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cost recovery expensing capital allowances factory

Capital Cost Recovery across the OECD, 2018

One hundred percent expensing for short-life business investments was a great start but needs to be enacted on a permanent basis for it to have an impact on long-term decision-making.

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Average Per Capita Property Taxes: How Does Your State Compare?

Average Per Capita Property Taxes: How Does Your State Compare?

While property taxes inevitably draw the ire of some residents living in high-tax jurisdictions, property values are a relatively good indicator of the value of local services received, such as well-funded roads and schools. At the same time, good local public services can make municipalities more desirable, thereby increasing residential property value.

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State & Local Vapor Taxes 2018

Vaping Taxes by State, 2018

A variety of taxing methods and a wide range of rates indicates that there is little consensus on the best way to levy vapor taxes in the U.S.

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Facts and Figures 2018: How Does Your State Compare? - Tax Foundation

Facts and Figures 2018: How Does Your State Compare?

Facts and Figures is a one-stop data resource comparing the 50 states on over 40 measures of individual and corporate income taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, business tax climates, and more.

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Sources of Personal Income 2015 Update

Sources of Personal Income, Tax Year 2015

Taxpayers reported $10.4 trillion of total income on their 2015 tax returns. This report breaks down the sources of this income: wages and salaries, business income, investment income, and retirement income.

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State and Local Sales Tax Rates 2018

State and Local Sales Tax Rates, 2018

In addition to state-level sales taxes, consumers also face local sales taxes in 38 states. These rates can be substantial, so a state with a moderate statewide sales tax rate could actually have a very high combined state and local rate.

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