300 4,189 0.8209%
CaliforniaSacramento County498900 3,768 0.7553%
CaliforniaSan Benito County751500 6,078 0.8088%
CaliforniaSan Bernardino County475000 3,346 0.7044%
CaliforniaSan Diego County791600 5,542 0.7001%
CaliforniaSan Francisco County1380500 9,412 0.6818%
CaliforniaSan Joaquin County494500 3,782 0.7648%
CaliforniaSan Luis Obispo County777200 5,475 0.7045%
CaliforniaSan Mateo County1494500 9,167 0.6134%
CaliforniaSanta Barbara County735700 4,870 0.6620%
CaliforniaSanta Clara County1382800 9,766 0.7062%
CaliforniaSanta Cruz County1015200 6,305 0.6211%
CaliforniaShasta County347200 2,442 0.7033%
CaliforniaSierra County334100 2,590 0.7752%
CaliforniaSiskiyou County284500 1,880 0.6608%
CaliforniaSolano County589600 4,408 0.7476%
CaliforniaSonoma County779000 5,580 0.7163%
CaliforniaStanislaus County426600 3,025 0.7091%
CaliforniaSutter County399400 3,111 0.7789%
CaliforniaTehama County315600 1,996 0.6324%
CaliforniaTrinity County329000 1,772 0.5386%
CaliforniaTulare County303000 2,213 0.7304%
CaliforniaTuolumne County406200 2,737 0.6738%
CaliforniaVentura County768400 5,326 0.6931%
CaliforniaYolo County593800 4,567 0.7691%
CaliforniaYuba County380000 2,865 0.7539%
ColoradoAdams County458400 2,770 0.6043%
ColoradoAlamosa County218800 968 0.4424%
ColoradoArapahoe County526000 2,767 0.5260%
ColoradoArchuleta County451400 1,541 0.3414%
ColoradoBaca County122000 496 0.4066%
ColoradoBent County137900 532 0.3858%
ColoradoBoulder County713900 3,821 0.5352%
ColoradoBroomfield County631600 3,888 0.6156%
ColoradoChaffee County598500 1,664 0.2780%
ColoradoCheyenne County187100 863 0.4613%
ColoradoClear Creek County572800 2,160 0.3771%
ColoradoConejos County162100 655 0.4041%
ColoradoCostilla County171300 531 0.3100%
ColoradoCrowley County106700 525 0.4920%
ColoradoCuster County358800 1,300 0.3623%
ColoradoDelta County318000 986 0.3101%
ColoradoDenver County586700 2,596 0.4425%
ColoradoDolores County231900 558 0.2406%
ColoradoDouglas County674000 3,707 0.5500%
ColoradoEagle County814700 3,339 0.4098%
ColoradoElbert County664600 2,981 0.4485%
ColoradoEl Paso County431000 1,773 0.4114%
ColoradoFremont County282100 1,081 0.3832%
ColoradoGarfield County490600 2,095 0.4270%
ColoradoGilpin County512600 1,177 0.2296%
ColoradoGrand County507200 1,763 0.3476%
ColoradoGunnison County597200 1,683 0.2818%
ColoradoHinsdale County438800 1,286 0.2931%
ColoradoHuerfano County256700 707 0.2754%
ColoradoJackson County250000 513 0.2052%
ColoradoJefferson County604400 2,867 0.4744%
ColoradoKiowa County148600 862 0.5801%
ColoradoKit Carson County221400 1,141 0.5154%
ColoradoLake County401300 1,544 0.3847%
ColoradoLa Plata County549100 1,452 0.2644%
ColoradoLarimer County532200 2,662 0.5002%
ColoradoLas Animas County214500 524 0.2443%
ColoradoLincoln County232100 886 0.3817%
ColoradoLogan County228100 1,072 0.4700%
ColoradoMesa County349400 1,357 0.3884%
ColoradoMineral County413000 1,462 0.3540%
ColoradoMoffat County262500 1,129 0.4301%
ColoradoMontezuma County308100 915 0.2970%
ColoradoMontrose County357900 1,280 0.3576%
ColoradoMorgan County299300 1,574 0.5259%
ColoradoOtero County160700 518 0.3223%
ColoradoOuray County670100 1,854 0.2767%
ColoradoPark County489300 1,679 0.3431%
ColoradoPhillips County255300 1,263 0.4947%
ColoradoPitkin County1131200 4,450 0.3934%
ColoradoProwers County150900 494 0.3274%
ColoradoPueblo County271800 1,382 0.5085%
ColoradoRio Blanco County243400 837 0.3439%
ColoradoRio Grande County215400 893 0.4146%
ColoradoRoutt County756200 2,490 0.3293%
ColoradoSaguache County200000 679 0.3395%
ColoradoSan Juan County406900 1,195 0.2937%
ColoradoSan Miguel County613100 1,599 0.2608%
ColoradoSedgwick County142700 671 0.4702%
ColoradoSummit County850700 2,641 0.3105%
ColoradoTeller County445000 1,583 0.3557%
ColoradoWashington County218300 890 0.4077%
ColoradoWeld County444500 2,242 0.5044%
ColoradoYuma County215600 1,025 0.4754%
ConnecticutCapitol Planning Region298200 6,390 2.1429%
ConnecticutGreater Bridgeport Planning Region397000 8,550 2.1537%
ConnecticutLower Connecticut River Valley Planning Region359000 6,326 1.7621%
ConnecticutNaugatuck Valley Planning Region290800 5,926 2.0378%
ConnecticutNortheastern Connecticut Planning Region281300 4,340 1.5428%
ConnecticutNorthwest Hills Planning Region311700 5,609 1.7995%
ConnecticutSouth Central Connecticut Planning Region328300 6,676 2.0335%
ConnecticutSoutheastern Connecticut Planning Region293900 5,146 1.7509%
ConnecticutWestern Connecticut Planning Region625400 9,222 1.4746%
DelawareKent County290600 1,331 0.4580%
DelawareNew Castle County329800 2,444 0.7411%
DelawareSussex County353300 1,171 0.3314%
District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia724600 4,180 0.5769%
FloridaAlachua County266800 2,623 0.9831%
FloridaBaker County225000 1,410 0.6267%
FloridaBay County276900 1,653 0.5970%
FloridaBradford County180300 1,022 0.5668%
FloridaBrevard County304400 2,139 0.7027%
FloridaBroward County380400 3,610 0.9490%
FloridaCalhoun County134000 743 0.5545%
FloridaCharlotte County291000 2,581 0.8869%
FloridaCitrus County223200 1,320 0.5914%
FloridaClay County281500 2,080 0.7389%
FloridaCollier County486800 3,219 0.6613%
FloridaColumbia County186400 1,385 0.7430%
FloridaDeSoto County151500 1,322 0.8726%
FloridaDixie County96900 715 0.7379%
FloridaDuval County274900 2,142 0.7792%
FloridaEscambia County234200 1,406 0.6003%
FloridaFlagler County333400 2,628 0.7882%
FloridaFranklin County254300 1,572 0.6182%
FloridaGadsden County154700 854 0.5520%
FloridaGilchrist County191000 1,301 0.6812%
FloridaGlades County114800 1,163 1.0131%
FloridaGulf County235700 1,334 0.5660%
FloridaHamilton County110400 806 0.7301%
FloridaHardee County129400 1,358 1.0495%
FloridaHendry County189700 1,519 0.8007%
FloridaHernando County240700 1,732 0.7196%
FloridaHighlands County177900 1,295 0.7279%
FloridaHillsborough County333300 2,787 0.8362%
FloridaHolmes County101400 527 0.5197%
FloridaIndian River County314700 2,288 0.7270%
FloridaJackson County113900 625 0.5487%
FloridaJefferson County198800 1,348 0.6781%
FloridaLafayette County131600 850 0.6459%
FloridaLake County287900 2,284 0.7933%
FloridaLee County326300 2,699 0.8272%
FloridaLeon County279800 2,305 0.8238%
FloridaLevy County171400 1,110 0.6476%
FloridaLiberty County117600 1,031 0.8767%
FloridaMadison County105900 928 0.8763%
FloridaManatee County359800 2,853 0.7929%
FloridaMarion County220800 1,659 0.7514%
FloridaMartin County386500 3,120 0.8072%
FloridaMiami-Dade County425400 3,516 0.8265%
FloridaMonroe County723800 3,943 0.5448%
FloridaNassau County351100 2,558 0.7286%
FloridaOkaloosa County324800 1,948 0.5998%
FloridaOkeechobee County179000 1,349 0.7536%
FloridaOrange County358300 2,795 0.7801%
FloridaOsceola County317600 2,498 0.7865%
FloridaPalm Beach County407300 3,600 0.8839%
FloridaPasco County265800 2,028 0.7630%
FloridaPinellas County319000 2,324 0.7285%
FloridaPolk County240000 1,769 0.7371%
FloridaPutnam County147300 1,196 0.8119%
FloridaSt. Johns County457600 3,547 0.7751%
FloridaSt. Lucie County305800 2,893 0.9460%
FloridaSanta Rosa County302100 1,809 0.5988%
FloridaSarasota County373100 2,826 0.7574%
FloridaSeminole County357300 2,493 0.6977%
FloridaSumter County356000 2,940 0.8258%
FloridaSuwannee County160900 1,169 0.7265%
FloridaTaylor County100200 724 0.7226%
FloridaUnion County160400 931 0.5804%
FloridaVolusia County278000 2,179 0.7838%
FloridaWakulla County216300 1,408 0.6509%
FloridaWalton County376400 1,709 0.4540%
FloridaWashington County156000 787 0.5045%
GeorgiaAppling County81400 689 0.8464%
GeorgiaAtkinson County76300 674 0.8834%
GeorgiaBacon County104100 1,064 1.0221%
GeorgiaBaker County120100 1,042 0.8676%
GeorgiaBaldwin County164700 1,222 0.7420%
GeorgiaBanks County251700 1,586 0.6301%
GeorgiaBarrow County255200 2,124 0.8323%
GeorgiaBartow County262200 1,901 0.7250%
GeorgiaBen Hill County114600 1,216 1.0611%
GeorgiaBerrien County115200 1,139 0.9887%
GeorgiaBibb County165800 1,826 1.1013%
GeorgiaBleckley County132900 1,438 1.0820%
GeorgiaBrantley County91800 1,028 1.1198%
GeorgiaBrooks County118100 1,513 1.2811%
GeorgiaBryan County317100 2,501 0.7887%
GeorgiaBulloch County191600 1,491 0.7782%
GeorgiaBurke County107800 978 0.9072%
GeorgiaButts County227800 1,886 0.8279%
GeorgiaCalhoun County82200 947 1.1521%
GeorgiaCamden County233900 2,197 0.9393%
GeorgiaCandler County135600 1,412 1.0413%
GeorgiaCarroll County227500 1,420 0.6242%
GeorgiaCatoosa County214200 1,475 0.6886%
GeorgiaCharlton County119000 1,081 0.9084%
GeorgiaChatham County273300 2,463 0.9012%
GeorgiaChattahoochee County99800 988 0.9900%
GeorgiaChattooga County98700 844 0.8551%
GeorgiaCherokee County389800 2,734 0.7014%
GeorgiaClarke County271900 2,444 0.8989%
GeorgiaClay County92500 966 1.0443%
GeorgiaClayton County194500 1,737 0.8931%
GeorgiaClinch County86300 1,205 1.3963%
GeorgiaCobb County373700 2,560 0.6850%
GeorgiaCoffee County125700 1,014 0.8067%
GeorgiaColquitt County121400 1,051 0.8657%
GeorgiaColumbia County287400 2,431 0.8459%
GeorgiaCook County123000 1,009 0.8203%
GeorgiaCoweta County321900 2,482 0.7710%
GeorgiaCrawford County144800 1,219 0.8419%
GeorgiaCrisp County120800 1,396 1.1556%
GeorgiaDade County166600 1,039 0.6236%
GeorgiaDawson County351900 2,224 0.6320%
GeorgiaDecatur County146200 1,353 0.9254%
GeorgiaDeKalb County331400 3,046 0.9191%
GeorgiaDodge County108700 1,037 0.9540%
GeorgiaDooly County96400 1,198 1.2427%
GeorgiaDougherty County129200 1,800 1.3932%
GeorgiaDouglas County262200 2,079 0.7929%
GeorgiaEarly County130100 1,069 0.8217%
GeorgiaEchols County112600 1,110 0.9858%
GeorgiaEffingham County245300 2,344 0.9556%
GeorgiaElbert County114600 1,126 0.9825%
GeorgiaEmanuel County88200 860 0.9751%
GeorgiaEvans County139700 1,442 1.0322%
GeorgiaFannin County274600 959 0.3492%
GeorgiaFayette County405600 3,168 0.7811%
GeorgiaFloyd County194100 1,560 0.8037%
GeorgiaForsyth County493800 3,747 0.7588%
GeorgiaFranklin County160600 1,231 0.7665%
GeorgiaFulton County431200 3,847 0.8922%
GeorgiaGilmer County278900 1,070 0.3837%
GeorgiaGlascock County122800 1,214 0.9886%
GeorgiaGlynn County268300 1,712 0.6381%
GeorgiaGordon County205600 1,450 0.7053%
GeorgiaGrady County136500 1,337 0.9795%
GeorgiaGreene County342200 2,343 0.6847%
GeorgiaGwinnett County345700 3,381 0.9780%
GeorgiaHabersham County212000 1,330 0.6274%
GeorgiaHall County313600 2,382 0.7596%
GeorgiaHancock County87400 869 0.9943%
GeorgiaHaralson County210400 1,787 0.8493%
GeorgiaHarris County278700 2,470 0.8863%
GeorgiaHart County206500 1,113 0.5390%
GeorgiaHeard County161000 1,030 0.6398%
GeorgiaHenry County277400 2,559 0.9225%
GeorgiaHouston County205600 1,759 0.8555%
GeorgiaIrwin County105300 1,174 1.1149%
GeorgiaJackson County312700 2,761 0.8830%
GeorgiaJasper County219700 1,956 0.8903%
GeorgiaJeff Davis County109300 1,016 0.9296%
GeorgiaJefferson County93100 923 0.9914%
GeorgiaJenkins County81100 777 0.9581%
GeorgiaJohnson County91200 837 0.9178%
GeorgiaJones County174600 1,673 0.9582%
GeorgiaLamar County201400 1,910 0.9484%
GeorgiaLanier County161100 1,639 1.0174%
GeorgiaLaurens County137400 1,057 0.7693%
GeorgiaLee County226900 2,273 1.0018%
GeorgiaLiberty County180200 1,897 1.0527%
GeorgiaLincoln County163600 1,445 0.8833%
GeorgiaLong County196500 1,959 0.9969%
GeorgiaLowndes County197900 1,643 0.8302%
GeorgiaLumpkin County277200 1,908 0.6883%
GeorgiaMcDuffie County155100 1,317 0.8491%
GeorgiaMcIntosh County173900 1,310 0.7533%
GeorgiaMacon County87000 1,011 1.1621%
GeorgiaMadison County198800 1,608 0.8089%
GeorgiaMarion County122100 860 0.7043%
GeorgiaMeriwether County154600 1,439 0.9308%
GeorgiaMiller County118300 1,640 1.3863%
GeorgiaMitchell County105500 1,347 1.2768%
GeorgiaMonroe County243200 1,669 0.6863%
GeorgiaMontgomery County118200 1,140 0.9645%
GeorgiaMorgan County323100 2,399 0.7425%
GeorgiaMurray County173300 1,111 0.6411%
GeorgiaMuscogee County182300 1,526 0.8371%
GeorgiaNewton County233300 2,133 0.9143%
GeorgiaOconee County425100 3,056 0.7189%
GeorgiaOglethorpe County198700 1,597 0.8037%
GeorgiaPaulding County289000 2,444 0.8457%
GeorgiaPeach County186100 2,092 1.1241%
GeorgiaPickens County289600 1,914 0.6609%
GeorgiaPierce County132100 1,209 0.9152%
GeorgiaPike County265700 2,456 0.9244%
GeorgiaPolk County163500 1,307 0.7994%
GeorgiaPulaski County144300 1,316 0.9120%
GeorgiaPutnam County222000 1,604 0.7225%
GeorgiaQuitman County103000 869 0.8437%
GeorgiaRabun County272600 1,463 0.5367%
GeorgiaRandolph County90900 800 0.8801%
GeorgiaRichmond County163300 1,440 0.8818%
GeorgiaRockdale County256600 1,843 0.7182%
GeorgiaSchley County152900 1,356 0.8869%
GeorgiaScreven County122300 1,444 1.1807%
GeorgiaSeminole County111600 1,361 1.2195%
GeorgiaSpalding County196600 1,897 0.9649%
GeorgiaStephens County168200 1,396 0.8300%
GeorgiaStewart County53000 907 1.7113%
GeorgiaSumter County122300 1,616 1.3213%
GeorgiaTalbot County127200 1,384 1.0881%
GeorgiaTaliaferro County73100 917 1.2544%
GeorgiaTattnall County122400 1,246 1.0180%
GeorgiaTaylor County82900 744 0.8975%
GeorgiaTelfair County108200 1,181 1.0915%
GeorgiaTerrell County111500 1,222 1.0960%
GeorgiaThomas County185300 1,528 0.8246%
GeorgiaTift County143100 1,339 0.9357%
GeorgiaToombs County127100 1,223 0.9622%
GeorgiaTowns County311900 1,139 0.3652%
GeorgiaTreutlen County98400 940 0.9553%
GeorgiaTroup County187800 1,826 0.9723%
GeorgiaTurner County95200 1,077 1.1313%
GeorgiaTwiggs County104500 859 0.8220%
GeorgiaUnion County272600 1,376 0.5048%
GeorgiaUpson County149500 1,325 0.8863%
GeorgiaWalker County173900 1,353 0.7780%
GeorgiaWalton County300500 2,431 0.8090%
GeorgiaWare County106500 1,077 1.0113%
GeorgiaWarren County78000 804 1.0308%
GeorgiaWashington County115600 1,268 1.0969%
GeorgiaWayne County149800 1,193 0.7964%
GeorgiaWebster County92200 935 1.0141%
GeorgiaWheeler County74600 562 0.7534%
GeorgiaWhite County262200 1,732 0.6606%
GeorgiaWhitfield County198900 1,339 0.6732%
GeorgiaWilcox County71200 753 1.0576%
GeorgiaWilkes County105000 1,194 1.1371%
GeorgiaWilkinson County90800 801 0.8822%
GeorgiaWorth County112400 1,221 1.0863%
HawaiiHawaii County486400 1,392 0.2862%
HawaiiHonolulu County873000 2,482 0.2843%
HawaiiKalawao County
HawaiiKauai County817900 1,840 0.2250%
HawaiiMaui County858600 1,442 0.1679%
IdahoAda County476000 2,643 0.5553%
IdahoAdams County327300 1,351 0.4128%
IdahoBannock County267200 1,918 0.7178%
IdahoBear Lake County234200 1,061 0.4530%
IdahoBenewah County255800 1,407 0.5500%
IdahoBingham County258000 1,389 0.5384%
IdahoBlaine County663800 2,563 0.3861%
IdahoBoise County424100 1,571 0.3704%
IdahoBonner County433400 1,716 0.3959%
IdahoBonneville County327000 1,811 0.5538%
IdahoBoundary County344100 1,433 0.4164%
IdahoButte County195800 986 0.5036%
IdahoCamas County248900 1,050 0.4219%
IdahoCanyon County350300 1,996 0.5698%
IdahoCaribou County220200 1,330 0.6040%
IdahoCassia County257300 1,141 0.4435%
IdahoClark County203000 592 0.2916%
IdahoClearwater County240800 1,447 0.6009%
IdahoCuster County295600 903 0.3055%
IdahoElmore County278300 1,680 0.6037%
IdahoFranklin County304000 1,512 0.4974%
IdahoFremont County281800 1,360 0.4826%
IdahoGem County367300 1,443 0.3929%
IdahoGooding County231800 1,223 0.5276%
IdahoIdaho County284600 974 0.3422%
IdahoJefferson County335000 1,775 0.5299%
IdahoJerome County254000 1,623 0.6390%
IdahoKootenai County467400 2,203 0.4713%
IdahoLatah County342500 2,333 0.6812%
IdahoLemhi County282100 1,109 0.3931%
IdahoLewis County202400 1,348 0.6660%
IdahoLincoln County206700 991 0.4794%
IdahoMadison County365000 1,813 0.4967%
IdahoMinidoka County235300 1,218 0.5176%
IdahoNez Perce County291300 2,529 0.8682%
IdahoOneida County228100 1,171 0.5134%
IdahoOwyhee County281600 1,355 0.4812%
IdahoPayette County310700 1,353 0.4355%
IdahoPower County191200 1,577 0.8248%
IdahoShoshone County222700 1,273 0.5716%
IdahoTeton County595900 2,065 0.3465%
IdahoTwin Falls County292700 1,951 0.6666%
IdahoValley County599500 1,778 0.2966%
IdahoWashington County250300 1,316 0.5258%
IllinoisAdams County155900 2,461 1.5786%
IllinoisAlexander County58700 966 1.6457%
IllinoisBond County133100 2,612 1.9624%
IllinoisBoone County198600 4,507 2.2694%
IllinoisBrown County142200 2,090 1.4698%
IllinoisBureau County121900 2,522 2.0689%
IllinoisCalhoun County174000 2,565 1.4741%
IllinoisCarroll County113500 2,308 2.0335%
IllinoisCass County95500 2,007 2.1016%
IllinoisChampaign County205100 4,245 2.0697%
IllinoisChristian County112100 1,896 1.6913%
IllinoisClark County123100 2,073 1.6840%
IllinoisClay County94300 1,523 1.6151%
IllinoisClinton County180500 3,356 1.8593%
IllinoisColes County121900 2,494 2.0459%
IllinoisCook County305200 6,053 1.9833%
IllinoisCrawford County113700 1,769 1.5558%
IllinoisCumberland County117700 2,068 1.7570%
IllinoisDeKalb County231900 5,889 2.5395%
IllinoisDe Witt County124200 2,297 1.8494%
IllinoisDouglas County142600 2,586 1.8135%
IllinoisDuPage County374100 7,833 2.0938%
IllinoisEdgar County95700 1,478 1.5444%
IllinoisEdwards County97500 1,429 1.4656%
IllinoisEffingham County179800 2,713 1.5089%
IllinoisFayette County114700 1,740 1.5170%
IllinoisFord County118100 2,443 2.0686%
IllinoisFranklin County87700 1,316 1.5006%
IllinoisFulton County102500 2,186 2.1327%
IllinoisGallatin County84700 1,276 1.5065%
IllinoisGreene County94400 1,564 1.6568%
IllinoisGrundy County259200 5,260 2.0293%
IllinoisHamilton County108800 1,470 1.3511%
IllinoisHancock County108400 2,020 1.8635%
IllinoisHardin County91700 1,078 1.1756%
IllinoisHenderson County101600 1,703 1.6762%
IllinoisHenry County145300 2,877 1.9800%
IllinoisIroquois County125400 2,449 1.9530%
IllinoisJackson County125000 2,385 1.9080%
IllinoisJasper County122900 2,341 1.9048%
IllinoisJefferson County118400 2,026 1.7111%
IllinoisJersey County168800 2,957 1.7518%
IllinoisJo Daviess County193900 3,383 1.7447%
IllinoisJohnson County148200 1,952 1.3171%
IllinoisKane County303000 7,230 2.3861%
IllinoisKankakee County185700 4,125 2.2213%
IllinoisKendall County298900 7,556 2.5279%
IllinoisKnox County104900 2,044 1.9485%
IllinoisLake County326600 8,743 2.6770%
IllinoisLaSalle County154900 3,336 2.1536%
IllinoisLawrence County95500 1,156 1.2105%
IllinoisLee County155100 2,980 1.9213%
IllinoisLivingston County131500 2,867 2.1802%
IllinoisLogan County125900 2,315 1.8388%
IllinoisMcDonough County103500 2,238 2.1623%
IllinoisMcHenry County286900 7,153 2.4932%
IllinoisMcLean County198300 4,503 2.2708%
IllinoisMacon County121800 2,560 2.1018%
IllinoisMacoupin County126100 1,990 1.5781%
IllinoisMadison County167900 3,232 1.9250%
IllinoisMarion County100100 1,709 1.7073%
IllinoisMarshall County137800 2,743 1.9906%
IllinoisMason County106100 2,277 2.1461%
IllinoisMassac County118000 1,769 1.4992%
IllinoisMenard County179300 2,936 1.6375%
IllinoisMercer County139300 2,710 1.9454%
IllinoisMonroe County265600 4,523 1.7029%
IllinoisMontgomery County102200 1,758 1.7202%
IllinoisMorgan County128700 2,420 1.8803%
IllinoisMoultrie County121500 2,316 1.9062%
IllinoisOgle County184100 3,737 2.0299%
IllinoisPeoria County152600 3,416 2.2385%
IllinoisPerry County105200 1,744 1.6578%
IllinoisPiatt County173200 3,040 1.7552%
IllinoisPike County100100 1,557 1.5554%
IllinoisPope County165300 1,687 1.0206%
IllinoisPulaski County81000 668 0.8247%
IllinoisPutnam County167800 2,668 1.5900%
IllinoisRandolph County134100 1,877 1.3997%
IllinoisRichland County106600 1,618 1.5178%
IllinoisRock Island County144700 3,372 2.3303%
IllinoisSt. Clair County168800 3,533 2.0930%
IllinoisSaline County92900 1,445 1.5554%
IllinoisSangamon County170300 3,369 1.9783%
IllinoisSchuyler County106200 1,940 1.8267%
IllinoisScott County101700 1,406 1.3825%
IllinoisShelby County130400 1,955 1.4992%
IllinoisStark County103500 1,700 1.6425%
IllinoisStephenson County127500 3,140 2.4627%
IllinoisTazewell County164500 3,481 2.1161%
IllinoisUnion County131700 1,851 1.4055%
IllinoisVermilion County92900 1,666 1.7933%
IllinoisWabash County103900 1,528 1.4706%
IllinoisWarren County101300 1,921 1.8963%
IllinoisWashington County149800 2,766 1.8465%
IllinoisWayne County109400 1,670 1.5265%
IllinoisWhite County100100 1,388 1.3866%
IllinoisWhiteside County125800 2,676 2.1272%
IllinoisWill County298000 6,993 2.3466%
IllinoisWilliamson County145600 2,490 1.7102%
IllinoisWinnebago County155100 3,850 2.4823%
IllinoisWoodford County193800 4,224 2.1796%
IndianaAdams County173100 1,295 0.7481%
IndianaAllen County194300 1,559 0.8024%
IndianaBartholomew County221100 1,597 0.7223%
IndianaBenton County135400 1,024 0.7563%
IndianaBlackford County96700 779 0.8056%
IndianaBoone County341800 2,725 0.7972%
IndianaBrown County242500 1,141 0.4705%
IndianaCarroll County167700 954 0.5689%
IndianaCass County118700 824 0.6942%
IndianaClark County212400 1,566 0.7373%
IndianaClay County128900 589 0.4569%
IndianaClinton County157300 979 0.6224%
IndianaCrawford County115400 851 0.7374%
IndianaDaviess County187500 1,276 0.6805%
IndianaDearborn County227100 1,726 0.7600%
IndianaDecatur County189900 1,176 0.6193%
IndianaDeKalb County177900 1,117 0.6279%
IndianaDelaware County127600 997 0.7813%
IndianaDubois County212500 1,382 0.6504%
IndianaElkhart County194400 1,592 0.8189%
IndianaFayette County114800 878 0.7648%
IndianaFloyd County235100 1,656 0.7044%
IndianaFountain County133200 820 0.6156%
IndianaFranklin County236700 1,459 0.6164%
IndianaFulton County144700 744 0.5142%
IndianaGibson County170500 1,244 0.7296%
IndianaGrant County116000 790 0.6810%
IndianaGreene County129900 895 0.6890%
IndianaHamilton County379100 3,340 0.8810%
IndianaHancock County258100 1,756 0.6804%
IndianaHarrison County219200 1,195 0.5452%
IndianaHendricks County281500 2,344 0.8327%
IndianaHenry County140200 1,050 0.7489%
IndianaHoward County151500 1,110 0.7327%
IndianaHuntington County146400 1,070 0.7309%
IndianaJackson County174500 824 0.4722%
IndianaJasper County204400 998 0.4883%
IndianaJay County110100 665 0.6040%
IndianaJefferson County180600 1,191 0.6595%
IndianaJennings County154600 903 0.5841%
IndianaJohnson County260400 1,875 0.7200%
IndianaKnox County123500 895 0.7247%
IndianaKosciusko County200300 1,198 0.5981%
IndianaLaGrange County249500 1,352 0.5419%
IndianaLake County214700 1,987 0.9255%
IndianaLaPorte County180700 1,435 0.7941%
IndianaLawrence County164500 994 0.6043%
IndianaMadison County147700 1,128 0.7637%
IndianaMarion County207000 1,923 0.9290%
IndianaMarshall County184500 1,260 0.6829%
IndianaMartin County150400 798 0.5306%
IndianaMiami County118000 682 0.5780%
IndianaMonroe County261700 1,837 0.7019%
IndianaMontgomery County166300 1,047 0.6296%
IndianaMorgan County220100 1,056 0.4798%
IndianaNewton County159300 1,316 0.8261%
IndianaNoble County183400 1,250 0.6816%
IndianaOhio County193500 1,179 0.6093%
IndianaOrange County143900 832 0.5782%
IndianaOwen County162400 1,091 0.6718%
IndianaParke County139300 691 0.4961%
IndianaPerry County146000 1,041 0.7130%
IndianaPike County128400 1,044 0.8131%
IndianaPorter County261900 2,172 0.8293%
IndianaPosey County218000 1,370 0.6284%
IndianaPulaski County134600 646 0.4799%
IndianaPutnam County205800 978 0.4752%
IndianaRandolph County106000 881 0.8311%
IndianaRipley County205300 1,182 0.5757%
IndianaRush County155900 1,013 0.6498%
IndianaSt. Joseph County179800 1,559 0.8671%
IndianaScott County145400 931 0.6403%
IndianaShelby County188300 1,327 0.7047%
IndianaSpencer County180200 1,138 0.6315%
IndianaStarke County148400 895 0.6031%
IndianaSteuben County204300 1,188 0.5815%
IndianaSullivan County122200 825 0.6751%
IndianaSwitzerland County183200 755 0.4121%
IndianaTippecanoe County217600 1,355 0.6227%
IndianaTipton County166000 1,069 0.6440%
IndianaUnion County162200 1,144 0.7053%
IndianaVanderburgh County172300 1,420 0.8241%
IndianaVermillion County109500 789 0.7205%
IndianaVigo County140400 1,256 0.8946%
IndianaWabash County143600 765 0.5327%
IndianaWarren County160000 824 0.5150%
IndianaWarrick County228900 1,497 0.6540%
IndianaWashington County162400 1,058 0.6515%
IndianaWayne County126100 1,101 0.8731%
IndianaWells County180000 920 0.5111%
IndianaWhite County163000 865 0.5307%
IndianaWhitley County205200 1,432 0.6979%
IowaAdair County140600 1,858 1.3215%
IowaAdams County116900 1,479 1.2652%
IowaAllamakee County171900 2,103 1.2234%
IowaAppanoose County119800 1,501 1.2529%
IowaAudubon County110400 1,353 1.2255%
IowaBenton County198400 2,627 1.3241%
IowaBlack Hawk County182400 2,790 1.5296%
IowaBoone County191200 2,741 1.4336%
IowaBremer County207200 2,796 1.3494%
IowaBuchanan County171400 2,286 1.3337%
IowaBuena Vista County146900 1,822 1.2403%
IowaButler County156500 2,158 1.3789%
IowaCalhoun County114400 1,506 1.3164%
IowaCarroll County175700 1,849 1.0524%
IowaCass County133300 1,904 1.4284%
IowaCedar County199700 2,433 1.2183%
IowaCerro Gordo County154100 2,305 1.4958%
IowaCherokee County145100 1,561 1.0758%
IowaChickasaw County164400 1,804 1.0973%
IowaClarke County160200 2,335 1.4576%
IowaClay County171500 2,028 1.1825%
IowaClayton County155700 2,149 1.3802%
IowaClinton County153800 2,382 1.5488%
IowaCrawford County136300 1,799 1.3199%
IowaDallas County333400 4,849 1.4544%
IowaDavis County146000 2,217 1.5185%
IowaDecatur County109500 1,856 1.6950%
IowaDelaware County168700 2,266 1.3432%
IowaDes Moines County137000 2,097 1.5307%
IowaDickinson County251600 2,458 0.9769%
IowaDubuque County226100 2,848 1.2596%
IowaEmmet County106200 1,570 1.4783%
IowaFayette County130800 1,721 1.3157%
IowaFloyd County133300 1,854 1.3908%
IowaFranklin County118500 1,597 1.3477%
IowaFremont County147500 1,918 1.3003%
IowaGreene County140500 1,682 1.1972%
IowaGrundy County180500 1,929 1.0687%
IowaGuthrie County163900 2,172 1.3252%
IowaHamilton County132300 1,807 1.3658%
IowaHancock County129300 1,541 1.1918%
IowaHardin County113000 1,613 1.4274%
IowaHarrison County165300 2,214 1.3394%
IowaHenry County148600 2,394 1.6110%
IowaHoward County133900 1,744 1.3025%
IowaHumboldt County146900 1,889 1.2859%
IowaIda County108800 1,158 1.0643%
IowaIowa County189800 2,560 1.3488%
IowaJackson County170000 2,129 1.2524%
IowaJasper County176800 2,518 1.4242%
IowaJefferson County161200 2,397 1.4870%
IowaJohnson County293100 4,587 1.5650%
IowaJones County183400 2,381 1.2983%
IowaKeokuk County112200 1,491 1.3289%
IowaKossuth County135100 1,437 1.0637%
IowaLee County123600 1,855 1.5008%
IowaLinn County204400 3,396 1.6614%
IowaLouisa County137600 1,752 1.2733%
IowaLucas County117000 1,732 1.4803%
IowaLyon County215600 1,983 0.9198%
IowaMadison County236900 3,681 1.5538%
IowaMahaska County140900 1,956 1.3882%
IowaMarion County211100 2,727 1.2918%
IowaMarshall County134100 2,030 1.5138%
IowaMills County228700 3,334 1.4578%
IowaMitchell County164100 1,897 1.1560%
IowaMonona County122600 1,412 1.1517%
IowaMonroe County135900 2,065 1.5195%
IowaMontgomery County109900 1,968 1.7907%
IowaMuscatine County172400 2,667 1.5470%
IowaO'Brien County158900 1,572 0.9893%
IowaOsceola County123800 1,302 1.0517%
IowaPage County120000 1,721 1.4342%
IowaPalo Alto County119300 1,471 1.2330%
IowaPlymouth County218600 2,363 1.0810%
IowaPocahontas County93300 1,066 1.1426%
IowaPolk County248400 4,364 1.7568%
IowaPottawattamie County183600 2,961 1.6127%
IowaPoweshiek County184200 2,362 1.2823%
IowaRinggold County150300 1,909 1.2701%
IowaSac County138400 1,423 1.0282%
IowaScott County212500 3,221 1.5158%
IowaShelby County156200 1,976 1.2650%
IowaSioux County235600 2,722 1.1553%
IowaStory County243600 3,586 1.4721%
IowaTama County139900 1,945 1.3903%
IowaTaylor County109700 1,329 1.2115%
IowaUnion County117800 2,108 1.7895%
IowaVan Buren County118800 1,427 1.2012%
IowaWapello County112900 1,854 1.6422%
IowaWarren County252800 3,797 1.5020%
IowaWashington County199600 2,688 1.3467%
IowaWayne County102300 1,377 1.3460%
IowaWebster County138500 2,047 1.4780%
IowaWinnebago County132300 1,800 1.3605%
IowaWinneshiek County239000 2,784 1.1649%
IowaWoodbury County172000 2,542 1.4779%
IowaWorth County142300 1,530 1.0752%
IowaWright County109800 1,695 1.5437%
KansasAllen County100400 1,659 1.6524%
KansasAnderson County147900 2,260 1.5281%
KansasAtchison County147900 1,941 1.3124%
KansasBarber County92700 1,542 1.6634%
KansasBarton County117200 1,948 1.6621%
KansasBourbon County107600 1,797 1.6701%
KansasBrown County111100 1,387 1.2484%
KansasButler County199600 2,918 1.4619%
KansasChase County106200 1,694 1.5951%
KansasChautauqua County63300 1,012 1.5987%
KansasCherokee County99400 1,219 1.2264%
KansasCheyenne County119300 1,673 1.4023%
KansasClark County78400 1,610 2.0536%
KansasClay County149600 2,061 1.3777%
KansasCloud County96300 1,722 1.7882%
KansasCoffey County139500 1,618 1.1599%
KansasComanche County59900 1,369 2.2855%
KansasCowley County111600 1,878 1.6828%
KansasCrawford County122400 1,375 1.1234%
KansasDecatur County78500 1,408 1.7936%
KansasDickinson County148500 2,123 1.4296%
KansasDoniphan County121200 1,406 1.1601%
KansasDouglas County281600 3,508 1.2457%
KansasEdwards County70500 1,123 1.5929%
KansasElk County60900 1,211 1.9885%
KansasEllis County211100 2,582 1.2231%
KansasEllsworth County116300 1,766 1.5185%
KansasFinney County191100 2,733 1.4301%
KansasFord County132700 2,190 1.6503%
KansasFranklin County187400 2,737 1.4605%
KansasGeary County165000 2,537 1.5376%
KansasGove County119000 1,581 1.3286%
KansasGraham County88800 1,538 1.7320%
KansasGrant County146200 1,911 1.3071%
KansasGray County174700 2,461 1.4087%
KansasGreeley County108900 2,080 1.9100%
KansasGreenwood County82600 1,360 1.6465%
KansasHamilton County119700 1,881 1.5714%
KansasHarper County77300 1,379 1.7840%
KansasHarvey County173300 2,517 1.4524%
KansasHaskell County154800 2,226 1.4380%
KansasHodgeman County92700 1,638 1.7670%
KansasJackson County193600 2,304 1.1901%
KansasJefferson County200800 2,562 1.2759%
KansasJewell County62100 1,222 1.9678%
KansasJohnson County366000 4,221 1.1533%
KansasKearny County152500 1,867 1.2243%
KansasKingman County107400 1,916 1.7840%
KansasKiowa County152400 1,766 1.1588%
KansasLabette County92100 1,499 1.6276%
KansasLane County119000 1,708 1.4353%
KansasLeavenworth County260600 3,136 1.2034%
KansasLincoln County92600 1,432 1.5464%
KansasLinn County164500 1,800 1.0942%
KansasLogan County116600 2,117 1.8156%
KansasLyon County142200 2,272 1.5977%
KansasMcPherson County198400 2,780 1.4012%
KansasMarion County114400 1,974 1.7255%
KansasMarshall County119500 1,529 1.2795%
KansasMeade County122000 1,858 1.5230%
KansasMiami County277700 3,406 1.2265%
KansasMitchell County109600 2,084 1.9015%
KansasMontgomery County92100 1,562 1.6960%
KansasMorris County120900 1,870 1.5467%
KansasMorton County95600 1,952 2.0418%
KansasNemaha County196100 1,917 0.9776%
KansasNeosho County101200 1,501 1.4832%
KansasNess County85400 1,678 1.9649%
KansasNorton County106300 1,585 1.4911%
KansasOsage County142800 2,282 1.5980%
KansasOsborne County84700 1,365 1.6116%
KansasOttawa County164100 2,651 1.6155%
KansasPawnee County102400 1,832 1.7891%
KansasPhillips County94700 1,607 1.6969%
KansasPottawatomie County223000 2,475 1.1099%
KansasPratt County114500 2,019 1.7633%
KansasRawlins County99400 1,651 1.6610%
KansasReno County125000 2,180 1.7440%
KansasRepublic County76000 1,290 1.6974%
KansasRice County105500 1,636 1.5507%
KansasRiley County231200 3,317 1.4347%
KansasRooks County90000 1,593 1.7700%
KansasRush County79300 1,504 1.8966%
KansasRussell County106400 1,863 1.7509%
KansasSaline County171900 2,283 1.3281%
KansasScott County170100 2,606 1.5320%
KansasSedgwick County190700 2,345 1.2297%
KansasSeward County134000 2,257 1.6843%
KansasShawnee County170400 2,500 1.4671%
KansasSheridan County152000 2,331 1.5336%
KansasSherman County126300 1,986 1.5724%
KansasSmith County91000 1,503 1.6516%
KansasStafford County96700 1,505 1.5564%
KansasStanton County64200 1,586 2.4704%
KansasStevens County124500 2,239 1.7984%
KansasSumner County118700 2,024 1.7051%
KansasThomas County165900 2,192 1.3213%
KansasTrego County115400 1,680 1.4558%
KansasWabaunsee County178200 2,270 1.2738%
KansasWallace County94200 1,449 1.5382%
KansasWashington County106100 1,551 1.4618%
KansasWichita County98700 1,449 1.4681%
KansasWilson County93900 1,294 1.3781%
KansasWoodson County77100 1,396 1.8106%
KansasWyandotte County152700 2,240 1.4669%
KentuckyAdair County134800 922 0.6840%
KentuckyAllen County176300 972 0.5513%
KentuckyAnderson County213200 1,698 0.7964%
KentuckyBallard County132900 1,067 0.8029%
KentuckyBarren County166900 1,212 0.7262%
KentuckyBath County111800 817 0.7308%
KentuckyBell County83000 617 0.7434%
KentuckyBoone County253200 2,273 0.8977%
KentuckyBourbon County211600 1,563 0.7387%
KentuckyBoyd County126300 1,233 0.9762%
KentuckyBoyle County200700 1,712 0.8530%
KentuckyBracken County116400 1,093 0.9390%
KentuckyBreathitt County61800 521 0.8430%
KentuckyBreckinridge County141400 855 0.6047%
KentuckyBullitt County233700 1,994 0.8532%
KentuckyButler County105500 594 0.5630%
KentuckyCaldwell County113500 594 0.5233%
KentuckyCalloway County181200 1,215 0.6705%
KentuckyCampbell County234500 2,495 1.0640%
KentuckyCarlisle County104700 887 0.8472%
KentuckyCarroll County129800 982 0.7565%
KentuckyCarter County126100 622 0.4933%
KentuckyCasey County135700 810 0.5969%
KentuckyChristian County149200 1,065 0.7138%
KentuckyClark County197900 1,448 0.7317%
KentuckyClay County87300 598 0.6850%
KentuckyClinton County114000 627 0.5500%
KentuckyCrittenden County115700 650 0.5618%
KentuckyCumberland County128600 786 0.6112%
KentuckyDaviess County185800 1,595 0.8584%
KentuckyEdmonson County136600 795 0.5820%
KentuckyElliott County97400 671 0.6889%
KentuckyEstill County111900 773 0.6908%
KentuckyFayette County272100 2,425 0.8912%
KentuckyFleming County115200 824 0.7153%
KentuckyFloyd County93300 697 0.7471%
KentuckyFranklin County198700 1,672 0.8415%
KentuckyFulton County78100 562 0.7196%
KentuckyGallatin County169400 1,368 0.8076%
KentuckyGarrard County186800 1,344 0.7195%
KentuckyGrant County185500 1,339 0.7218%
KentuckyGraves County139000 929 0.6683%
KentuckyGrayson County160100 896 0.5597%
KentuckyGreen County118900 752 0.6325%
KentuckyGreenup County135300 1,273 0.9409%
KentuckyHancock County137600 935 0.6795%
KentuckyHardin County205900 1,451 0.7047%
KentuckyHarlan County73100 722 0.9877%
KentuckyHarrison County188900 1,282 0.6787%
KentuckyHart County124600 935 0.7504%
KentuckyHenderson County165700 1,455 0.8781%
KentuckyHenry County181300 1,489 0.8213%
KentuckyHickman County92300 756 0.8191%
KentuckyHopkins County128800 1,057 0.8207%
KentuckyJackson County107000 683 0.6383%
KentuckyJefferson County237200 2,023 0.8529%
KentuckyJessamine County245100 1,889 0.7707%
KentuckyJohnson County125300 808 0.6449%
KentuckyKenton County227500 2,284 1.0040%
KentuckyKnott County74600 536 0.7185%
KentuckyKnox County109200 803 0.7353%
KentuckyLarue County177500 1,118 0.6299%
KentuckyLaurel County143400 845 0.5893%
KentuckyLawrence County108100 733 0.6781%
KentuckyLee County82100 696 0.8477%
KentuckyLeslie County74100 532 0.7179%
KentuckyLetcher County70500 657 0.9319%
KentuckyLewis County86100 558 0.6481%
KentuckyLincoln County139300 1,020 0.7322%
KentuckyLivingston County116300 731 0.6285%
KentuckyLogan County151500 945 0.6238%
KentuckyLyon County183600 1,016 0.5534%
KentuckyMcCracken County182900 1,342 0.7337%
KentuckyMcCreary County77000 565 0.7338%
KentuckyMcLean County145600 984 0.6758%
KentuckyMadison County220700 1,631 0.7390%
KentuckyMagoffin County88300 643 0.7282%
KentuckyMarion County158700 1,124 0.7083%
KentuckyMarshall County173700 1,246 0.7173%
KentuckyMartin County84900 657 0.7739%
KentuckyMason County157500 998 0.6337%
KentuckyMeade County195000 1,386 0.7108%
KentuckyMenifee County111500 558 0.5004%
KentuckyMercer County189700 1,553 0.8187%
KentuckyMetcalfe County103100 743 0.7207%
KentuckyMonroe County116300 892 0.7670%
KentuckyMontgomery County163800 1,222 0.7460%
KentuckyMorgan County106000 802 0.7566%
KentuckyMuhlenberg County121300 842 0.6941%
KentuckyNelson County224100 1,782 0.7952%
KentuckyNicholas County119600 679 0.5677%
KentuckyOhio County113400 695 0.6129%
KentuckyOldham County375000 3,454 0.9211%
KentuckyOwen County165000 1,231 0.7461%
KentuckyOwsley County79900 562 0.7034%
KentuckyPendleton County160800 1,246 0.7749%
KentuckyPerry County90700 661 0.7288%
KentuckyPike County104200 758 0.7274%
KentuckyPowell County142400 829 0.5822%
KentuckyPulaski County156300 1,010 0.6462%
KentuckyRobertson County123400 828 0.6710%
KentuckyRockcastle County119300 574 0.4811%
KentuckyRowan County155900 862 0.5529%
KentuckyRussell County148200 872 0.5884%
KentuckyScott County264200 1,800 0.6813%
KentuckyShelby County277500 2,248 0.8101%
KentuckySimpson County195700 1,246 0.6367%
KentuckySpencer County297600 2,118 0.7117%
KentuckyTaylor County163700 1,174 0.7172%
KentuckyTodd County157400 870 0.5527%
KentuckyTrigg County192000 1,065 0.5547%
KentuckyTrimble County172700 1,175 0.6804%
KentuckyUnion County109000 858 0.7872%
KentuckyWarren County242600 1,558 0.6422%
KentuckyWashington County168300 1,205 0.7160%
KentuckyWayne County121700 703 0.5776%
KentuckyWebster County97600 961 0.9846%
KentuckyWhitley County120600 792 0.6567%
KentuckyWolfe County66400 391 0.5889%
KentuckyWoodford County270400 2,003 0.7408%
LouisianaAcadia Parish146900 446 0.3036%
LouisianaAllen Parish110800 199 0.1796%
LouisianaAscension Parish265300 1,419 0.5349%
LouisianaAssumption Parish141200 609 0.4313%
LouisianaAvoyelles Parish120200 244 0.2030%
LouisianaBeauregard Parish164500 544 0.3307%
LouisianaBienville Parish93600 299 0.3194%
LouisianaBossier Parish215100 1,380 0.6416%
LouisianaCaddo Parish175900 1,081 0.6146%
LouisianaCalcasieu Parish208500 926 0.4441%
LouisianaCaldwell Parish106000 341 0.3217%
LouisianaCameron Parish183300 814 0.4441%
LouisianaCatahoula Parish88000 257 0.2920%
LouisianaClaiborne Parish82400 304 0.3689%
LouisianaConcordia Parish102400 393 0.3838%
LouisianaDe Soto Parish150700 467 0.3099%
LouisianaEast Baton Rouge Parish241800 1,547 0.6398%
LouisianaEast Carroll Parish87400 251 0.2872%
LouisianaEast Feliciana Parish213700 328 0.1535%
LouisianaEvangeline Parish118500 323 0.2726%
LouisianaFranklin Parish117200 378 0.3225%
LouisianaGrant Parish135900 864 0.6358%
LouisianaIberia Parish156000 547 0.3506%
LouisianaIberville Parish177100 581 0.3281%
LouisianaJackson Parish107400 354 0.3296%
LouisianaJefferson Parish243500 1,265 0.5195%
LouisianaJefferson Davis Parish145000 409 0.2821%
LouisianaLafayette Parish234200 1,329 0.5675%
LouisianaLafourche Parish190800 951 0.4984%
LouisianaLaSalle Parish137200 578 0.4213%
LouisianaLincoln Parish195500 975 0.4987%
LouisianaLivingston Parish218900 1,079 0.4929%
LouisianaMadison Parish90600 208 0.2296%
LouisianaMorehouse Parish108700 467 0.4296%
LouisianaNatchitoches Parish163000 766 0.4699%
LouisianaOrleans Parish296400 2,428 0.8192%
LouisianaOuachita Parish183000 1,016 0.5552%
LouisianaPlaquemines Parish275800 1,275 0.4623%
LouisianaPointe Coupee Parish174500 491 0.2814%
LouisianaRapides Parish179100 1,024 0.5717%
LouisianaRed River Parish103200 555 0.5378%
LouisianaRichland Parish124500 438 0.3518%
LouisianaSabine Parish129400 495 0.3825%
LouisianaSt. Bernard Parish192100 976 0.5081%
LouisianaSt. Charles Parish256800 1,475 0.5744%
LouisianaSt. Helena Parish106400 448 0.4211%
LouisianaSt. James Parish197800 1,043 0.5273%
LouisianaSt. John the Baptist Parish184000 829 0.4505%
LouisianaSt. Landry Parish142900 425 0.2974%
LouisianaSt. Martin Parish151000 610 0.4040%
LouisianaSt. Mary Parish128000 515 0.4023%
LouisianaSt. Tammany Parish272200 2,005 0.7366%
LouisianaTangipahoa Parish204600 887 0.4335%
LouisianaTensas Parish80300 232 0.2889%
LouisianaTerrebonne Parish189100 852 0.4506%
LouisianaUnion Parish115400 470 0.4073%
LouisianaVermilion Parish159700 538 0.3369%
LouisianaVernon Parish143500 776 0.5408%
LouisianaWashington Parish139400 488 0.3501%
LouisianaWebster Parish105600 402 0.3807%
LouisianaWest Baton Rouge Parish225900 1,336 0.5914%
LouisianaWest Carroll Parish97600 199 0.2039%
LouisianaWest Feliciana Parish263200 1,359 0.5163%
LouisianaWinn Parish102600 323 0.3148%
MaineAndroscoggin County232000 2,913 1.2556%
MaineAroostook County131700 1,611 1.2232%
MaineCumberland County411400 4,577 1.1125%
MaineFranklin County176700 1,897 1.0736%
MaineHancock County278400 2,445 0.8782%
MaineKennebec County219900 2,510 1.1414%
MaineKnox County290800 3,643 1.2528%
MaineLincoln County306200 2,850 0.9308%
MaineOxford County192300 2,103 1.0936%
MainePenobscot County193800 2,435 1.2564%
MainePiscataquis County153300 1,487 0.9700%
MaineSagadahoc County300200 3,365 1.1209%
MaineSomerset County155200 1,798 1.1585%
MaineWaldo County239100 2,593 1.0845%
MaineWashington County147100 1,654 1.1244%
MaineYork County357200 3,691 1.0333%
MarylandAllegany County149200 1,609 1.0784%
MarylandAnne Arundel County450300 3,836 0.8519%
MarylandBaltimore County330000 3,645 1.1045%
MarylandCalvert County440200 3,858 0.8764%
MarylandCaroline County272400 2,513 0.9225%
MarylandCarroll County406400 3,837 0.9441%
MarylandCecil County311800 3,059 0.9811%
MarylandCharles County402300 4,179 1.0388%
MarylandDorchester County252300 2,399 0.9509%
MarylandFrederick County437700 4,463 1.0196%
MarylandGarrett County217000 1,792 0.8258%
MarylandHarford County367300 3,424 0.9322%
MarylandHoward County576700 6,814 1.1816%
MarylandKent County307100 2,896 0.9430%
MarylandMontgomery County615200 5,341 0.8682%
MarylandPrince George's County404300 4,662 1.1531%
MarylandQueen Anne's County441800 3,503 0.7929%
MarylandSt. Mary's County390900 3,392 0.8677%
MarylandSomerset County164300 1,603 0.9757%
MarylandTalbot County398300 2,623 0.6585%
MarylandWashington County275900 2,444 0.8858%
MarylandWicomico County238900 2,120 0.8874%
MarylandWorcester County348100 2,629 0.7552%
MarylandBaltimore city219300 3,236 1.4756%
MassachusettsBarnstable County575900 4,090 0.7102%
MassachusettsBerkshire County283800 3,891 1.3710%
MassachusettsBristol County421800 4,685 1.1107%
MassachusettsDukes County1104100 5,503 0.4984%
MassachusettsEssex County584000 6,267 1.0731%
MassachusettsFranklin County303400 4,595 1.5145%
MassachusettsHampden County276300 4,332 1.5679%
MassachusettsHampshire County363400 5,326 1.4656%
MassachusettsMiddlesex County687200 7,240 1.0536%
MassachusettsNantucket County1387000 2,985 0.2152%
MassachusettsNorfolk County649400 7,081 1.0904%
MassachusettsPlymouth County513000 6,345 1.2368%
MassachusettsSuffolk County680700 4,533 0.6659%
MassachusettsWorcester County390700 5,207 1.3327%
MichiganAlcona County157500 1,322 0.8394%
MichiganAlger County165700 1,652 0.9970%
MichiganAllegan County247000 2,799 1.1332%
MichiganAlpena County137800 1,556 1.1292%
MichiganAntrim County222500 2,033 0.9137%
MichiganArenac County129000 1,676 1.2992%
MichiganBaraga County124400 1,666 1.3392%
MichiganBarry County243700 2,706 1.1104%
MichiganBay County135100 2,205 1.6321%
MichiganBenzie County254400 2,119 0.8329%
MichiganBerrien County211400 2,357 1.1149%
MichiganBranch County147500 1,813 1.2292%
MichiganCalhoun County151500 2,269 1.4977%
MichiganCass County205200 1,972 0.9610%
MichiganCharlevoix County242800 2,408 0.9918%
MichiganCheboygan County175200 1,625 0.9275%
MichiganChippewa County153100 1,972 1.2880%
MichiganClare County117400 1,387 1.1814%
MichiganClinton County243700 3,048 1.2507%
MichiganCrawford County149900 1,639 1.0934%
MichiganDelta County146800 1,658 1.1294%
MichiganDickinson County130300 1,917 1.4712%
MichiganEaton County206700 2,924 1.4146%
MichiganEmmet County275300 2,492 0.9052%
MichiganGenesee County172900 2,417 1.3979%
MichiganGladwin County153200 1,813 1.1834%
MichiganGogebic County99700 1,488 1.4925%
MichiganGrand Traverse County296200 2,900 0.9791%
MichiganGratiot County136800 1,739 1.2712%
MichiganHillsdale County170500 1,644 0.9642%
MichiganHoughton County140300 1,780 1.2687%
MichiganHuron County141300 1,754 1.2413%
MichiganIngham County187500 3,488 1.8603%
MichiganIonia County189400 2,211 1.1674%
MichiganIosco County122900 1,304 1.0610%
MichiganIron County101500 1,459 1.4374%
MichiganIsabella County165100 2,180 1.3204%
MichiganJackson County182900 2,353 1.2865%
MichiganKalamazoo County227500 3,378 1.4848%
MichiganKalkaska County174300 1,545 0.8864%
MichiganKent County265700 3,028 1.1396%
MichiganKeweenaw County181400 1,704 0.9394%
MichiganLake County122900 1,413 1.1497%
MichiganLapeer County229100 2,185 0.9537%
MichiganLeelanau County406900 2,856 0.7019%
MichiganLenawee County181100 2,412 1.3319%
MichiganLivingston County331100 3,269 0.9873%
MichiganLuce County110400 1,121 1.0154%
MichiganMackinac County165600 1,719 1.0380%
MichiganMacomb County231400 3,293 1.4231%
MichiganManistee County166600 1,814 1.0888%
MichiganMarquette County202000 2,019 0.9995%
MichiganMason County199300 2,203 1.1054%
MichiganMecosta County169900 1,692 0.9959%
MichiganMenominee County142700 1,470 1.0301%
MichiganMidland County184300 2,771 1.5035%
MichiganMissaukee County163700 1,600 0.9774%
MichiganMonroe County215700 2,492 1.1553%
MichiganMontcalm County172100 1,851 1.0755%
MichiganMontmorency County142000 1,309 0.9218%
MichiganMuskegon County180900 2,280 1.2604%
MichiganNewaygo County178300 2,052 1.1509%
MichiganOakland County320400 4,241 1.3237%
MichiganOceana County167600 1,916 1.1432%
MichiganOgemaw County138600 1,417 1.0224%
MichiganOntonagon County101000 1,244 1.2317%
MichiganOsceola County139600 1,478 1.0587%
MichiganOscoda County126000 1,182 0.9381%
MichiganOtsego County196500 1,751 0.8911%
MichiganOttawa County291200 3,078 1.0570%
MichiganPresque Isle County135200 1,382 1.0222%
MichiganRoscommon County148000 1,552 1.0486%
MichiganSaginaw County139400 2,190 1.5710%
MichiganSt. Clair County213900 2,493 1.1655%
MichiganSt. Joseph County167600 1,867 1.1140%
MichiganSanilac County162200 1,488 0.9174%
MichiganSchoolcraft County123500 1,348 1.0915%
MichiganShiawassee County164600 2,214 1.3451%
MichiganTuscola County136900 1,753 1.2805%
MichiganVan Buren County189900 2,444 1.2870%
MichiganWashtenaw County353000 5,505 1.5595%
MichiganWayne County170200 2,794 1.6416%
MichiganWexford County160300 1,868 1.1653%
MinnesotaAitkin County235100 1,346 0.5725%
MinnesotaAnoka County325800 3,099 0.9512%
MinnesotaBecker County266900 1,951 0.7310%
MinnesotaBeltrami County222300 2,214 0.9960%
MinnesotaBenton County247100 2,532 1.0247%
MinnesotaBig Stone County135700 1,169 0.8615%
MinnesotaBlue Earth County252800 2,487 0.9838%
MinnesotaBrown County181700 1,890 1.0402%
MinnesotaCarlton County232000 2,712 1.1690%
MinnesotaCarver County426900 4,380 1.0260%
MinnesotaCass County262300 1,512 0.5764%
MinnesotaChippewa County149000 1,551 1.0409%
MinnesotaChisago County326600 3,668 1.1231%
MinnesotaClay County256000 2,854 1.1148%
MinnesotaClearwater County177100 1,297 0.7324%
MinnesotaCook County294000 2,322 0.7898%
MinnesotaCottonwood County154000 1,737 1.1279%
MinnesotaCrow Wing County274400 2,161 0.7875%
MinnesotaDakota County362100 3,610 0.9970%
MinnesotaDodge County267500 2,902 1.0849%
MinnesotaDouglas County291700 2,516 0.8625%
MinnesotaFaribault County120200 1,263 1.0507%
MinnesotaFillmore County204000 1,932 0.9471%
MinnesotaFreeborn County164900 1,750 1.0612%
MinnesotaGoodhue County269400 2,866 1.0638%
MinnesotaGrant County178600 1,677 0.9390%
MinnesotaHennepin County376500 4,337 1.1519%
MinnesotaHouston County226300 2,633 1.1635%
MinnesotaHubbard County255900 2,087 0.8156%
MinnesotaIsanti County283200 2,951 1.0420%
MinnesotaItasca County212000 1,851 0.8731%
MinnesotaJackson County145400 1,329 0.9140%
MinnesotaKanabec County221100 2,463 1.1140%
MinnesotaKandiyohi County230500 2,291 0.9939%
MinnesotaKittson County134400 1,231 0.9159%
MinnesotaKoochiching County143700 1,148 0.7989%
MinnesotaLac qui Parle County143400 1,360 0.9484%
MinnesotaLake County222900 1,674 0.7510%
MinnesotaLake of the Woods County215000 1,520 0.7070%
MinnesotaLe Sueur County287700 3,119 1.0841%
MinnesotaLincoln County152200 1,478 0.9711%
MinnesotaLyon County193100 2,021 1.0466%
MinnesotaMcLeod County233400 2,708 1.1602%
MinnesotaMahnomen County146500 1,427 0.9741%
MinnesotaMarshall County153300 1,271 0.8291%
MinnesotaMartin County158800 1,547 0.9742%
MinnesotaMeeker County228900 2,159 0.9432%
MinnesotaMille Lacs County237500 2,475 1.0421%
MinnesotaMorrison County237000 2,154 0.9089%
MinnesotaMower County172000 1,819 1.0576%
MinnesotaMurray County179400 1,373 0.7653%
MinnesotaNicollet County258500 2,888 1.1172%
MinnesotaNobles County179200 1,674 0.9342%
MinnesotaNorman County135700 1,341 0.9882%
MinnesotaOlmsted County304500 3,314 1.0883%
MinnesotaOtter Tail County252500 1,966 0.7786%
MinnesotaPennington County188900 2,300 1.2176%
MinnesotaPine County225600 1,973 0.8746%
MinnesotaPipestone County126700 1,154 0.9108%
MinnesotaPolk County211100 2,109 0.9991%
MinnesotaPope County242800 1,915 0.7887%
MinnesotaRamsey County304900 3,767 1.2355%
MinnesotaRed Lake County157200 1,508 0.9593%
MinnesotaRedwood County150400 1,444 0.9601%
MinnesotaRenville County151900 1,543 1.0158%
MinnesotaRice County298500 2,899 0.9712%
MinnesotaRock County201600 1,451 0.7197%
MinnesotaRoseau County177100 1,644 0.9283%
MinnesotaSt. Louis County208500 2,142 1.0273%
MinnesotaScott County393500 4,195 1.0661%
MinnesotaSherburne County332700 3,311 0.9952%
MinnesotaSibley County215000 2,364 1.0995%
MinnesotaStearns County256500 2,617 1.0203%
MinnesotaSteele County234200 2,824 1.2058%
MinnesotaStevens County180800 1,459 0.8070%
MinnesotaSwift County147100 1,258 0.8552%
MinnesotaTodd County188400 1,874 0.9947%
MinnesotaTraverse County110100 1,070 0.9718%
MinnesotaWabasha County245800 2,675 1.0883%
MinnesotaWadena County170500 1,773 1.0399%
MinnesotaWaseca County213200 2,537 1.1900%
MinnesotaWashington County400900 4,012 1.0007%
MinnesotaWatonwan County151600 1,557 1.0270%
MinnesotaWilkin County172300 1,310 0.7603%
MinnesotaWinona County222900 2,099 0.9417%
MinnesotaWright County332800 3,319 0.9973%
MinnesotaYellow Medicine County148200 1,545 1.0425%
MississippiAdams County106300 941 0.8852%
MississippiAlcorn County132300 788 0.5956%
MississippiAmite County89800 435 0.4844%
MississippiAttala County107600 675 0.6273%
MississippiBenton County109300 716 0.6551%
MississippiBolivar County123600 961 0.7775%
MississippiCalhoun County82900 566 0.6828%
MississippiCarroll County105500 702 0.6654%
MississippiChickasaw County100400 746 0.7430%
MississippiChoctaw County104500 472 0.4517%
MississippiClaiborne County80800 470 0.5817%
MississippiClarke County114300 570 0.4987%
MississippiClay County115600 797 0.6894%
MississippiCoahoma County86400 1,071 1.2396%
MississippiCopiah County105600 833 0.7888%
MississippiCovington County98500 683 0.6934%
MississippiDeSoto County248700 1,595 0.6413%
MississippiForrest County152900 1,284 0.8398%
MississippiFranklin County95100 613 0.6446%
MississippiGeorge County168100 1,086 0.6460%
MississippiGreene County94200 767 0.8142%
MississippiGrenada County123400 1,247 1.0105%
MississippiHancock County206600 1,485 0.7188%
MississippiHarrison County199300 1,289 0.6468%
MississippiHinds County151200 1,389 0.9187%
MississippiHolmes County76500 695 0.9085%
MississippiHumphreys County88800 980 1.1036%
MississippiIssaquena County90700 314 0.3462%
MississippiItawamba County122400 779 0.6364%
MississippiJackson County181700 1,332 0.7331%
MississippiJasper County118600 710 0.5987%
MississippiJefferson County81400 816 1.0025%
MississippiJefferson Davis County87100 728 0.8358%
MississippiJones County126800 1,116 0.8801%
MississippiKemper County90200 539 0.5976%
MississippiLafayette County260500 1,672 0.6418%
MississippiLamar County218700 1,459 0.6671%
MississippiLauderdale County124500 1,223 0.9823%
MississippiLawrence County104600 732 0.6998%
MississippiLeake County114600 775 0.6763%
MississippiLee County187800 1,356 0.7220%
MississippiLeflore County98200 1,037 1.0560%
MississippiLincoln County131800 945 0.7170%
MississippiLowndes County157400 1,008 0.6404%
MississippiMadison County286300 2,071 0.7234%
MississippiMarion County117000 870 0.7436%
MississippiMarshall County172200 1,286 0.7468%
MississippiMonroe County115200 859 0.7457%
MississippiMontgomery County110700 992 0.8961%
MississippiNeshoba County96600 856 0.8861%
MississippiNewton County102700 821 0.7994%
MississippiNoxubee County85200 861 1.0106%
MississippiOktibbeha County219500 1,685 0.7677%
MississippiPanola County121500 935 0.7695%
MississippiPearl River County174500 1,181 0.6768%
MississippiPerry County126000 947 0.7516%
MississippiPike County110500 1,027 0.9294%
MississippiPontotoc County141700 935 0.6598%
MississippiPrentiss County116500 790 0.6781%
MississippiQuitman County68600 792 1.1545%
MississippiRankin County223400 1,384 0.6195%
MississippiScott County89900 718 0.7987%
MississippiSharkey County108000 1,008 0.9333%
MississippiSimpson County111600 671 0.6013%
MississippiSmith County114000 521 0.4570%
MississippiStone County163300 991 0.6069%
MississippiSunflower County103400 909 0.8791%
MississippiTallahatchie County82200 495 0.6022%
MississippiTate County173000 1,328 0.7676%
MississippiTippah County128400 963 0.7500%
MississippiTishomingo County132500 713 0.5381%
MississippiTunica County154500 679 0.4395%
MississippiUnion County159100 917 0.5764%
MississippiWalthall County120600 946 0.7844%
MississippiWarren County144400 1,234 0.8546%
MississippiWashington County99300 837 0.8429%
MississippiWayne County88000 686 0.7795%
MississippiWebster County109500 629 0.5744%
MississippiWilkinson County80200 691 0.8616%
MississippiWinston County121200 785 0.6477%
MississippiYalobusha County97200 800 0.8230%
MississippiYazoo County129200 1,150 0.8901%
MissouriAdair County159500 1,210 0.7586%
MissouriAndrew County196200 1,495 0.7620%
MissouriAtchison County100600 1,178 1.1710%
MissouriAudrain County121600 1,064 0.8750%
MissouriBarry County172900 988 0.5714%
MissouriBarton County136000 1,010 0.7426%
MissouriBates County154800 962 0.6214%
MissouriBenton County164700 918 0.5574%
MissouriBollinger County142400 874 0.6138%
MissouriBoone County254100 2,232 0.8784%
MissouriBuchanan County156600 1,253 0.8001%
MissouriButler County138800 934 0.6729%
MissouriCaldwell County156700 1,230 0.7849%
MissouriCallaway County196200 1,549 0.7895%
MissouriCamden County270700 1,354 0.5002%
MissouriCape Girardeau County208300 1,404 0.6740%
MissouriCarroll County110500 933 0.8443%
MissouriCarter County147600 654 0.4431%
MissouriCass County269000 2,364 0.8788%
MissouriCedar County162500 953 0.5865%
MissouriChariton County118900 900 0.7569%
MissouriChristian County249700 1,878 0.7521%
MissouriClark County117600 1,139 0.9685%
MissouriClay County256400 2,817 1.0987%
MissouriClinton County204300 1,758 0.8605%
MissouriCole County214400 1,728 0.8060%
MissouriCooper County197100 1,332 0.6758%
MissouriCrawford County166000 1,011 0.6090%
MissouriDade County157200 1,022 0.6501%
MissouriDallas County151200 726 0.4802%
MissouriDaviess County149200 1,057 0.7084%
MissouriDeKalb County167500 1,269 0.7576%
MissouriDent County149700 843 0.5631%
MissouriDouglas County164400 673 0.4094%
MissouriDunklin County93800 651 0.6940%
MissouriFranklin County214900 1,774 0.8255%
MissouriGasconade County168900 1,238 0.7330%
MissouriGentry County123000 1,268 1.0309%
MissouriGreene County203500 1,469 0.7219%
MissouriGrundy County107000 1,094 1.0224%
MissouriHarrison County107400 885 0.8240%
MissouriHenry County153500 1,230 0.8013%
MissouriHickory County123200 581 0.4716%
MissouriHolt County122300 945 0.7727%
MissouriHoward County145300 1,262 0.8685%
MissouriHowell County161000 892 0.5540%
MissouriIron County113000 736 0.6513%
MissouriJackson County213300 2,448 1.1477%
MissouriJasper County158500 1,171 0.7388%
MissouriJefferson County218800 1,835 0.8387%
MissouriJohnson County221400 1,515 0.6843%
MissouriKnox County97200 780 0.8025%
MissouriLaclede County158000 1,031 0.6525%
MissouriLafayette County200300 1,534 0.7659%
MissouriLawrence County159800 969 0.6064%
MissouriLewis County118900 875 0.7359%
MissouriLincoln County224800 1,731 0.7700%
MissouriLinn County117300 899 0.7664%
MissouriLivingston County138300 1,243 0.8988%
MissouriMcDonald County134100 723 0.5391%
MissouriMacon County127000 1,049 0.8260%
MissouriMadison County155900 1,146 0.7351%
MissouriMaries County193100 1,088 0.5634%
MissouriMarion County158100 1,373 0.8684%
MissouriMercer County95300 905 0.9496%
MissouriMiller County169800 1,065 0.6272%
MissouriMississippi County100300 880 0.8774%
MissouriMoniteau County168300 1,205 0.7160%
MissouriMonroe County147400 1,086 0.7368%
MissouriMontgomery County171300 1,282 0.7484%
MissouriMorgan County180400 1,101 0.6103%
MissouriNew Madrid County105500 746 0.7071%
MissouriNewton County175300 1,192 0.6800%
MissouriNodaway County165100 1,340 0.8116%
MissouriOregon County117700 599 0.5089%
MissouriOsage County205700 1,222 0.5941%
MissouriOzark County156400 728 0.4655%
MissouriPemiscot County95900 970 1.0115%
MissouriPerry County189400 1,368 0.7223%
MissouriPettis County161500 1,259 0.7796%
MissouriPhelps County194900 1,248 0.6403%
MissouriPike County129400 994 0.7682%
MissouriPlatte County317600 3,365 1.0595%
MissouriPolk County189600 1,101 0.5807%
MissouriPulaski County189700 1,159 0.6110%
MissouriPutnam County111600 1,101 0.9866%
MissouriRalls County153400 1,161 0.7568%
MissouriRandolph County141900 1,204 0.8485%
MissouriRay County187400 1,533 0.8180%
MissouriReynolds County119900 553 0.4612%
MissouriRipley County110800 555 0.5009%
MissouriSt. Charles County296800 3,340 1.1253%
MissouriSt. Clair County142500 911 0.6393%
MissouriSte. Genevieve County215600 1,376 0.6382%
MissouriSt. Francois County155100 1,161 0.7485%
MissouriSt. Louis County260700 3,193 1.2248%
MissouriSaline County139600 1,138 0.8152%
MissouriSchuyler County118200 1,030 0.8714%
MissouriScotland County141100 1,192 0.8448%
MissouriScott County143700 936 0.6514%
MissouriShannon County151000 652 0.4318%
MissouriShelby County86200 772 0.8956%
MissouriStoddard County135400 885 0.6536%
MissouriStone County236500 1,167 0.4934%
MissouriSullivan County103300 760 0.7357%
MissouriTaney County203800 1,178 0.5780%
MissouriTexas County123300 652 0.5288%
MissouriVernon County136700 970 0.7096%
MissouriWarren County241200 1,780 0.7380%
MissouriWashington County118400 682 0.5760%
MissouriWayne County113100 565 0.4996%
MissouriWebster County219100 1,181 0.5390%
MissouriWorth County94600 758 0.8013%
MissouriWright County152300 584 0.3835%
MissouriSt. Louis city185100 1,935 1.0454%
MontanaBeaverhead County282000 1,876 0.6652%
MontanaBig Horn County148200 1,482 1.0000%
MontanaBlaine County124900 1,901 1.5220%
MontanaBroadwater County364800 2,210 0.6058%
MontanaCarbon County379300 2,080 0.5484%
MontanaCarter County176600 782 0.4428%
MontanaCascade County243300 2,236 0.9190%
MontanaChouteau County185100 1,446 0.7812%
MontanaCuster County204200 2,242 1.0979%
MontanaDaniels County177800 1,533 0.8622%
MontanaDawson County187400 2,199 1.1734%
MontanaDeer Lodge County209700 1,706 0.8135%
MontanaFallon County237000 1,359 0.5734%
MontanaFergus County202700 1,709 0.8431%
MontanaFlathead County467700 2,867 0.6130%
MontanaGallatin County604900 3,625 0.5993%
MontanaGarfield County178300 1,169 0.6556%
MontanaGlacier County153400 1,246 0.8123%
MontanaGolden Valley County203900 1,038 0.5091%
MontanaGranite County339500 2,061 0.6071%
MontanaHill County187600 2,026 1.0800%
MontanaJefferson County408000 2,274 0.5574%
MontanaJudith Basin County214200 971 0.4533%
MontanaLake County369200 2,436 0.6598%
MontanaLewis and Clark County358200 2,886 0.8057%
MontanaLiberty County116800 1,204 1.0308%
MontanaLincoln County258700 1,499 0.5794%
MontanaMcCone County197400 1,330 0.6738%
MontanaMadison County440500 1,800 0.4086%
MontanaMeagher County244400 1,705 0.6976%
MontanaMineral County313600 1,728 0.5510%
MontanaMissoula County423100 3,833 0.9059%
MontanaMusselshell County221200 1,383 0.6252%
MontanaPark County429700 2,454 0.5711%
MontanaPetroleum County173700 1,261 0.7260%
MontanaPhillips County175000 1,484 0.8480%
MontanaPondera County179200 1,584 0.8839%
MontanaPowder River County149400 1,237 0.8280%
MontanaPowell County255700 1,809 0.7075%
MontanaPrairie County167100 1,428 0.8546%
MontanaRavalli County435000 2,303 0.5294%
MontanaRichland County259000 1,935 0.7471%
MontanaRoosevelt County119400 1,535 1.2856%
MontanaRosebud County188900 1,191 0.6305%
MontanaSanders County323800 1,777 0.5488%
MontanaSheridan County111600 1,436 1.2867%
MontanaSilver Bow County223500 2,357 1.0546%
MontanaStillwater County355600 2,131 0.5993%
MontanaSweet Grass County295500 1,452 0.4914%
MontanaTeton County235500 1,929 0.8191%
MontanaToole County187400 1,805 0.9632%
MontanaTreasure County215300 1,326 0.6159%
MontanaValley County198600 2,185 1.1002%
MontanaWheatland County172700 1,122 0.6497%
MontanaWibaux County92300 654 0.7086%
MontanaYellowstone County317600 2,669 0.8404%
NebraskaAdams County185800 2,670 1.4370%
NebraskaAntelope County116900 1,426 1.2198%
NebraskaArthur County188800 1,574 0.8337%
NebraskaBanner County166300 2,516 1.5129%
NebraskaBlaine County102100 1,211 1.1861%
NebraskaBoone County164700 1,673 1.0158%
NebraskaBox Butte County161100 2,397 1.4879%
NebraskaBoyd County104000 1,268 1.2192%
NebraskaBrown County100200 1,082 1.0798%
NebraskaBuffalo County236800 3,435 1.4506%
NebraskaBurt County125400 1,824 1.4545%
NebraskaButler County165700 1,941 1.1714%
NebraskaCass County247200 3,545 1.4341%
NebraskaCedar County175500 1,827 1.0410%
NebraskaChase County178700 2,156 1.2065%
NebraskaCherry County136000 1,373 1.0096%
NebraskaCheyenne County129100 2,248 1.7413%
NebraskaClay County146300 1,886 1.2891%
NebraskaColfax County128800 1,612 1.2516%
NebraskaCuming County174900 1,815 1.0377%
NebraskaCuster County160500 1,849 1.1520%
NebraskaDakota County168100 2,680 1.5943%
NebraskaDawes County146500 1,970 1.3447%
NebraskaDawson County157800 1,989 1.2605%
NebraskaDeuel County97200 1,455 1.4969%
NebraskaDixon County141400 1,714 1.2122%
NebraskaDodge County188100 2,591 1.3775%
NebraskaDouglas County245800 4,295 1.7474%
NebraskaDundy County118200 971 0.8215%
NebraskaFillmore County131200 1,481 1.1288%
NebraskaFranklin County99100 1,123 1.1332%
NebraskaFrontier County138800 1,979 1.4258%
NebraskaFurnas County91800 1,330 1.4488%
NebraskaGage County167100 2,406 1.4399%
NebraskaGarden County95500 1,127 1.1801%
NebraskaGarfield County144900 2,085 1.4389%
NebraskaGosper County202700 2,407 1.1875%
NebraskaGrant County113900 853 0.7489%
NebraskaGreeley County87800 1,372 1.5626%
NebraskaHall County207900 2,854 1.3728%
NebraskaHamilton County238700 2,287 0.9581%
NebraskaHarlan County147200 1,690 1.1481%
NebraskaHayes County112800 1,429 1.2668%
NebraskaHitchcock County88800 1,105 1.2444%
NebraskaHolt County152000 1,731 1.1388%
NebraskaHooker County85400 1,222 1.4309%
NebraskaHoward County205200 2,314 1.1277%
NebraskaJefferson County117600 1,709 1.4532%
NebraskaJohnson County131500 1,993 1.5156%
NebraskaKearney County218300 2,675 1.2254%
NebraskaKeith County157000 2,204 1.4038%
NebraskaKeya Paha County108800 1,240 1.1397%
NebraskaKimball County109900 1,905 1.7334%
NebraskaKnox County116900 1,426 1.2198%
NebraskaLancaster County258900 4,055 1.5662%
NebraskaLincoln County183100 2,704 1.4768%
NebraskaLogan County160000 1,603 1.0019%
NebraskaLoup County120700 965 0.7995%
NebraskaMcPherson County124200 1,320 1.0628%
NebraskaMadison County196000 2,619 1.3362%
NebraskaMerrick County168000 1,969 1.1720%
NebraskaMorrill County112000 1,453 1.2973%
NebraskaNance County122800 1,470 1.1971%
NebraskaNemaha County125100 1,761 1.4077%
NebraskaNuckolls County90900 1,164 1.2805%
NebraskaOtoe County185000 2,658 1.4368%
NebraskaPawnee County74800 1,191 1.5922%
NebraskaPerkins County149200 1,513 1.0141%
NebraskaPhelps County173300 2,386 1.3768%
NebraskaPierce County182700 2,115 1.1576%
NebraskaPlatte County207800 2,789 1.3422%
NebraskaPolk County177800 1,748 0.9831%
NebraskaRed Willow County143500 1,811 1.2620%
NebraskaRichardson County96500 1,329 1.3772%
NebraskaRock County124400 1,264 1.0161%
NebraskaSaline County180700 2,445 1.3531%
NebraskaSarpy County287600 5,157 1.7931%
NebraskaSaunders County241100 3,247 1.3467%
NebraskaScotts Bluff County161400 2,401 1.4876%
NebraskaSeward County232400 2,791 1.2009%
NebraskaSheridan County102900 1,416 1.3761%
NebraskaSherman County135000 1,652 1.2237%
NebraskaSioux County141700 1,721 1.2145%
NebraskaStanton County184300 2,409 1.3071%
NebraskaThayer County106200 1,207 1.1365%
NebraskaThomas County113000 1,228 1.0867%
NebraskaThurston County105100 1,599 1.5214%
NebraskaValley County122200 1,897 1.5524%
NebraskaWashington County278300 4,106 1.4754%
NebraskaWayne County203700 2,432 1.1939%
NebraskaWebster County102000 1,468 1.4392%
NebraskaWheeler County135900 1,240 0.9124%
NebraskaYork County175900 2,115 1.2024%
NevadaChurchill County298000 1,670 0.5604%
NevadaClark County400800 1,990 0.4965%
NevadaDouglas County587400 2,649 0.4510%
NevadaElko County282400 1,434 0.5078%
NevadaEsmeralda County102500 604 0.5893%
NevadaEureka County 541
NevadaHumboldt County256800 1,309 0.5097%
NevadaLander County210500 1,336 0.6347%
NevadaLincoln County208900 1,135 0.5433%
NevadaLyon County342600 1,585 0.4626%
NevadaMineral County175000 1,231 0.7034%
NevadaNye County266000 1,256 0.4722%
NevadaPershing County166200 1,159 0.6974%
NevadaStorey County393100 1,578 0.4014%
NevadaWashoe County496600 2,297 0.4625%
NevadaWhite Pine County196700 968 0.4921%
NevadaCarson City426700 1,781 0.4174%
New HampshireBelknap County340000 4,897 1.4403%
New HampshireCarroll County348900 3,685 1.0562%
New HampshireCheshire County257200 5,968 2.3204%
New HampshireCoos County169600 3,511 2.0702%
New HampshireGrafton County298500 5,624 1.8841%
New HampshireHillsborough County385500 6,791 1.7616%
New HampshireMerrimack County330600 6,617 2.0015%
New HampshireRockingham County461400 7,512 1.6281%
New HampshireStrafford County332400 6,582 1.9801%
New HampshireSullivan County236300 5,616 2.3766%
New JerseyAtlantic County272700 6,749 2.4749%
New JerseyBergen County593200 10,001 1.6859%
New JerseyBurlington County326700 7,902 2.4187%
New JerseyCamden County262200 8,063 3.0751%
New JerseyCape May County395000 5,233 1.3248%
New JerseyCumberland County205600 5,048 2.4553%
New JerseyEssex County494400 10,001 2.0229%
New JerseyGloucester County283500 7,964 2.8092%
New JerseyHudson County508600 9,413 1.8508%
New JerseyHunterdon County498800 10,001 2.0050%
New JerseyMercer County351000 8,804 2.5083%
New JerseyMiddlesex County439300 9,684 2.2044%
New JerseyMonmouth County566500 10,001 1.7654%
New JerseyMorris County557000 10,001 1.7955%
New JerseyOcean County366600 6,499 1.7728%
New JerseyPassaic County439400 10,001 2.2761%
New JerseySalem County223000 6,757 3.0300%
New JerseySomerset County523900 10,001 1.9090%
New JerseySussex County342800 8,462 2.4685%
New JerseyUnion County488800 10,001 2.0460%
New JerseyWarren County323100 8,156 2.5243%
New MexicoBernalillo County268500 2,544 0.9475%
New MexicoCatron County171800 583 0.3393%
New MexicoChaves County141900 915 0.6448%
New MexicoCibola County120000 983 0.8192%
New MexicoColfax County161000 927 0.5758%
New MexicoCurry County160800 893 0.5553%
New MexicoDe Baca County158000 788 0.4987%
New MexicoDoña Ana County205400 1,404 0.6835%
New MexicoEddy County199400 995 0.4990%
New MexicoGrant County164400 756 0.4599%
New MexicoGuadalupe County107200 563 0.5252%
New MexicoHarding County86500 328 0.3792%
New MexicoHidalgo County114000 526 0.4614%
New MexicoLea County176000 824 0.4682%
New MexicoLincoln County212200 1,143 0.5386%
New MexicoLos Alamos County452500 2,591 0.5726%
New MexicoLuna County112500 648 0.5760%
New MexicoMcKinley County72100 1,362 1.8890%
New MexicoMora County119900 642 0.5354%
New MexicoOtero County149500 841 0.5625%
New MexicoQuay County82200 507 0.6168%
New MexicoRio Arriba County230900 1,000 0.4331%
New MexicoRoosevelt County136000 593 0.4360%
New MexicoSandoval County282300 2,147 0.7605%
New MexicoSan Juan County185100 1,249 0.6748%
New MexicoSan Miguel County177600 991 0.5580%
New MexicoSanta Fe County416900 2,110 0.5061%
New MexicoSierra County144800 793 0.5477%
New MexicoSocorro County143200 792 0.5531%
New MexicoTaos County354000 1,164 0.3288%
New MexicoTorrance County145100 677 0.4666%
New MexicoUnion County135900 776 0.5710%
New MexicoValencia County206800 1,365 0.6601%
New YorkAlbany County277400 5,253 1.8937%
New YorkAllegany County97900 2,881 2.9428%
New YorkBronx County517000 5,310 1.0271%
New YorkBroome County145100 3,824 2.6354%
New YorkCattaraugus County109400 2,946 2.6929%
New YorkCayuga County164200 3,747 2.2820%
New YorkChautauqua County119300 2,846 2.3856%
New YorkChemung County132100 3,332 2.5223%
New YorkChenango County128100 3,061 2.3895%
New YorkClinton County175100 3,461 1.9766%
New YorkColumbia County309800 4,795 1.5478%
New YorkCortland County158100 4,184 2.6464%
New YorkDelaware County176200 3,059 1.7361%
New YorkDutchess County368100 7,226 1.9631%
New YorkErie County217400 4,525 2.0814%
New YorkEssex County200000 3,111 1.5555%
New YorkFranklin County128600 2,418 1.8802%
New YorkFulton County156100 3,325 2.1300%
New YorkGenesee County157800 3,958 2.5082%
New YorkGreene County248300 4,116 1.6577%
New YorkHamilton County242000 2,369 0.9789%
New YorkHerkimer County135000 3,067 2.2719%
New YorkJefferson County181000 2,851 1.5751%
New YorkKings County889700 6,120 0.6879%
New YorkLewis County158000 2,682 1.6975%
New YorkLivingston County169600 4,182 2.4658%
New YorkMadison County176800 4,058 2.2952%
New YorkMonroe County197100 5,495 2.7879%
New YorkMontgomery County141600 3,630 2.5636%
New YorkNassau County658700 10,001 1.5183%
New YorkNew York County1108900 10,001 0.9019%
New YorkNiagara County177400 4,052 2.2841%
New YorkOneida County171100 3,646 2.1309%
New YorkOnondaga County185300 4,805 2.5931%
New YorkOntario County202900 4,460 2.1981%
New YorkOrange County361100 8,463 2.3437%
New YorkOrleans County126200 3,781 2.9960%
New YorkOswego County139600 3,595 2.5752%
New YorkOtsego County175900 2,911 1.6549%
New YorkPutnam County448000 10,001 2.2324%
New YorkQueens County699200 6,130 0.8767%
New YorkRensselaer County244300 5,357 2.1928%
New YorkRichmond County658500 6,074 0.9224%
New YorkRockland County564200 10,001 1.7726%
New YorkSt. Lawrence County119800 2,735 2.2830%
New YorkSaratoga County324800 4,843 1.4911%
New YorkSchenectady County223100 5,486 2.4590%
New YorkSchoharie County182000 3,977 2.1852%
New YorkSchuyler County163300 3,165 1.9382%
New YorkSeneca County142700 3,267 2.2894%
New YorkSteuben County128600 3,245 2.5233%
New YorkSuffolk County539500 10,001 1.8538%
New YorkSullivan County234800 5,082 2.1644%
New YorkTioga County153200 3,750 2.4478%
New YorkTompkins County271500 6,374 2.3477%
New YorkUlster County315100 6,124 1.9435%
New YorkWarren County247600 3,789 1.5303%
New YorkWashington County185000 3,852 2.0822%
New YorkWayne County163400 4,168 2.5508%
New YorkWestchester County638400 10,001 1.5666%
New YorkWyoming County154700 3,557 2.2993%
New YorkYates County178000 3,417 1.9197%
North CarolinaAlamance County221200 1,440 0.6510%
North CarolinaAlexander County190000 1,199 0.6311%
North CarolinaAlleghany County199000 1,202 0.6040%
North CarolinaAnson County119300 1,113 0.9329%
North CarolinaAshe County221900 1,136 0.5119%
North CarolinaAvery County233200 966 0.4142%
North CarolinaBeaufort County181200 1,277 0.7047%
North CarolinaBertie County95800 764 0.7975%
North CarolinaBladen County125800 1,137 0.9038%
North CarolinaBrunswick County314700 1,789 0.5685%
North CarolinaBuncombe County360000 2,163 0.6008%
North CarolinaBurke County170500 1,191 0.6985%
North CarolinaCabarrus County318600 2,429 0.7624%
North CarolinaCaldwell County174000 1,112 0.6391%
North CarolinaCamden County289800 1,784 0.6156%
North CarolinaCarteret County304200 1,369 0.4500%
North CarolinaCaswell County151200 1,023 0.6766%
North CarolinaCatawba County218100 1,319 0.6048%
North CarolinaChatham County397800 2,671 0.6714%
North CarolinaCherokee County208700 1,045 0.5007%
North CarolinaChowan County204400 1,403 0.6864%
North CarolinaClay County263300 1,188 0.4512%
North CarolinaCleveland County180200 1,240 0.6881%
North CarolinaColumbus County128300 1,120 0.8730%
North CarolinaCraven County206200 1,372 0.6654%
North CarolinaCumberland County183700 1,823 0.9924%
North CarolinaCurrituck County351200 1,600 0.4556%
North CarolinaDare County425400 2,245 0.5277%
North CarolinaDavidson County200100 1,262 0.6307%
North CarolinaDavie County235300 1,570 0.6672%
North CarolinaDuplin County123200 912 0.7403%
North CarolinaDurham County351700 2,951 0.8391%
North CarolinaEdgecombe County116800 1,282 1.0976%
North CarolinaForsyth County227800 1,934 0.8490%
North CarolinaFranklin County240900 1,732 0.7190%
North CarolinaGaston County235000 1,872 0.7966%
North CarolinaGates County163900 1,273 0.7767%
North CarolinaGraham County155800 842 0.5404%
North CarolinaGranville County235700 1,694 0.7187%
North CarolinaGreene County114000 990 0.8684%
North CarolinaGuilford County234900 2,075 0.8834%
North CarolinaHalifax County102500 1,163 1.1346%
North CarolinaHarnett County220700 1,642 0.7440%
North CarolinaHaywood County254900 1,532 0.6010%
North CarolinaHenderson County317800 1,667 0.5245%
North CarolinaHertford County111100 1,083 0.9748%
North CarolinaHoke County196000 1,357 0.6923%
North CarolinaHyde County119600 753 0.6296%
North CarolinaIredell County292300 1,843 0.6305%
North CarolinaJackson County253900 938 0.3694%
North CarolinaJohnston County267600 1,840 0.6876%
North CarolinaJones County122600 926 0.7553%
North CarolinaLee County213800 1,707 0.7984%
North CarolinaLenoir County111400 985 0.8842%
North CarolinaLincoln County279500 1,660 0.5939%
North CarolinaMcDowell County168300 871 0.5175%
North CarolinaMacon County229000 979 0.4275%
North CarolinaMadison County263500 1,307 0.4960%
North CarolinaMartin County109900 1,176 1.0701%
North CarolinaMecklenburg County371200 2,780 0.7489%
North CarolinaMitchell County202100 1,014 0.5017%
North CarolinaMontgomery County150300 1,057 0.7033%
North CarolinaMoore County315300 1,784 0.5658%
North CarolinaNash County171100 1,320 0.7715%
North CarolinaNew Hanover County353700 2,075 0.5867%
North CarolinaNorthampton County102200 1,232 1.2055%
North CarolinaOnslow County219500 1,431 0.6519%
North CarolinaOrange County428500 4,105 0.9580%
North CarolinaPamlico County209800 1,257 0.5991%
North CarolinaPasquotank County223300 1,547 0.6928%
North CarolinaPender County267100 1,858 0.6956%
North CarolinaPerquimans County211600 1,316 0.6219%
North CarolinaPerson County192800 1,288 0.6680%
North CarolinaPitt County194300 1,649 0.8487%
North CarolinaPolk County281100 1,627 0.5788%
North CarolinaRandolph County171600 1,236 0.7203%
North CarolinaRichmond County120800 1,122 0.9288%
North CarolinaRobeson County88600 799 0.9018%
North CarolinaRockingham County156000 1,230 0.7885%
North CarolinaRowan County216100 1,411 0.6529%
North CarolinaRutherford County180800 1,053 0.5824%
North CarolinaSampson County128400 1,051 0.8185%
North CarolinaScotland County109900 999 0.9090%
North CarolinaStanly County214300 1,334 0.6225%
North CarolinaStokes County186800 1,158 0.6199%
North CarolinaSurry County166400 1,033 0.6208%
North CarolinaSwain County209800 844 0.4023%
North CarolinaTransylvania County336100 1,539 0.4579%
North CarolinaTyrrell County138400 1,233 0.8909%
North CarolinaUnion County374400 2,298 0.6138%
North CarolinaVance County146300 1,179 0.8059%
North CarolinaWake County422800 3,023 0.7150%
North CarolinaWarren County124700 1,059 0.8492%
North CarolinaWashington County107000 1,202 1.1234%
North CarolinaWatauga County321500 1,334 0.4149%
North CarolinaWayne County162700 1,210 0.7437%
North CarolinaWilkes County161400 1,003 0.6214%
North CarolinaWilson County171800 1,428 0.8312%
North CarolinaYadkin County176400 1,210 0.6859%
North CarolinaYancey County222300 1,058 0.4759%
North DakotaAdams County108300 1,106 1.0212%
North DakotaBarnes County168100 1,842 1.0958%
North DakotaBenson County83100 724 0.8712%
North DakotaBillings County322500 1,189 0.3687%
North DakotaBottineau County190900 1,335 0.6993%
North DakotaBowman County176400 1,330 0.7540%
North DakotaBurke County141900 968 0.6822%
North DakotaBurleigh County314700 2,764 0.8783%
North DakotaCass County284700 3,449 1.2115%
North DakotaCavalier County122300 1,524 1.2461%
North DakotaDickey County167100 1,538 0.9204%
North DakotaDivide County173100 1,034 0.5973%
North DakotaDunn County244000 1,473 0.6037%
North DakotaEddy County115500 1,027 0.8892%
North DakotaEmmons County112400 1,011 0.8995%
North DakotaFoster County162800 2,092 1.2850%
North DakotaGolden Valley County119200 1,109 0.9304%
North DakotaGrand Forks County244200 2,754 1.1278%
North DakotaGrant County85800 841 0.9802%
North DakotaGriggs County128200 1,162 0.9064%
North DakotaHettinger County110900 1,251 1.1280%
North DakotaKidder County138500 910 0.6570%
North DakotaLaMoure County118000 1,142 0.9678%
North DakotaLogan County101800 949 0.9322%
North DakotaMcHenry County143200 949 0.6627%
North DakotaMcIntosh County80300 867 1.0797%
North DakotaMcKenzie County357300 1,473 0.4123%
North DakotaMcLean County233100 1,748 0.7499%
North DakotaMercer County196200 2,101 1.0708%
North DakotaMorton County249600 2,562 1.0264%
North DakotaMountrail County222200 1,172 0.5275%
North DakotaNelson County114500 919 0.8026%
North DakotaOliver County217000 1,363 0.6281%
North DakotaPembina County116600 1,165 0.9991%
North DakotaPierce County143400 1,477 1.0300%
North DakotaRamsey County197400 1,847 0.9357%
North DakotaRansom County174800 1,838 1.0515%
North DakotaRenville County163400 1,107 0.6775%
North DakotaRichland County177600 2,015 1.1346%
North DakotaRolette County93000 907 0.9753%
North DakotaSargent County149600 1,708 1.1417%
North DakotaSheridan County107700 753 0.6992%
North DakotaSioux County87400 410 0.4691%
North DakotaSlope County121300 460 0.3792%
North DakotaStark County260400 2,398 0.9209%
North DakotaSteele County120400 1,146 0.9518%
North DakotaStutsman County200300 2,193 1.0949%
North DakotaTowner County122800 1,078 0.8779%
North DakotaTraill County193200 2,018 1.0445%
North DakotaWalsh County125700 1,389 1.1050%
North DakotaWard County259100 2,785 1.0749%
North DakotaWells County106400 1,107 1.0404%
North DakotaWilliams County267800 1,913 0.7143%
OhioAdams County157500 1,303 0.8273%
OhioAllen County158400 1,782 1.1250%
OhioAshland County175900 1,787 1.0159%
OhioAshtabula County149600 1,890 1.2634%
OhioAthens County173800 2,094 1.2048%
OhioAuglaize County182000 1,756 0.9648%
OhioBelmont County143000 1,420 0.9930%
OhioBrown County181100 1,497 0.8266%
OhioButler County243000 3,010 1.2387%
OhioCarroll County174500 1,688 0.9673%
OhioChampaign County186300 1,938 1.0403%
OhioClark County155900 1,943 1.2463%
OhioClermont County245600 3,141 1.2789%
OhioClinton County192800 1,816 0.9419%
OhioColumbiana County139100 1,488 1.0697%
OhioCoshocton County142300 1,378 0.9684%
OhioCrawford County123600 1,509 1.2209%
OhioCuyahoga County183200 3,819 2.0846%
OhioDarke County169100 1,572 0.9296%
OhioDefiance County150900 1,686 1.1173%
OhioDelaware County419500 6,896 1.6439%
OhioErie County183900 2,330 1.2670%
OhioFairfield County272200 3,123 1.1473%
OhioFayette County162200 1,561 0.9624%
OhioFranklin County265700 4,110 1.5469%
OhioFulton County176000 2,348 1.3341%
OhioGallia County135000 1,351 1.0007%
OhioGeauga County305100 4,533 1.4857%
OhioGreene County238000 4,021 1.6895%
OhioGuernsey County154100 1,561 1.0130%
OhioHamilton County225700 3,461 1.5335%
OhioHancock County196500 1,966 1.0005%
OhioHardin County134800 1,513 1.1224%
OhioHarrison County118000 1,226 1.0390%
OhioHenry County166000 1,954 1.1771%
OhioHighland County157000 1,475 0.9395%
OhioHocking County172300 1,748 1.0145%
OhioHolmes County251800 2,802 1.1128%
OhioHuron County158900 1,664 1.0472%
OhioJackson County140400 1,339 0.9537%
OhioJefferson County120600 1,220 1.0116%
OhioKnox County218300 2,345 1.0742%
OhioLake County199900 3,405 1.7034%
OhioLawrence County135600 1,193 0.8798%
OhioLicking County250700 3,150 1.2565%
OhioLogan County186200 1,947 1.0456%
OhioLorain County207200 2,992 1.4440%
OhioLucas County155200 2,710 1.7461%
OhioMadison County231400 2,437 1.0532%
OhioMahoning County141100 1,975 1.3997%
OhioMarion County146200 1,432 0.9795%
OhioMedina County268000 3,448 1.2866%
OhioMeigs County113400 1,117 0.9850%
OhioMercer County208600 2,249 1.0781%
OhioMiami County209200 2,106 1.0067%
OhioMonroe County132000 1,148 0.8697%
OhioMontgomery County167400 2,975 1.7772%
OhioMorgan County134200 1,216 0.9061%
OhioMorrow County200800 2,208 1.0996%
OhioMuskingum County170100 1,609 0.9459%
OhioNoble County149300 1,178 0.7890%
OhioOttawa County200700 2,181 1.0867%
OhioPaulding County126800 1,382 1.0899%
OhioPerry County178300 1,656 0.9288%
OhioPickaway County235700 2,438 1.0344%
OhioPike County148500 1,269 0.8545%
OhioPortage County210500 2,728 1.2960%
OhioPreble County171100 1,841 1.0760%
OhioPutnam County191600 1,870 0.9760%
OhioRichland County154000 1,984 1.2883%
OhioRoss County158500 1,577 0.9950%
OhioSandusky County152500 1,621 1.0630%
OhioScioto County132300 1,417 1.0711%
OhioSeneca County136200 1,489 1.0932%
OhioShelby County190300 1,919 1.0084%
OhioStark County177700 2,342 1.3180%
OhioSummit County195700 3,018 1.5422%
OhioTrumbull County128100 1,806 1.4098%
OhioTuscarawas County176800 1,910 1.0803%
OhioUnion County306600 3,847 1.2547%
OhioVan Wert County137300 1,327 0.9665%
OhioVinton County131700 1,432 1.0873%
OhioWarren County319700 4,076 1.2749%
OhioWashington County174100 1,665 0.9563%
OhioWayne County204600 2,457 1.2009%
OhioWilliams County140000 1,624 1.1600%
OhioWood County214400 2,911 1.3577%
OhioWyandot County159500 1,417 0.8884%
OklahomaAdair County111500 530 0.4753%
OklahomaAlfalfa County103000 649 0.6301%
OklahomaAtoka County138000 767 0.5558%
OklahomaBeaver County117900 897 0.7608%
OklahomaBeckham County153400 1,215 0.7920%
OklahomaBlaine County126200 702 0.5563%
OklahomaBryan County163700 1,040 0.6353%
OklahomaCaddo County109900 627 0.5705%
OklahomaCanadian County230300 2,259 0.9809%
OklahomaCarter County153500 1,185 0.7720%
OklahomaCherokee County160300 905 0.5646%
OklahomaChoctaw County119700 502 0.4194%
OklahomaCimarron County94500 386 0.4085%
OklahomaCleveland County222800 2,288 1.0269%
OklahomaCoal County92500 540 0.5838%
OklahomaComanche County154300 1,386 0.8983%
OklahomaCotton County113200 712 0.6290%
OklahomaCraig County132900 775 0.5831%
OklahomaCreek County170900 1,261 0.7379%
OklahomaCuster County177000 1,197 0.6763%
OklahomaDelaware County164900 971 0.5888%
OklahomaDewey County118200 713 0.6032%
OklahomaEllis County122500 916 0.7478%
OklahomaGarfield County149800 1,331 0.8885%
OklahomaGarvin County132600 750 0.5656%
OklahomaGrady County187900 1,321 0.7030%
OklahomaGrant County79500 480 0.6038%
OklahomaGreer County103600 590 0.5695%
OklahomaHarmon County75700 528 0.6975%
OklahomaHarper County99300 663 0.6677%
OklahomaHaskell County122300 557 0.4554%
OklahomaHughes County94900 580 0.6112%
OklahomaJackson County145000 918 0.6331%
OklahomaJefferson County77500 512 0.6606%
OklahomaJohnston County110700 614 0.5547%
OklahomaKay County116800 799 0.6841%
OklahomaKingfisher County206400 1,139 0.5518%
OklahomaKiowa County90300 517 0.5725%
OklahomaLatimer County103300 532 0.5150%
OklahomaLe Flore County121600 794 0.6530%
OklahomaLincoln County152000 813 0.5349%
OklahomaLogan County234300 1,787 0.7627%
OklahomaLove County167500 1,066 0.6364%
OklahomaMcClain County233900 1,868 0.7986%
OklahomaMcCurtain County126100 505 0.4005%
OklahomaMcIntosh County135800 797 0.5869%
OklahomaMajor County134700 828 0.6147%
OklahomaMarshall County139700 824 0.5898%
OklahomaMayes County171900 1,153 0.6707%
OklahomaMurray County154900 665 0.4293%
OklahomaMuskogee County138800 972 0.7003%
OklahomaNoble County142600 1,145 0.8029%
OklahomaNowata County121900 860 0.7055%
OklahomaOkfuskee County110800 552 0.4982%
OklahomaOklahoma County207800 2,045 0.9841%
OklahomaOkmulgee County114600 788 0.6876%
OklahomaOsage County172300 1,253 0.7272%
OklahomaOttawa County114300 708 0.6194%
OklahomaPawnee County125700 873 0.6945%
OklahomaPayne County217700 1,884 0.8654%
OklahomaPittsburg County146300 756 0.5167%
OklahomaPontotoc County170500 1,067 0.6258%
OklahomaPottawatomie County155700 1,013 0.6506%
OklahomaPushmataha County116800 483 0.4135%
OklahomaRoger Mills County152600 731 0.4790%
OklahomaRogers County222200 1,739 0.7826%
OklahomaSeminole County91200 552 0.6053%
OklahomaSequoyah County127500 723 0.5671%
OklahomaStephens County135100 961 0.7113%
OklahomaTexas County155600 1,075 0.6909%
OklahomaTillman County71900 477 0.6634%
OklahomaTulsa County213500 2,161 1.0122%
OklahomaWagoner County216000 1,753 0.8116%
OklahomaWashington County160900 1,505 0.9354%
OklahomaWashita County113300 614 0.5419%
OklahomaWoods County141900 731 0.5152%
OklahomaWoodward County178000 1,105 0.6208%
OregonBaker County247700 2,184 0.8817%
OregonBenton County481700 4,713 0.9784%
OregonClackamas County577900 5,051 0.8740%
OregonClatsop County437800 3,084 0.7044%
OregonColumbia County390600 2,948 0.7547%
OregonCoos County302800 2,243 0.7408%
OregonCrook County423300 2,703 0.6386%
OregonCurry County366700 1,948 0.5312%
OregonDeschutes County596000 3,670 0.6158%
OregonDouglas County283200 1,869 0.6600%
OregonGilliam County158400 1,597 1.0082%
OregonGrant County225100 1,713 0.7610%
OregonHarney County190600 1,845 0.9680%
OregonHood River County571200 3,359 0.5881%
OregonJackson County400200 3,032 0.7576%
OregonJefferson County339200 2,506 0.7388%
OregonJosephine County383100 2,023 0.5281%
OregonKlamath County255700 1,734 0.6781%
OregonLake County219400 1,407 0.6413%
OregonLane County395800 3,417 0.8633%
OregonLincoln County387700 3,241 0.8360%
OregonLinn County344600 3,130 0.9083%
OregonMalheur County221300 1,799 0.8129%
OregonMarion County383300 3,382 0.8823%
OregonMorrow County229800 1,885 0.8203%
OregonMultnomah County528000 5,061 0.9585%
OregonPolk County419500 3,534 0.8424%
OregonSherman County206700 1,436 0.6947%
OregonTillamook County408600 2,449 0.5994%
OregonUmatilla County256100 2,534 0.9895%
OregonUnion County260500 2,307 0.8856%
OregonWallowa County371900 2,173 0.5843%
OregonWasco County332500 2,784 0.8373%
OregonWashington County558500 4,852 0.8688%
OregonWheeler County259000 1,884 0.7274%
OregonYamhill County442700 3,318 0.7495%
PennsylvaniaAdams County256100 3,569 1.3936%
PennsylvaniaAllegheny County216700 3,399 1.5685%
PennsylvaniaArmstrong County146300 2,175 1.4867%
PennsylvaniaBeaver County185500 2,672 1.4404%
PennsylvaniaBedford County172900 1,403 0.8115%
PennsylvaniaBerks County239700 4,238 1.7680%
PennsylvaniaBlair County156700 1,711 1.0919%
PennsylvaniaBradford County182300 2,110 1.1574%
PennsylvaniaBucks County421700 5,833 1.3832%
PennsylvaniaButler County275600 2,950 1.0704%
PennsylvaniaCambria County115900 1,487 1.2830%
PennsylvaniaCameron County88200 1,470 1.6667%
PennsylvaniaCarbon County193700 2,914 1.5044%
PennsylvaniaCentre County308100 3,282 1.0652%
PennsylvaniaChester County461800 6,191 1.3406%
PennsylvaniaClarion County152100 1,477 0.9711%
PennsylvaniaClearfield County125000 1,488 1.1904%
PennsylvaniaClinton County179100 2,047 1.1429%
PennsylvaniaColumbia County199200 2,266 1.1376%
PennsylvaniaCrawford County143400 2,099 1.4637%
PennsylvaniaCumberland County261900 3,180 1.2142%
PennsylvaniaDauphin County222300 3,171 1.4265%
PennsylvaniaDelaware County302400 6,001 1.9845%
PennsylvaniaElk County128600 1,686 1.3110%
PennsylvaniaErie County169500 2,754 1.6248%
PennsylvaniaFayette County126900 1,516 1.1946%
PennsylvaniaForest County111900 1,162 1.0384%
PennsylvaniaFranklin County236300 2,634 1.1147%
PennsylvaniaFulton County206000 2,118 1.0282%
PennsylvaniaGreene County146200 1,893 1.2948%
PennsylvaniaHuntingdon County180300 1,648 0.9140%
PennsylvaniaIndiana County145400 2,271 1.5619%
PennsylvaniaJefferson County126700 1,411 1.1137%
PennsylvaniaJuniata County206300 2,167 1.0504%
PennsylvaniaLackawanna County189900 2,910 1.5324%
PennsylvaniaLancaster County279400 3,941 1.4105%
PennsylvaniaLawrence County136700 1,983 1.4506%
PennsylvaniaLebanon County227300 3,180 1.3990%
PennsylvaniaLehigh County276100 4,591 1.6628%
PennsylvaniaLuzerne County163800 2,506 1.5299%
PennsylvaniaLycoming County195600 2,647 1.3533%
PennsylvaniaMcKean County98700 1,615 1.6363%
PennsylvaniaMercer County153600 1,943 1.2650%
PennsylvaniaMifflin County142900 2,227 1.5584%
PennsylvaniaMonroe County241200 4,435 1.8387%
PennsylvaniaMontgomery County409900 5,776 1.4091%
PennsylvaniaMontour County240300 2,475 1.0300%
PennsylvaniaNorthampton County285000 4,710 1.6526%
PennsylvaniaNorthumberland County151600 1,778 1.1728%
PennsylvaniaPerry County222800 2,775 1.2455%
PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia County232400 1,952 0.8399%
PennsylvaniaPike County250900 3,502 1.3958%
PennsylvaniaPotter County146200 1,868 1.2777%
PennsylvaniaSchuylkill County140400 2,147 1.5292%
PennsylvaniaSnyder County205500 2,402 1.1689%
PennsylvaniaSomerset County130600 1,449 1.1095%
PennsylvaniaSullivan County186400 1,959 1.0510%
PennsylvaniaSusquehanna County206700 2,373 1.1480%
PennsylvaniaTioga County176000 2,093 1.1892%
PennsylvaniaUnion County222900 2,667 1.1965%
PennsylvaniaVenango County114500 1,509 1.3179%
PennsylvaniaWarren County121800 1,694 1.3908%
PennsylvaniaWashington County220600 2,445 1.1083%
PennsylvaniaWayne County228200 2,882 1.2629%
PennsylvaniaWestmoreland County193100 2,473 1.2807%
PennsylvaniaWyoming County205600 2,763 1.3439%
PennsylvaniaYork County235000 3,947 1.6796%
Rhode IslandBristol County468000 6,483 1.3853%
Rhode IslandKent County333900 4,903 1.4684%
Rhode IslandNewport County559700 5,345 0.9550%
Rhode IslandProvidence County339100 4,661 1.3745%
Rhode IslandWashington County469800 4,954 1.0545%
South CarolinaAbbeville County147200 717 0.4871%
South CarolinaAiken County199500 862 0.4321%
South CarolinaAllendale County61600 542 0.8799%
South CarolinaAnderson County212500 985 0.4635%
South CarolinaBamberg County96000 796 0.8292%
South CarolinaBarnwell County97200 717 0.7377%
South CarolinaBeaufort County407600 2,022 0.4961%
South CarolinaBerkeley County280300 1,343 0.4791%
South CarolinaCalhoun County148800 630 0.4234%
South CarolinaCharleston County450800 1,864 0.4135%
South CarolinaCherokee County135200 590 0.4364%
South CarolinaChester County143800 846 0.5883%
South CarolinaChesterfield County101400 468 0.4615%
South CarolinaClarendon County147300 848 0.5757%
South CarolinaColleton County145900 883 0.6052%
South CarolinaDarlington County141400 604 0.4272%
South CarolinaDillon County84400 425 0.5036%
South CarolinaDorchester County294400 1,710 0.5808%
South CarolinaEdgefield County194300 877 0.4514%
South CarolinaFairfield County129100 683 0.5290%
South CarolinaFlorence County165500 724 0.4375%
South CarolinaGeorgetown County262300 1,117 0.4258%
South CarolinaGreenville County273900 1,445 0.5276%
South CarolinaGreenwood County166400 973 0.5847%
South CarolinaHampton County102400 826 0.8066%
South CarolinaHorry County260500 879 0.3374%
South CarolinaJasper County269400 1,490 0.5531%
South CarolinaKershaw County191900 937 0.4883%
South CarolinaLancaster County298100 1,487 0.4988%
South CarolinaLaurens County153500 673 0.4384%
South CarolinaLee County101900 579 0.5682%
South CarolinaLexington County217700 1,136 0.5218%
South CarolinaMcCormick County159000 1,014 0.6377%
South CarolinaMarion County86800 397 0.4574%
South CarolinaMarlboro County74500 475 0.6376%
South CarolinaNewberry County158200 1,090 0.6890%
South CarolinaOconee County217200 856 0.3941%
South CarolinaOrangeburg County109700 724 0.6600%
South CarolinaPickens County216000 821 0.3801%
South CarolinaRichland County224200 1,569 0.6998%
South CarolinaSaluda County123200 700 0.5682%
South CarolinaSpartanburg County216000 1,217 0.5634%
South CarolinaSumter County159500 860 0.5392%
South CarolinaUnion County100000 558 0.5580%
South CarolinaWilliamsburg County95100 630 0.6625%
South CarolinaYork County322700 1,602 0.4964%
South DakotaAurora County129000 1,393 1.0798%
South DakotaBeadle County178400 1,879 1.0533%
South DakotaBennett County138600 1,424 1.0274%
South DakotaBon Homme County120300 1,499 1.2461%
South DakotaBrookings County246300 2,795 1.1348%
South DakotaBrown County212900 2,553 1.1992%
South DakotaBrule County205500 1,744 0.8487%
South DakotaBuffalo County108000 843 0.7806%
South DakotaButte County207700 2,197 1.0578%
South DakotaCampbell County87900 1,266 1.4403%
South DakotaCharles Mix County169200 1,823 1.0774%
South DakotaClark County141900 1,392 0.9810%
South DakotaClay County221800 2,879 1.2980%
South DakotaCodington County218000 2,310 1.0596%
South DakotaCorson County73800 987 1.3374%
South DakotaCuster County327200 2,549 0.7790%
South DakotaDavison County190000 2,361 1.2426%
South DakotaDay County155100 1,598 1.0303%
South DakotaDeuel County180100 1,477 0.8201%
South DakotaDewey County75400 1,009 1.3382%
South DakotaDouglas County125000 1,466 1.1728%
South DakotaEdmunds County163600 1,417 0.8661%
South DakotaFall River County176300 1,876 1.0641%
South DakotaFaulk County124100 946 0.7623%
South DakotaGrant County179400 1,527 0.8512%
South DakotaGregory County129000 1,419 1.1000%
South DakotaHaakon County153200 1,297 0.8466%
South DakotaHamlin County207700 2,264 1.0900%
South DakotaHand County152100 1,373 0.9027%
South DakotaHanson County192400 1,973 1.0255%
South DakotaHarding County156400 1,460 0.9335%
South DakotaHughes County221100 2,526 1.1425%
South DakotaHutchinson County160500 1,793 1.1171%
South DakotaHyde County134500 1,650 1.2268%
South DakotaJackson County111500
South DakotaJerauld County127000 1,212 0.9543%
South DakotaJones County117100 1,357 1.1588%
South DakotaKingsbury County159600 1,588 0.9950%
South DakotaLake County231000 2,463 1.0662%
South DakotaLawrence County310800 2,671 0.8594%
South DakotaLincoln County323500 3,822 1.1815%
South DakotaLyman County156500 1,581 1.0102%
South DakotaMcCook County217300 2,133 0.9816%
South DakotaMcPherson County78400 1,218 1.5536%
South DakotaMarshall County147200 1,336 0.9076%
South DakotaMeade County274800 2,840 1.0335%
South DakotaMellette County63000 963 1.5286%
South DakotaMiner County114100 1,264 1.1078%
South DakotaMinnehaha County266600 3,090 1.1590%
South DakotaMoody County206300 2,231 1.0814%
South DakotaOglala Lakota County45600 199 0.4364%
South DakotaPennington County270400 3,049 1.1276%
South DakotaPerkins County105900 1,405 1.3267%
South DakotaPotter County121300 1,663 1.3710%
South DakotaRoberts County139100 1,460 1.0496%
South DakotaSanborn County138500 1,750 1.2635%
South DakotaSpink County117400 1,539 1.3109%
South DakotaStanley County169900 2,423 1.4261%
South DakotaSully County198700 1,697 0.8541%
South DakotaTodd County45200 1,006 2.2257%
South DakotaTripp County137100 1,237 0.9023%
South DakotaTurner County199000 2,072 1.0412%
South DakotaUnion County269500 2,997 1.1121%
South DakotaWalworth County130000 1,866 1.4354%
South DakotaYankton County208200 2,347 1.1273%
South DakotaZiebach County101700 595 0.5851%
TennesseeAnderson County215800 1,333 0.6177%
TennesseeBedford County255300 1,274 0.4990%
TennesseeBenton County123400 717 0.5810%
TennesseeBledsoe County165400 671 0.4057%
TennesseeBlount County275700 1,387 0.5031%
TennesseeBradley County230800 1,174 0.5087%
TennesseeCampbell County169500 651 0.3841%
TennesseeCannon County227600 1,091 0.4793%
TennesseeCarroll County122100 809 0.6626%
TennesseeCarter County157200 833 0.5299%
TennesseeCheatham County291400 1,479 0.5075%
TennesseeChester County155200 837 0.5393%
TennesseeClaiborne County148000 728 0.4919%
TennesseeClay County136900 841 0.6143%
TennesseeCocke County141800 911 0.6425%
TennesseeCoffee County227300 1,378 0.6062%
TennesseeCrockett County134100 865 0.6450%
TennesseeCumberland County228000 699 0.3066%
TennesseeDavidson County386600 2,390 0.6182%
TennesseeDecatur County133900 654 0.4884%
TennesseeDeKalb County206600 747 0.3616%
TennesseeDickson County272700 1,369 0.5020%
TennesseeDyer County159500 966 0.6056%
TennesseeFayette County316000 1,092 0.3456%
TennesseeFentress County151800 519 0.3419%
TennesseeFranklin County215700 1,218 0.5647%
TennesseeGibson County149700 1,016 0.6787%
TennesseeGiles County204100 953 0.4669%
TennesseeGrainger County172000 871 0.5064%
TennesseeGreene County186400 803 0.4308%
TennesseeGrundy County133400 563 0.4220%
TennesseeHamblen County188800 863 0.4571%
TennesseeHamilton County282100 1,888 0.6693%
TennesseeHancock County118000 533 0.4517%
TennesseeHardeman County116800 762 0.6524%
TennesseeHardin County154000 666 0.4325%
TennesseeHawkins County166900 940 0.5632%
TennesseeHaywood County119600 854 0.7140%
TennesseeHenderson County156000 732 0.4692%
TennesseeHenry County145200 700 0.4821%
TennesseeHickman County192000 1,089 0.5672%
TennesseeHouston County150100 861 0.5736%
TennesseeHumphreys County186900 895 0.4789%
TennesseeJackson County135200 671 0.4963%
TennesseeJefferson County210000 990 0.4714%
TennesseeJohnson County175500 673 0.3835%
TennesseeKnox County279700 1,332 0.4762%
TennesseeLake County107000 758 0.7084%
TennesseeLauderdale County122100 808 0.6618%
TennesseeLawrence County176700 940 0.5320%
TennesseeLewis County157800 795 0.5038%
TennesseeLincoln County209100 991 0.4739%
TennesseeLoudon County292600 1,163 0.3975%
TennesseeMcMinn County190400 707 0.3713%
TennesseeMcNairy County151100 589 0.3898%
TennesseeMacon County211200 858 0.4063%
TennesseeMadison County189700 1,161 0.6120%
TennesseeMarion County173600 771 0.4441%
TennesseeMarshall County246100 1,334 0.5421%
TennesseeMaury County307500 1,476 0.4800%
TennesseeMeigs County185500 727 0.3919%
TennesseeMonroe County199700 887 0.4442%
TennesseeMontgomery County248300 1,671 0.6730%
TennesseeMoore County259300 1,252 0.4828%
TennesseeMorgan County144000 837 0.5813%
TennesseeObion County122700 697 0.5681%
TennesseeOverton County171700 676 0.3937%
TennesseePerry County113800 660 0.5800%
TennesseePickett County162200 606 0.3736%
TennesseePolk County136400 770 0.5645%
TennesseePutnam County246800 1,299 0.5263%
TennesseeRhea County178500 825 0.4622%
TennesseeRoane County212300 1,172 0.5520%
TennesseeRobertson County296700 1,547 0.5214%
TennesseeRutherford County346400 1,757 0.5072%
TennesseeScott County116800 616 0.5274%
TennesseeSequatchie County217800 986 0.4527%
TennesseeSevier County259500 815 0.3141%
TennesseeShelby County229700 2,376 1.0344%
TennesseeSmith County224500 1,047 0.4664%
TennesseeStewart County182700 951 0.5205%
TennesseeSullivan County190800 1,205 0.6316%
TennesseeSumner County364000 1,944 0.5341%
TennesseeTipton County220100 1,158 0.5261%
TennesseeTrousdale County284100 1,200 0.4224%
TennesseeUnicoi County168200 960 0.5707%
TennesseeUnion County186300 720 0.3865%
TennesseeVan Buren County149200 596 0.3995%
TennesseeWarren County173900 777 0.4468%
TennesseeWashington County231700 1,278 0.5516%
TennesseeWayne County126600 683 0.5395%
TennesseeWeakley County136300 737 0.5407%
TennesseeWhite County190200 809 0.4253%
TennesseeWilliamson County673700 2,891 0.4291%
TennesseeWilson County397000 1,743 0.4390%
TexasAnderson County173400 1,688 0.9735%
TexasAndrews County188200 2,500 1.3284%
TexasAngelina County149800 1,872 1.2497%
TexasAransas County236800 2,401 1.0139%
TexasArcher County175300 2,317 1.3217%
TexasArmstrong County185700 2,679 1.4426%
TexasAtascosa County157400 2,079 1.3208%
TexasAustin County270900 3,464 1.2787%
TexasBailey County104400 1,533 1.4684%
TexasBandera County249800 2,347 0.9396%
TexasBastrop County269500 4,077 1.5128%
TexasBaylor County93300 1,163 1.2465%
TexasBee County102800 1,461 1.4212%
TexasBell County221100 3,409 1.5418%
TexasBexar County244100 4,429 1.8144%
TexasBlanco County396200 4,134 1.0434%
TexasBorden County105400 493 0.4677%
TexasBosque County184500 1,859 1.0076%
TexasBowie County161300 2,091 1.2963%
TexasBrazoria County276800 4,831 1.7453%
TexasBrazos County279700 4,580 1.6375%
TexasBrewster County216000 2,644 1.2241%
TexasBriscoe County82900 899 1.0844%
TexasBrooks County82700 1,042 1.2600%
TexasBrown County149900 1,727 1.1521%
TexasBurleson County174000 1,816 1.0437%
TexasBurnet County310500 3,495 1.1256%
TexasCaldwell County215600 2,871 1.3316%
TexasCalhoun County150000 2,095 1.3967%
TexasCallahan County144800 1,587 1.0960%
TexasCameron County120000 1,946 1.6217%
TexasCamp County159900 1,703 1.0650%
TexasCarson County140600 1,915 1.3620%
TexasCass County133500 1,419 1.0629%
TexasCastro County94900 1,067 1.1243%
TexasChambers County289900 3,290 1.1349%
TexasCherokee County160300 1,941 1.2109%
TexasChildress County115100 1,694 1.4718%
TexasClay County161300 2,194 1.3602%
TexasCochran County57700 684 1.1854%
TexasCoke County112900 1,340 1.1869%
TexasColeman County91200 1,248 1.3684%
TexasCollin County447600 7,432 1.6604%
TexasCollingsworth County108400 1,378 1.2712%
TexasColorado County194000 2,117 1.0912%
TexasComal County398800 4,827 1.2104%
TexasComanche County137800 2,082 1.5109%
TexasConcho County105800 1,600 1.5123%
TexasCooke County224600 2,794 1.2440%
TexasCoryell County177400 2,509 1.4143%
TexasCottle County54100 623 1.1516%
TexasCrane County119900 1,568 1.3078%
TexasCrockett County140000 466 0.3329%
TexasCrosby County75500 1,345 1.7815%
TexasCulberson County84500 726 0.8592%
TexasDallam County140500 2,065 1.4698%
TexasDallas County277900 4,668 1.6797%
TexasDawson County90800 1,567 1.7258%
TexasDeaf Smith County116000 1,590 1.3707%
TexasDelta County149400 1,456 0.9746%
TexasDenton County403400 6,943 1.7211%
TexasDeWitt County167200 1,437 0.8594%
TexasDickens County65000 888 1.3662%
TexasDimmit County80300 917 1.1420%
TexasDonley County90500 1,019 1.1260%
TexasDuval County86400 931 1.0775%
TexasEastland County121700 1,451 1.1923%
TexasEctor County190500 2,438 1.2798%
TexasEdwards County78300 823 1.0511%
TexasEllis County306400 4,472 1.4595%
TexasEl Paso County167300 3,490 2.0861%
TexasErath County251900 2,836 1.1258%
TexasFalls County97300 1,429 1.4687%
TexasFannin County213500 2,356 1.1035%
TexasFayette County271100 2,734 1.0085%
TexasFisher County77600 1,323 1.7049%
TexasFloyd County101000 1,090 1.0792%
TexasFoard County71400 844 1.1821%
TexasFort Bend County350300 6,965 1.9883%
TexasFranklin County213200 1,944 0.9118%
TexasFreestone County164400 1,705 1.0371%
TexasFrio County110100 1,751 1.5904%
TexasGaines County185300 2,721 1.4684%
TexasGalveston County284900 4,238 1.4875%
TexasGarza County79300 1,316 1.6595%
TexasGillespie County432300 4,404 1.0187%
TexasGlasscock County248600 1,154 0.4642%
TexasGoliad County182800 1,892 1.0350%
TexasGonzales County158900 1,949 1.2266%
TexasGray County100400 1,435 1.4293%
TexasGrayson County228300 2,953 1.2935%
TexasGregg County185800 2,271 1.2223%
TexasGrimes County226600 2,480 1.0944%
TexasGuadalupe County285900 4,270 1.4935%
TexasHale County106100 1,471 1.3864%
TexasHall County80200 972 1.2120%
TexasHamilton County124800 1,918 1.5369%
TexasHansford County132100 2,165 1.6389%
TexasHardeman County76500 905 1.1830%
TexasHardin County188200 2,174 1.1552%
TexasHarris County255000 4,382 1.7184%
TexasHarrison County178200 1,811 1.0163%
TexasHartley County213200 2,604 1.2214%
TexasHaskell County92000 1,028 1.1174%
TexasHays County371400 6,420 1.7286%
TexasHemphill County214900 2,502 1.1643%
TexasHenderson County189600 1,859 0.9805%
TexasHidalgo County124000 2,187 1.7637%
TexasHill County163100 2,012 1.2336%
TexasHockley County112700 1,668 1.4800%
TexasHood County281300 3,240 1.1518%
TexasHopkins County193200 2,072 1.0725%
TexasHouston County155100 1,429 0.9213%
TexasHoward County150300 1,642 1.0925%
TexasHudspeth County57400 677 1.1794%
TexasHunt County210900 2,736 1.2973%
TexasHutchinson County102200 1,515 1.4824%
TexasIrion County152600 1,456 0.9541%
TexasJack County174800 2,266 1.2963%
TexasJackson County175500 1,847 1.0524%
TexasJasper County125900 1,304 1.0357%
TexasJeff Davis County234400 1,283 0.5474%
TexasJefferson County159600 2,513 1.5746%
TexasJim Hogg County125600 1,775 1.4132%
TexasJim Wells County104800 1,311 1.2510%
TexasJohnson County254600 3,259 1.2800%
TexasJones County92700 1,425 1.5372%
TexasKarnes County136900 1,344 0.9817%
TexasKaufman County290800 5,036 1.7318%
TexasKendall County489800 5,890 1.2025%
TexasKenedy County
TexasKent County108900 988 0.9073%
TexasKerr County285100 3,115 1.0926%
TexasKimble County173100 2,173 1.2553%
TexasKing County 541
TexasKinney County88500 1,244 1.4056%
TexasKleberg County152200 2,457 1.6143%
TexasKnox County66800 1,244 1.8623%
TexasLamar County175500 1,669 0.9510%
TexasLamb County76600 913 1.1919%
TexasLampasas County236000 2,993 1.2682%
TexasLa Salle County101000 1,577 1.5614%
TexasLavaca County220900 2,113 0.9565%
TexasLee County247500 2,399 0.9693%
TexasLeon County177400 1,339 0.7548%
TexasLiberty County167100 2,091 1.2513%
TexasLimestone County154400 1,833 1.1872%
TexasLipscomb County128400 1,750 1.3629%
TexasLive Oak County142300 1,255 0.8819%
TexasLlano County322300 2,587 0.8027%
TexasLoving County
TexasLubbock County199600 3,119 1.5626%
TexasLynn County130800 2,268 1.7339%
TexasMcCulloch County104400 1,435 1.3745%
TexasMcLennan County219200 3,347 1.5269%
TexasMcMullen County108800 2,167 1.9917%
TexasMadison County149100 1,722 1.1549%
TexasMarion County110500 870 0.7873%
TexasMartin County162200 1,434 0.8841%
TexasMason County274600 2,239 0.8154%
TexasMatagorda County162200 2,035 1.2546%
TexasMaverick County151500 2,112 1.3941%
TexasMedina County220000 2,881 1.3095%
TexasMenard County105300 1,747 1.6591%
TexasMidland County293000 3,697 1.2618%
TexasMilam County168900 1,789 1.0592%
TexasMills County200200 1,762 0.8801%
TexasMitchell County85700 1,680 1.9603%
TexasMontague County189400 1,802 0.9514%
TexasMontgomery County317500 5,237 1.6494%
TexasMoore County135400 2,066 1.5258%
TexasMorris County110200 1,298 1.1779%
TexasMotley County81100 890 1.0974%
TexasNacogdoches County158200 1,464 0.9254%
TexasNavarro County159900 2,119 1.3252%
TexasNewton County83100 856 1.0301%
TexasNolan County98300 1,485 1.5107%
TexasNueces County194700 3,268 1.6785%
TexasOchiltree County137200 1,924 1.4023%
TexasOldham County144800 1,878 1.2970%
TexasOrange County163400 2,036 1.2460%
TexasPalo Pinto County167300 2,147 1.2833%
TexasPanola County146000 1,313 0.8993%
TexasParker County343600 4,978 1.4488%
TexasParmer County127300 1,994 1.5664%
TexasPecos County142900 1,477 1.0336%
TexasPolk County154000 1,597 1.0370%
TexasPotter County134900 2,028 1.5033%
TexasPresidio County123100 1,949 1.5833%
TexasRains County214900 2,350 1.0935%
TexasRandall County227500 3,587 1.5767%
TexasReagan County163700 1,825 1.1148%
TexasReal County 1,213
TexasRed River County133800 1,317 0.9843%
TexasReeves County113700 1,343 1.1812%
TexasRefugio County94400 1,325 1.4036%
TexasRoberts County176800 1,776 1.0045%
TexasRobertson County172700 1,583 0.9166%
TexasRockwall County386000 6,341 1.6427%
TexasRunnels County103700 1,518 1.4638%
TexasRusk County166900 1,670 1.0006%
TexasSabine County131900 1,315 0.9970%
TexasSan Augustine County83500 681 0.8156%
TexasSan Jacinto County183100 2,086 1.1393%
TexasSan Patricio County180400 2,754 1.5266%
TexasSan Saba County161800 1,628 1.0062%
TexasSchleicher County113400 1,621 1.4295%
TexasScurry County110800 1,761 1.5894%
TexasShackelford County176900 2,276 1.2866%
TexasShelby County111700 1,143 1.0233%
TexasSherman County125500 2,450 1.9522%
TexasSmith County220800 2,749 1.2450%
TexasSomervell County253600 2,452 0.9669%
TexasStarr County93300 1,047 1.1222%
TexasStephens County105700 1,779 1.6831%
TexasSterling County143200 1,535 1.0719%
TexasStonewall County54700 744 1.3601%
TexasSutton County140600 1,938 1.3784%
TexasSwisher County89200 1,555 1.7433%
TexasTarrant County294100 5,211 1.7718%
TexasTaylor County190300 2,670 1.4030%
TexasTerrell County152200 1,222 0.8029%
TexasTerry County111200 1,645 1.4793%
TexasThrockmorton County84200 969 1.1508%
TexasTitus County157900 1,897 1.2014%
TexasTom Green County186700 2,523 1.3514%
TexasTravis County487600 7,487 1.5355%
TexasTrinity County110100 1,219 1.1072%
TexasTyler County138400 1,428 1.0318%
TexasUpshur County171200 2,099 1.2261%
TexasUpton County106300 1,197 1.1261%
TexasUvalde County144400 2,260 1.5651%
TexasVal Verde County151500 2,233 1.4739%
TexasVan Zandt County199500 2,204 1.1048%
TexasVictoria County197600 2,941 1.4884%
TexasWalker County207900 2,312 1.1121%
TexasWaller County292000 3,971 1.3599%
TexasWard County138800 833 0.6001%
TexasWashington County270100 3,105 1.1496%
TexasWebb County178900 3,312 1.8513%
TexasWharton County182700 2,749 1.5047%
TexasWheeler County97600 1,411 1.4457%
TexasWichita County141600 2,501 1.7662%
TexasWilbarger County98800 1,456 1.4737%
TexasWillacy County60800 1,164 1.9145%
TexasWilliamson County414600 7,079 1.7074%
TexasWilson County286300 3,726 1.3014%
TexasWinkler County121200 1,154 0.9521%
TexasWise County277200 3,293 1.1880%
TexasWood County195100 1,818 0.9318%
TexasYoakum County183000 1,795 0.9809%
TexasYoung County165300 2,006 1.2136%
TexasZapata County88800 912 1.0270%
TexasZavala County88100 1,254 1.4234%
UtahBeaver County287600 1,121 0.3898%
UtahBox Elder County357400 1,828 0.5115%
UtahCache County392800 1,929 0.4911%
UtahCarbon County200700 1,288 0.6418%
UtahDaggett County242100 1,164 0.4808%
UtahDavis County470500 2,546 0.5411%
UtahDuchesne County253600 1,611 0.6353%
UtahEmery County197100 1,151 0.5840%
UtahGarfield County285800 1,087 0.3803%
UtahGrand County480900 2,012 0.4184%
UtahIron County342900 1,444 0.4211%
UtahJuab County369800 1,708 0.4619%
UtahKane County350900 1,470 0.4189%
UtahMillard County246400 1,319 0.5353%
UtahMorgan County600900 3,264 0.5432%
UtahPiute County235400 1,014 0.4308%
UtahRich County291200 846 0.2905%
UtahSalt Lake County484500 2,726 0.5626%
UtahSan Juan County189900 1,603 0.8441%
UtahSanpete County300400 1,536 0.5113%
UtahSevier County274100 1,513 0.5520%
UtahSummit County1000400 3,469 0.3468%
UtahTooele County391300 2,303 0.5886%
UtahUintah County270200 1,447 0.5355%
UtahUtah County489200 2,234 0.4567%
UtahWasatch County724400 3,230 0.4459%
UtahWashington County465600 2,076 0.4459%
UtahWayne County364800 1,274 0.3492%
UtahWeber County389200 2,415 0.6205%
VermontAddison County333700 5,649 1.6928%
VermontBennington County257400 4,396 1.7078%
VermontCaledonia County215900 3,951 1.8300%
VermontChittenden County404500 6,527 1.6136%
VermontEssex County167500 2,828 1.6884%
VermontFranklin County285500 4,244 1.4865%
VermontGrand Isle County363500 4,927 1.3554%
VermontLamoille County285200 4,771 1.6729%
VermontOrange County251000 4,399 1.7526%
VermontOrleans County213300 3,579 1.6779%
VermontRutland County218400 4,057 1.8576%
VermontWashington County293900 5,491 1.8683%
VermontWindham County265100 4,968 1.8740%
VermontWindsor County267400 5,282 1.9753%
VirginiaAccomack County193100 962 0.4982%
VirginiaAlbemarle County471000 3,482 0.7393%
VirginiaAlleghany County122300 1,011 0.8267%
VirginiaAmelia County239700 1,034 0.4314%
VirginiaAmherst County197200 997 0.5056%
VirginiaAppomattox County189200 1,006 0.5317%
VirginiaArlington County864800 7,774 0.8989%
VirginiaAugusta County281400 1,379 0.4900%
VirginiaBath County206000 834 0.4049%
VirginiaBedford County276600 1,265 0.4573%
VirginiaBland County157100 868 0.5525%
VirginiaBotetourt County268900 1,761 0.6549%
VirginiaBrunswick County132700 718 0.5411%
VirginiaBuchanan County91400 404 0.4420%
VirginiaBuckingham County167800 874 0.5209%
VirginiaCampbell County199200 913 0.4583%
VirginiaCaroline County283100 1,585 0.5599%
VirginiaCarroll County144200 861 0.5971%
VirginiaCharles City County224100 1,354 0.6042%
VirginiaCharlotte County144000 739 0.5132%
VirginiaChesterfield County336700 2,636 0.7829%
VirginiaClarke County538900 2,757 0.5116%
VirginiaCraig County210500 958 0.4551%
VirginiaCulpeper County386400 2,119 0.5484%
VirginiaCumberland County220100 1,398 0.6352%
VirginiaDickenson County101100 503 0.4975%
VirginiaDinwiddie County246100 1,478 0.6006%
VirginiaEssex County228600 1,312 0.5739%
VirginiaFairfax County699700 7,072 1.0107%
VirginiaFauquier County543700 4,185 0.7697%
VirginiaFloyd County215500 1,122 0.5206%
VirginiaFluvanna County281700 1,835 0.6514%
VirginiaFranklin County222800 1,188 0.5332%
VirginiaFrederick County355000 1,807 0.5090%
VirginiaGiles County143500 907 0.6321%
VirginiaGloucester County289200 1,718 0.5941%
VirginiaGoochland County483700 2,418 0.4999%
VirginiaGrayson County132300 820 0.6198%
VirginiaGreene County315300 2,009 0.6372%
VirginiaGreensville County159200 936 0.5879%
VirginiaHalifax County148900 729 0.4896%
VirginiaHanover County372700 2,506 0.6724%
VirginiaHenrico County333600 2,416 0.7242%
VirginiaHenry County120300 604 0.5021%
VirginiaHighland County195700 1,104 0.5641%
VirginiaIsle of Wight County333600 2,399 0.7191%
VirginiaJames City County419200 2,786 0.6646%
VirginiaKing and Queen County240900 1,261 0.5235%
VirginiaKing George County395900 2,221 0.5610%
VirginiaKing William County276500 1,733 0.6268%
VirginiaLancaster County307600 1,508 0.4902%
VirginiaLee County98700 586 0.5937%
VirginiaLoudoun County701000 6,186 0.8825%
VirginiaLouisa County275600 1,781 0.6462%
VirginiaLunenburg County145500 635 0.4364%
VirginiaMadison County331400 1,967 0.5935%
VirginiaMathews County348800 1,475 0.4229%
VirginiaMecklenburg County169400 826 0.4876%
VirginiaMiddlesex County299800 1,692 0.5644%
VirginiaMontgomery County283600 2,174 0.7666%
VirginiaNelson County283000 1,517 0.5360%
VirginiaNew Kent County371500 2,523 0.6791%
VirginiaNorthampton County279100 1,689 0.6052%
VirginiaNorthumberland County333100 1,602 0.4809%
VirginiaNottoway County179800 756 0.4205%
VirginiaOrange County337300 2,048 0.6072%
VirginiaPage County221800 1,489 0.6713%
VirginiaPatrick County146500 851 0.5809%
VirginiaPittsylvania County153000 907 0.5928%
VirginiaPowhatan County381300 2,418 0.6341%
VirginiaPrince Edward County203700 820 0.4026%
VirginiaPrince George County268300 2,098 0.7820%
VirginiaPrince William County500600 4,910 0.9808%
VirginiaPulaski County182500 1,176 0.6444%
VirginiaRappahannock County490200 2,787 0.5685%
VirginiaRichmond County214200 1,188 0.5546%
VirginiaRoanoke County267300 2,340 0.8754%
VirginiaRockbridge County238700 1,432 0.5999%
VirginiaRockingham County287900 1,532 0.5321%
VirginiaRussell County119600 644 0.5385%
VirginiaScott County122300 826 0.6754%
VirginiaShenandoah County265800 1,451 0.5459%
VirginiaSmyth County125800 766 0.6089%
VirginiaSouthampton County208800 1,380 0.6609%
VirginiaSpotsylvania County375000 2,263 0.6035%
VirginiaStafford County458800 3,301 0.7195%
VirginiaSurry County235200 1,474 0.6267%
VirginiaSussex County178500 966 0.5412%
VirginiaTazewell County116100 718 0.6184%
VirginiaWarren County315800 1,850 0.5858%
VirginiaWashington County201800 1,038 0.5144%
VirginiaWestmoreland County244000 1,506 0.6172%
VirginiaWise County116500 658 0.5648%
VirginiaWythe County172100 851 0.4945%
VirginiaYork County411200 2,676 0.6508%
VirginiaAlexandria city696800 6,879 0.9872%
VirginiaBristol city168700 1,294 0.7670%
VirginiaBuena Vista city153500 1,444 0.9407%
VirginiaCharlottesville city448400 3,649 0.8138%
VirginiaChesapeake city359100 2,937 0.8179%
VirginiaColonial Heights city231700 2,127 0.9180%
VirginiaCovington city80200 629 0.7843%
VirginiaDanville city110200 743 0.6742%
VirginiaEmporia city131100 990 0.7551%
VirginiaFairfax city677400 6,392 0.9436%
VirginiaFalls Church city1005400 10,001 0.9947%
VirginiaFranklin city227200 1,677 0.7381%
VirginiaFredericksburg city461500 2,853 0.6182%
VirginiaGalax city126800 962 0.7587%
VirginiaHampton city234100 2,259 0.9650%
VirginiaHarrisonburg city278200 2,172 0.7807%
VirginiaHopewell city165100 1,600 0.9691%
VirginiaLexington city275300 2,378 0.8638%
VirginiaLynchburg city211800 1,778 0.8395%
VirginiaManassas city434700 4,766 1.0964%
VirginiaManassas Park city381200 4,329 1.1356%
VirginiaMartinsville city92500 746 0.8065%
VirginiaNewport News city243300 2,507 1.0304%
VirginiaNorfolk city271900 2,738 1.0070%
VirginiaNorton city100700 787 0.7815%
VirginiaPetersburg city157900 1,449 0.9177%
VirginiaPoquoson city403000 3,640 0.9032%
VirginiaPortsmouth city229400 2,452 1.0689%
VirginiaRadford city211700 1,488 0.7029%
VirginiaRichmond city328100 2,834 0.8638%
VirginiaRoanoke city180500 1,828 1.0127%
VirginiaSalem city244800 2,232 0.9118%
VirginiaStaunton city239300 1,696 0.7087%
VirginiaSuffolk city329600 3,073 0.9323%
VirginiaVirginia Beach city366300 2,929 0.7996%
VirginiaWaynesboro city236600 1,578 0.6669%
VirginiaWilliamsburg city393200 2,265 0.5760%
VirginiaWinchester city325900 2,505 0.7686%
WashingtonAdams County251300 2,104 0.8372%
WashingtonAsotin County286200 2,289 0.7998%
WashingtonBenton County369400 2,910 0.7878%
WashingtonChelan County454900 3,235 0.7111%
WashingtonClallam County385600 2,860 0.7417%
WashingtonClark County487900 4,080 0.8362%
WashingtonColumbia County256100 2,215 0.8649%
WashingtonCowlitz County367400 2,988 0.8133%
WashingtonDouglas County402900 3,168 0.7863%
WashingtonFerry County274500 1,792 0.6528%
WashingtonFranklin County345700 2,638 0.7631%
WashingtonGarfield County214200 1,306 0.6097%
WashingtonGrant County275700 2,268 0.8226%
WashingtonGrays Harbor County279500 2,441 0.8733%
WashingtonIsland County535300 3,765 0.7033%
WashingtonJefferson County495100 3,596 0.7263%
WashingtonKing County811200 6,785 0.8364%
WashingtonKitsap County505700 4,030 0.7969%
WashingtonKittitas County459900 3,255 0.7078%
WashingtonKlickitat County388700 2,401 0.6177%
WashingtonLewis County341500 2,433 0.7124%
WashingtonLincoln County272300 1,621 0.5953%
WashingtonMason County377400 2,833 0.7507%
WashingtonOkanogan County284200 2,194 0.7720%
WashingtonPacific County274000 2,250 0.8212%
WashingtonPend Oreille County307800 2,048 0.6654%
WashingtonPierce County484400 4,555 0.9403%
WashingtonSan Juan County726500 4,131 0.5686%
WashingtonSkagit County486200 4,008 0.8244%
WashingtonSkamania County472600 3,380 0.7152%
WashingtonSnohomish County644600 5,121 0.7944%
WashingtonSpokane County370500 3,196 0.8626%
WashingtonStevens County308000 2,016 0.6545%
WashingtonThurston County451500 4,043 0.8955%
WashingtonWahkiakum County344500 2,084 0.6049%
WashingtonWalla Walla County375600 3,386 0.9015%
WashingtonWhatcom County536100 3,819 0.7124%
WashingtonWhitman County323300 2,566 0.7937%
WashingtonYakima County281100 2,299 0.8179%
West VirginiaBarbour County126000 538 0.4270%
West VirginiaBerkeley County248000 1,353 0.5456%
West VirginiaBoone County90300 587 0.6501%
West VirginiaBraxton County106400 479 0.4502%
West VirginiaBrooke County127700 690 0.5403%
West VirginiaCabell County156100 989 0.6336%
West VirginiaCalhoun County111200 441 0.3966%
West VirginiaClay County107100 369 0.3445%
West VirginiaDoddridge County160000 752 0.4700%
West VirginiaFayette County104200 690 0.6622%
West VirginiaGilmer County83300 422 0.5066%
West VirginiaGrant County167500 555 0.3313%
West VirginiaGreenbrier County136300 640 0.4696%
West VirginiaHampshire County204600 745 0.3641%
West VirginiaHancock County119600 752 0.6288%
West VirginiaHardy County159700 586 0.3669%
West VirginiaHarrison County158500 872 0.5502%
West VirginiaJackson County154600 871 0.5634%
West VirginiaJefferson County324500 1,796 0.5535%
West VirginiaKanawha County135000 922 0.6830%
West VirginiaLewis County135800 639 0.4705%
West VirginiaLincoln County103400 494 0.4778%
West VirginiaLogan County101500 591 0.5823%
West VirginiaMcDowell County49200 278 0.5650%
West VirginiaMarion County164300 989 0.6019%
West VirginiaMarshall County139800 637 0.4557%
West VirginiaMason County127400 682 0.5353%
West VirginiaMercer County118600 589 0.4966%
West VirginiaMineral County180400 838 0.4645%
West VirginiaMingo County85600 374 0.4369%
West VirginiaMonongalia County254200 1,232 0.4847%
West VirginiaMonroe County146100 698 0.4778%
West VirginiaMorgan County223100 1,145 0.5132%
West VirginiaNicholas County114200 550 0.4816%
West VirginiaOhio County165300 970 0.5868%
West VirginiaPendleton County178600 603 0.3376%
West VirginiaPleasants County129300 752 0.5816%
West VirginiaPocahontas County139400 439 0.3149%
West VirginiaPreston County157700 747 0.4737%
West VirginiaPutnam County214200 1,235 0.5766%
West VirginiaRaleigh County142600 733 0.5140%
West VirginiaRandolph County137800 539 0.3911%
West VirginiaRitchie County107800 700 0.6494%
West VirginiaRoane County121100 538 0.4443%
West VirginiaSummers County126100 384 0.3045%
West VirginiaTaylor County144000 759 0.5271%
West VirginiaTucker County144700 511 0.3531%
West VirginiaTyler County112100 631 0.5629%
West VirginiaUpshur County160700 700 0.4356%
West VirginiaWayne County124900 589 0.4716%
West VirginiaWebster County78000 303 0.3885%
West VirginiaWetzel County102800 664 0.6459%
West VirginiaWirt County112800 602 0.5337%
West VirginiaWood County153700 943 0.6135%
West VirginiaWyoming County78400 344 0.4388%
WisconsinAdams County184500 2,397 1.2992%
WisconsinAshland County160500 2,354 1.4667%
WisconsinBarron County198300 2,823 1.4236%
WisconsinBayfield County228100 2,432 1.0662%
WisconsinBrown County245900 3,593 1.4612%
WisconsinBuffalo County197600 2,811 1.4226%
WisconsinBurnett County215500 2,052 0.9522%
WisconsinCalumet County252100 3,830 1.5192%
WisconsinChippewa County237700 2,754 1.1586%
WisconsinClark County163800 2,467 1.5061%
WisconsinColumbia County258700 3,826 1.4789%
WisconsinCrawford County175100 2,868 1.6379%
WisconsinDane County366100 6,276 1.7143%
WisconsinDodge County218400 3,395 1.5545%
WisconsinDoor County305800 3,350 1.0955%
WisconsinDouglas County190400 2,564 1.3466%
WisconsinDunn County226200 3,325 1.4699%
WisconsinEau Claire County242400 3,461 1.4278%
WisconsinFlorence County170000 2,224 1.3082%
WisconsinFond du Lac County209800 3,311 1.5782%
WisconsinForest County170000 1,988 1.1694%
WisconsinGrant County186300 2,683 1.4402%
WisconsinGreen County236900 3,882 1.6387%
WisconsinGreen Lake County206300 2,709 1.3131%
WisconsinIowa County248100 3,864 1.5574%
WisconsinIron County155200 1,777 1.1450%
WisconsinJackson County186900 2,672 1.4296%
WisconsinJefferson County253800 3,988 1.5713%
WisconsinJuneau County165200 2,517 1.5236%
WisconsinKenosha County247800 4,180 1.6868%
WisconsinKewaunee County208900 3,083 1.4758%
WisconsinLa Crosse County243200 3,963 1.6295%
WisconsinLafayette County182100 2,980 1.6365%
WisconsinLanglade County145800 1,946 1.3347%
WisconsinLincoln County177700 2,530 1.4237%
WisconsinManitowoc County172900 2,660 1.5385%
WisconsinMarathon County205500 3,108 1.5124%
WisconsinMarinette County154600 1,950 1.2613%
WisconsinMarquette County201100 2,709 1.3471%
WisconsinMenominee County97000 3,527 3.6361%
WisconsinMilwaukee County216500 4,406 2.0351%
WisconsinMonroe County197200 2,801 1.4204%
WisconsinOconto County212000 2,651 1.2505%
WisconsinOneida County227500 2,146 0.9433%
WisconsinOutagamie County244100 3,580 1.4666%
WisconsinOzaukee County368900 4,629 1.2548%
WisconsinPepin County196100 2,875 1.4661%
WisconsinPierce County308600 4,552 1.4750%
WisconsinPolk County241200 2,947 1.2218%
WisconsinPortage County230400 3,396 1.4740%
WisconsinPrice County146000 2,110 1.4452%
WisconsinRacine County239400 4,071 1.7005%
WisconsinRichland County182800 2,579 1.4108%
WisconsinRock County215900 3,652 1.6915%
WisconsinRusk County152000 1,834 1.2066%
WisconsinSt. Croix County349700 4,297 1.2288%
WisconsinSauk County242400 3,646 1.5041%
WisconsinSawyer County223300 1,899 0.8504%
WisconsinShawano County179100 2,588 1.4450%
WisconsinSheboygan County218400 3,234 1.4808%
WisconsinTaylor County186500 2,647 1.4193%
WisconsinTrempealeau County203300 3,269 1.6080%
WisconsinVernon County210600 2,883 1.3689%
WisconsinVilas County270700 2,166 0.8001%
WisconsinWalworth County275900 3,964 1.4368%
WisconsinWashburn County207900 2,305 1.1087%
WisconsinWashington County316200 3,795 1.2002%
WisconsinWaukesha County373600 4,525 1.2112%
WisconsinWaupaca County192800 2,876 1.4917%
WisconsinWaushara County186000 2,458 1.3215%
WisconsinWinnebago County208600 3,573 1.7128%
WisconsinWood County168100 2,629 1.5640%
WyomingAlbany County322100 1,846 0.5731%
WyomingBig Horn County198200 1,156 0.5832%
WyomingCampbell County266400 1,465 0.5499%
WyomingCarbon County214500 1,202 0.5604%
WyomingConverse County269700 1,557 0.5773%
WyomingCrook County276800 1,522 0.5499%
WyomingFremont County252700 1,591 0.6296%
WyomingGoshen County234600 1,395 0.5946%
WyomingHot Springs County214400 1,202 0.5606%
WyomingJohnson County296000 1,634 0.5520%
WyomingLaramie County324900 1,893 0.5826%
WyomingLincoln County334500 1,458 0.4359%
WyomingNatrona County260400 1,608 0.6175%
WyomingNiobrara County194200 731 0.3764%
WyomingPark County374200 2,115 0.5652%
WyomingPlatte County248900 1,464 0.5882%
WyomingSheridan County352200 1,951 0.5539%
WyomingSublette County350100 1,435 0.4099%
WyomingSweetwater County242900 1,469 0.6048%
WyomingTeton County1371900 5,462 0.3981%
WyomingUinta County255400 1,389 0.5439%
WyomingWashakie County188600 1,321 0.7004%
WyomingWeston County214000 1,460 0.6822%
Puerto RicoAdjuntas Municipio88800 199 0.2241%
Puerto RicoAguada Municipio108500 338 0.3115%
Puerto RicoAguadilla Municipio141800 528 0.3724%
Puerto RicoAguas Buenas Municipio135200 199 0.1472%
Puerto RicoAibonito Municipio120400 199 0.1653%
Puerto RicoAñasco Municipio112700
Puerto RicoArecibo Municipio110800 536 0.4838%
Puerto RicoArroyo Municipio95200 675 0.7090%
Puerto RicoBarceloneta Municipio121200 544 0.4488%
Puerto RicoBarranquitas Municipio120900 353 0.2920%
Puerto RicoBayamón Municipio143400 616 0.4296%
Puerto RicoCabo Rojo Municipio117800 469 0.3981%
Puerto RicoCaguas Municipio143300 865 0.6036%
Puerto RicoCamuy Municipio105500
Puerto RicoCanóvanas Municipio116200 574 0.4940%
Puerto RicoCarolina Municipio152300 660 0.4334%
Puerto RicoCataño Municipio134700 643 0.4774%
Puerto RicoCayey Municipio141600 602 0.4251%
Puerto RicoCeiba Municipio110900 519 0.4680%
Puerto RicoCiales Municipio95400 199 0.2086%
Puerto RicoCidra Municipio137800 530 0.3846%
Puerto RicoCoamo Municipio104000 291 0.2798%
Puerto RicoComerío Municipio103500 217 0.2097%
Puerto RicoCorozal Municipio117800 199 0.1689%
Puerto RicoCulebra Municipio168200 567 0.3371%
Puerto RicoDorado Municipio157800 1,227 0.7776%
Puerto RicoFajardo Municipio118400 754 0.6368%
Puerto RicoFlorida Municipio104500 737 0.7053%
Puerto RicoGuánica Municipio82800 858 1.0362%
Puerto RicoGuayama Municipio103500 664 0.6415%
Puerto RicoGuayanilla Municipio84800 199 0.2347%
Puerto RicoGuaynabo Municipio214500 1,118 0.5212%
Puerto RicoGurabo Municipio160100 1,117 0.6977%
Puerto RicoHatillo Municipio128500 488 0.3798%
Puerto RicoHormigueros Municipio115600 393 0.3400%
Puerto RicoHumacao Municipio117900 807 0.6845%
Puerto RicoIsabela Municipio121800 586 0.4811%
Puerto RicoJayuya Municipio105000 199 0.1895%
Puerto RicoJuana Díaz Municipio102900 288 0.2799%
Puerto RicoJuncos Municipio116700 199 0.1705%
Puerto RicoLajas Municipio102400 292 0.2852%
Puerto RicoLares Municipio102200 199 0.1947%
Puerto RicoLas Marías Municipio89700 274 0.3055%
Puerto RicoLas Piedras Municipio121300 309 0.2547%
Puerto RicoLoíza Municipio111000 600 0.5405%
Puerto RicoLuquillo Municipio125200 1,017 0.8123%
Puerto RicoManatí Municipio116000 352 0.3034%
Puerto RicoMaricao Municipio103800 199 0.1917%
Puerto RicoMaunabo Municipio106000
Puerto RicoMayagüez Municipio107900 587 0.5440%
Puerto RicoMoca Municipio116400 358 0.3076%
Puerto RicoMorovis Municipio113800 535 0.4701%
Puerto RicoNaguabo Municipio105500 344 0.3261%
Puerto RicoNaranjito Municipio106800 346 0.3240%
Puerto RicoOrocovis Municipio94700 382 0.4034%
Puerto RicoPatillas Municipio89200 199 0.2231%
Puerto RicoPeñuelas Municipio88000 387 0.4398%
Puerto RicoPonce Municipio108200 622 0.5749%
Puerto RicoQuebradillas Municipio109700 263 0.2397%
Puerto RicoRincón Municipio154900 550 0.3551%
Puerto RicoRío Grande Municipio128900 588 0.4562%
Puerto RicoSabana Grande Municipio100300 199 0.1984%
Puerto RicoSalinas Municipio91700 372 0.4057%
Puerto RicoSan Germán Municipio100100 509 0.5085%
Puerto RicoSan Juan Municipio171400 800 0.4667%
Puerto RicoSan Lorenzo Municipio114500 228 0.1991%
Puerto RicoSan Sebastián Municipio110500 297 0.2688%
Puerto RicoSanta Isabel Municipio106100 604 0.5693%
Puerto RicoToa Alta Municipio152000 514 0.3382%
Puerto RicoToa Baja Municipio137800 717 0.5203%
Puerto RicoTrujillo Alto Municipio163000 738 0.4528%
Puerto RicoUtuado Municipio103600 261 0.2519%
Puerto RicoVega Alta Municipio134500 625 0.4647%
Puerto RicoVega Baja Municipio117700 411 0.3492%
Puerto RicoVieques Municipio113100 199 0.1760%
Puerto RicoVillalba Municipio103300 468 0.4530%
Puerto RicoYabucoa Municipio95600 375 0.3923%
Puerto RicoYauco Municipio98800 199 0.2014%

Expand or Collapse Table

Table 2. Property Taxes by State

Property Taxes Paid as a Percentage of Owner-Occupied Housing Value, 2023
StateEffective Tax Rate (2023)Effective Tax Rate (2022)Rank
New Hampshire1.77%1.89%4
New Jersey2.23%2.33%1
New Mexico0.72%0.74%34
New York1.60%1.64%6
North Carolina0.70%0.73%36
North Dakota0.99%0.99%22
Rhode Island1.32%1.39%13
South Carolina0.51%0.53%46
South Dakota1.09%1.14%19
West Virginia0.54%0.55%41
District of Columbia0.58%0.56%38
Note: The percentages are mean effective property tax rates on owner-occupied housing (total real taxes paid/total home value). As a result, the data exclude property taxes paid by businesses, renters, and others. DC’s rank does not affect states’ ranks.
Source: US Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey; Tax Foundation calculations.

Data compiled by Andrey Yushkov

Property Taxes by County

Median property taxes paid vary widely across (and within) the 50 states. The average countywide amount of property taxes paid in 2023 across the United States was $1,889 (with a standard deviation of $1,426). The lowest property tax bills in the country are in 11 counties or county equivalents with median property taxes of less than $250 a year:

  • Alabama: Lamar and Choctaw counties
  • Alaska: Northwest Arctic Borough, the Kusilvak Census Area, and the Copper River Census Area*
  • Louisiana: Allen, Avoyelles, Madison, Tensas, and West Carroll parishes
  • South Dakota: Oglala Lakota County

(*Significant parts of Alaska have no property taxes, though most of these areas have such small populations that they are excluded from federal surveys.)

Additionally, two counties in Alabama (Bibb and Sumter), three parishes in Louisiana (Bienville, Catahoula, and East Carroll), and McDowell County in West Virginia all have median property taxes paid between $250 and $300.

The 16 counties with the highest median property tax payments all have bills exceeding $10,000:

  • California: Marin County
  • New Jersey: Bergen, Essex, Hunterdon, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, and Union counties
  • New York: Nassau, New York, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk, and Westchester counties
  • Virginia: Falls Church City

All but Falls Church and Marin County are near New York City. Additionally, two counties in New Jersey (Hudson and Middlesex), three counties in California (San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara), and Western Connecticut Planning Region in Connecticut all have median property taxes paid above $9,000.

Property Taxes by State

Property tax payments also vary within states. In some states, typically those with low property tax burdens, this variation is not high. In Alabama, for instance, median property taxes range from below $200 in Choctaw County to $1,343 in Shelby County (part of the Birmingham–Hoover metropolitan area), with an average tax bill of $511. In Virginia, in contrast, median property taxes range from $404 in Buchanan County to more than $10,000 in Falls Church City (part of the Washington metropolitan area), with an average tax bill of $1,963.

Higher median payments tend to be concentrated in urban areas. Median property taxes paid in Manhattan (New York County), San Francisco, Chicago (Cook County), and Miami (Miami-Dade County) are two to three times higher than their state’s average. This is partially explained by the prevalence of above-average home prices in urban centers. Because property taxes are assessed as a percentage of home values, it follows that higher property taxes are paid in places with higher housing prices. However, because millages—the amount of tax per thousand dollars of value—can be adjusted to generate the necessary revenue from a given property tax base, the higher payments also reflect an overall higher cost of government—and commensurately higher taxes—in these areas. (More expensive homes might correlate with a higher cost of government services, but they don’t necessarily cause it. If homes in a community doubled in value but nothing else in the economy changed, local government wouldn’t necessarily need to capture twice as much revenue.)

Since home values vary significantly across counties, it is also important to compare effective tax burdens (the median property tax paid divided by the median value of owner-occupied housing units). The five counties with the highest burdens all have an effective property tax rate above 2.95 percent. These counties include Allegany and Orleans counties in New York, Camden and Salem counties in New Jersey, and Menominee County in Wisconsin. The five counties with the lowest burdens all have an effective property tax rate below 0.18 percent. They include the Copper River Census Area and Northwest Arctic Borough in Alaska, Choctaw County in Alabama, East Feliciana Parish in Louisiana, and Maui County in Hawaii.

Because the dollar value of property tax bills often fluctuates with housing prices, it can be difficult to use this measure to make comparisons between states. Further complicating matters, rates don’t mean the same thing from state to state, or even county to county, because the millage is often imposed only on a percentage of actual property value, as is discussed below. However, one way to compare is to look at effective tax rates on owner-occupied housing—the average amount of residential property taxes actually paid, expressed as a percentage of home value.

In calendar year 2023 (the most recent data available), New Jersey had the highest effective rate on owner-occupied property at 2.23 percent, followed by Illinois (2.07 percent) and Connecticut (1.92 percent). Hawaii was at the other end of the spectrum with the lowest effective rate of 0.27 percent, followed closely by Alabama (0.38 percent), Nevada (0.49 percent), Colorado (0.49 percent), and South Carolina (0.51 percent).

Diving Deeper

Governments tax real property in a variety of ways: some impose a millage on the fair market value of the property, while others impose it on a percentage (the assessment ratio) of the market value. While values are often determined by comparable sales, jurisdictions also vary in how they calculate assessed values. Property taxes tend to be imposed at the local level, although their basic framework is typically set by state law.

Some states have equalization requirements, ensuring uniformity across the state. Sometimes property tax limitations restrict the degree to which one’s property taxes can rise in a given year, and sometimes rate adjustments are mandated after assessments to ensure uniformity or revenue stability. Abatements (i.e., reductions or exemptions) are often available to certain taxpayers, like veterans or senior citizens. Also, residential property is frequently taxed at a lower level than commercial property—even though most states classify apartment complexes as commercial property, meaning that renters bear much of the economic incidence of higher property taxes than those imposed on homeowners. And of course, property tax rates are set not only by cities and counties, but also by school boards, fire departments, and utility commissions.

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