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Capital Cost Recovery across the OECD, 2022

The ongoing economic uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and current inflationary pressures have highlighted the importance of investment.

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Tax reform has become a major focus for state legislatures this session, and Missouri lawmakers are tuned in to the action: after adjusting individual income tax triggers in 2021, the legislature is exploring further tax reform options.

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Wealth Taxes in Europe, 2022

Only three European OECD countries levy a net wealth tax, namely Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.

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History of Taxes

Learn where and when taxes originated and how they resemble taxes we have today. Understand how the American tax code developed from the beginning of the colonies. Learn about some of the weirder taxes throughout history, designed not just to raise revenue, but influence behavior too.

TaxEDU glossary

Lesson Plan: Not All Taxes Are Created Equal

In this lesson plan, students will discover why there are better and worse ways for governments to raise a dollar of revenue. Students will compare the economic impact of the three basic tax types—taxes on what you earn, buy, and own—including three specific taxes within each category, and learn about the basics of “dynamic scoring.”

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Personal Income Tax Adjusts for Inflation, But It Could Do Better

In times of inflation, a review of the tax code shows that some provisions are automatically indexed, or adjusted, to match inflation, while others are not. And that creates unfair burdens for taxpayers. But it’s not always as simple as just “adjusting for inflation.”

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President Biden’s 61 Percent Tax on Wealth

As part of President Biden’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2023, the White House has once again endorsed a major tax increase on accumulated wealth, adding up to a 61 percent tax on wealth of high-earning taxpayers.

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Throwback and Throwout Rules by State, 2022

While throwback and throwout rules in states’ corporate tax codes may not be widely understood, they have a notable impact on business location and investment decisions and reduce economic efficiency.

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Which Global Minimum Tax Will We Get?

Over the course of the last year, it has become clear that Democratic lawmakers want to change U.S. international tax rules. However, as proposals have been debated in recent months, there are clear divides between U.S. proposals and the global minimum tax rules.

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Total tax burden by state 2022 state and local tax burdens (2022 state and local taxes)

State and Local Tax Burdens, Calendar Year 2022

Tax burdens rose across the country as pandemic-era economic changes caused taxable income, activities, and property values to rise faster than net national product. Tax burdens in 2020, 2021, and 2022 are all higher than in any other year since 1978.

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Biden’s Budget Battle

In a letter to lawmakers, the 46th President said that his $5.8 trillion budget package would “[grow] our economy, while ensuring that the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share.” We break down what the President is proposing for this upcoming fiscal year and what its impact would be on the U.S. economy in the face of record-high inflation.