Navigating the Complex Income Tax System in Italy
High marginal tax rates can act as barriers to upward mobility, discouraging people from advancing in their careers.
5 min readHigh marginal tax rates can act as barriers to upward mobility, discouraging people from advancing in their careers.
5 min readAmong the 46 states that held legislative sessions this year, structural state tax reform and temporary tax relief measures were recurring themes.
13 min readGiven the state’s strong budget surplus and projected continued revenue growth, Wisconsin is in a prime position to enact pro-growth reforms to improve the state’s competitive standing for decades to come.
54 min readResearch has shown that spikes in tax rates can act as barriers to upward mobility. High marginal tax rates might directly influence the decisions workers make about accepting a raise, working additional hours, or whether they might remain on government benefits.
8 min readThe proposals share a common goal of improving incentives for households to save during a time when inflation is impacting their finances.
3 min readTo make the taxation of labor more efficient, policymakers should understand the inputs into the tax wedge, and taxpayers should understand how their tax burden funds government services.
4 min readAlthough the U.S. has a progressive tax system and a relatively low tax burden compared to the OECD average, average-wage workers still pay nearly 30 percent of their wages in taxes.
4 min readResearch almost invariably shows a negative relationship between income tax rates and gross domestic product (GDP). Cuts to marginal tax rates are highly correlated with decreases in the unemployment rate.
26 min readThe United States needs to grow its way out of inflation and set the economy up for continued growth—the tax code provides tools for policymakers to do just that.
3 min readPresident Biden’s budget proposes several new tax increases on high-income individuals and businesses, which combined with the Build Back Better plan would give the U.S. the highest top tax rates on individual and corporate income in the developed world.
5 min readThe CBO projections show policymakers’ top priority over the next five years will need to be cleaning up our country’s fiscal situation while maintaining a pro-growth and competitive tax code.
5 min readThe Kansas experience is so infamous that “what about Kansas?” is almost guaranteed to be a question—sometimes as a retort, but often a genuine expression of concern—any time any state explores tax relief. But what about the other two dozen states that have cut their income taxes since then?
6 min readIf Sooner State policymakers want to use a portion of their higher revenues to make the economy work better for all Oklahomans, they should consider repealing the franchise tax, trimming the income tax, or both—paired, if desired, with targeted aid to those in the greatest need—not writing a single round of gimmicky checks.
5 min readArizona now joins a growing cohort of states that are moving toward a flat income tax. Pending revenue triggers, the income tax rate will be reduced to 2.5 percent giving Arizona one of the lowest individual income tax rates in the country.
7 min readIn more than 100 years of state income taxes, only four states have ever moved from a graduated-rate income tax to a flat tax. Another four may adopt flat tax legislation just this year. We discuss what flat taxes are, what they mean for taxpayers, and why so many states are making a push for them this year.
Efforts to improve the taxpayer experience should focus on the IRS’s operations and include structural improvements to the tax code.
4 min readThe better you understand taxes, the better equipped you are to make decisions about them. All taxes can be divided into three basic types: taxes on what you buy, taxes on what you earn, and taxes on what you own.
Tax reform has become a major focus for state legislatures this session, and Missouri lawmakers are tuned in to the action: after adjusting individual income tax triggers in 2021, the legislature is exploring further tax reform options.
6 min read