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Economic Recovery and Deductions for Worker Training

Tax treatment can affect investment decisions. Extending expensing treatment (full and immediate deductions) to all forms of capital investment, human and physical, would help facilitate sustainable long-run economic growth.

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LIFO vs FIFO vs Weighted Average Cost. Inventory Valuation in Europe 2020

Inventory Valuation in Europe

The method by which a country allows businesses to account for inventories can significantly impact a business’s taxable income. When prices are rising, as is usually the case due to factors like inflation, LIFO is the preferred method because it allows inventory costs to be closer to true costs at the time of sale.

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Nevada Mining tax increase, Nevada mining industry

Nevada Hoping to Extract Revenue with Mining Tax Increase Amendment

Nevada is not alone in its need to find revenue, but it should take care not to embrace bad tax policy in the process. Significant rate increases, a shift in the tax base, and provisions which make it easier to hike taxes than to cut them would heavily burden the mining industry in the state.

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Where Should the Money Come From?

The fiscal response to the COVID-19 pandemic will require policymakers to consider what revenue resources should be used to fill budget gaps. Tax policy experts have proposed wealth taxes, (global) corporate minimum taxes, excess profits taxes, and digital taxes as opportunities for governments to raise new revenues.

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Senator Harris’s Rent Relief Tax Credit is a Well-Intentioned Misfire

Estimating Neutral Cost Recovery’s Impact on Affordable Housing

Housing affordability was a major issue even before the COVID-19 crisis, but the current economic situation has made it more salient. Immediate support for people struggling makes sense now, but lawmakers should also consider long-term solutions to the problem of high rents, namely by expanding the supply of housing.

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Learn more about the proposed Canada digital tax. Canada digital services tax

Higher Taxes Might Not Be the Solution for Canada and its Provinces

First, the introduction of the wealth tax would significantly impact international capital flows and cause large economic dislocations in the short term. Second, provinces that are looking at raising their corporate tax rates might hinder capital attraction, growth, and economic recovery.

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real property taxes in Europe, European property tax rankings, property tax collections as a percent of the private capital stock in 2019

Real Property Taxes in Europe

High property taxes levied not only on land but also on buildings and structures can discourage investment because they disincentivise investing in infrastructure, which businesses would have to pay additional tax on. For this reason, it may also influence business location decisions away from places with high property tax.

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State Income Tax Revenue from Unemployment Compensation SMART Act, state and local aid, state tax revenue collections beat state revenue expectations in FY 2020 coronavirus pandemic

State Income and Sales Tax Revenues Slide in Second Quarter

Today marked the release of second-quarter GDP data and provides a new glimpse into early changes in state and local revenues and spending. All told, second-quarter state and local tax receipts came in about 3.8 percent lower than they did in the same quarter a year ago. Income and sales taxes fell considerably while property and excise tax collections remained stable.

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Business tax hikes Some Corporations Pay Zero Federal Income Taxes—and That Is Not a Problem Democrats child tax credit plan. tax administration issues, tax complexity cares act. trump tax cuts who benefited taxpayer subsidies for drug ads

Three-Fourths of New 2016 Investment Was Excluded from Improved Cost Recovery

New data sheds light on what share of new business investment was eligible for bonus depreciation as it existed before 2017 tax reform, and what share of new investment was excluded from improved cost recovery. This matters because the income tax is biased against investment in capital assets to the extent that it makes the investor wait years or decades to claim the cost of machines, equipment, or factories on their tax returns.

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HEALS Act GOP Phase 4 Stimulus Package Republican Coronavirus Relief Bill options to raise tax revenue

Senate Republicans Introduce the HEALS Act for Coronavirus Pandemic Relief

A resurgence in coronavirus cases and receding economic activity in many states threaten the nascent economic recovery. To address the ongoing crisis, the Senate Republican Phase 4 proposal builds on the CARES Act provisions while modifying others, including a scaled down federal UI benefit.

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