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State population changes in 2023 low-tax states and high-tax states United Van Lines U-Haul and Census data

Americans Moved to Low-Tax States in 2023

The pandemic has accelerated changes to the way we live and work, making it far easier for people to move—and they have. As states work to maintain their competitive advantage, they should pay attention to where people are moving, and try to understand why.

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Inflation Reduction Act energy tax increases methane emissions superfund tax and coal taxes methane emissions and methane fee natural gas

Methane Fee to Take Effect in 2024: A Mini Carbon Price

At the beginning of 2024, a fee on certain methane emissions took effect. While insignificant on its own, it is the first U.S. federal-level effort to price greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change.

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Details and analysis of the Virginia Governor Youngkin Tax Plan. See more on Glenn Youngkin tax plan.

Governor Youngkin Unveils a New Tax Plan for Virginia

Virginia Governor Youngkin unveiled the contours of a tax reform plan incorporated into his forthcoming budget, which includes three major structural elements: a reduction in the individual income tax rate, a 0.9 percentage point increase in the sales tax rate, and the broadening of the sales tax base to include some “new economy” digital services.

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Alcohol Tax Modernization: ABV Tax and other Drink Tax Reforms

Modernization of the Alcohol Tax

An alcohol by volume (ABV) tax could replace the existing alcohol tax system. An ABV tax would make alcohol taxes simpler, more transparent, and substantially more neutral than the current system.

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Is the Foreign Pollution Fee Act a Carbon Price?

Is the Foreign Pollution Fee Act a Carbon Price?

A national-level carbon price—a tax or cap-and-trade scheme placed on CO2 or other greenhouse gases—may seem distant in the U.S., especially since the Inflation Reduction Act, which included major climate policy, omitted one. However, policymakers on both sides of the aisle have been nibbling around the edges of carbon taxes.

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2023 to 2024 corporate tax rates around the world data and trends

Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2023

Of the 225 jurisdictions around the world, only six have increased their top corporate income tax rate in 2023, a trend that might be reversed in the coming years as more countries agree to implement the global minimum tax.

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Moore tax case of Moore vs United States consumption tax base

Why Moore v. U.S. Won’t Get Us a Consumption Tax Base

At first glance, a ruling for the plaintiffs in Moore might seem to solve some of the timing problems with the U.S. tax system. Unfortunately, upon greater inspection, such a ruling might create new timing problems. And the more rigid the ruling, the harder it would be to fix the timing problems it would create.

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2023 Tax Extenders Expiring TCJA Business Tax Provisions and Child Tax Credit Year-End Tax Deal

Tax Extenders in 2023: Three Major Business Provisions and an Expanded Child Credit?

In Congress, both parties have expressed widespread support for improving the treatment of R&D and potentially extending some or all of the major business provisions, while the White House and congressional Democrats have indicated interest in an expanded child tax credit, suggesting potential for a deal.

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