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Real Estate Transaction Tax Rates in German States

Real Estate Transaction Tax Rates in German States

The real estate transaction tax is levied on the gross sales value of a property when it changes ownership, without deductions for investment or purchasing costs. This makes the tax particularly harmful to investment in buildings and structures.

3 min read
Real Estate Transaction Tax Rates in German States

Grunderwerbsteuersätze in den deutschen Bundesländern

Die Grunderwerbsteuer wird auf den Verkaufswert einer Immobilie erhoben, wenn diese den Eigentümer wechselt, ohne steuerliche Abzüge für Investitions- oder Erwerbskosten. Das macht die Steuer besonders schädlich für Investitionen in Gebäude und Strukturen.

3 min read
2024 sales tax holidays by state tax free weekends

Sales Tax Holidays by State, 2024

However well-intended they may be, sales tax holidays remain the same as they always have been—ineffective and inefficient.

11 min read

Patent Box Regimes in Europe, 2024

The aim of patent boxes is generally to encourage and attract local research and development (R&D) and to incentivize businesses to locate IP in the country. However, patent boxes can introduce another level of complexity to a tax system, and some recent research questions whether patent boxes are actually effective in driving innovation.

3 min read
Puerto Rico Tax Competitiveness and Pillar Two Global Tax Deal

Puerto Rican Competitiveness and Pillar Two

Puerto Rico, a US territory with a limited ability to set its own tax policies, will be the first part of the US to be substantially affected by Pillar Two, the global tax agreement that seeks to establish a 15 percent minimum tax rate on corporate income.

17 min read
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We are the world’s leading nonpartisan tax policy nonprofit.

The Tax Foundation is the nation’s leading nonpartisan tax policy 501(c)(3) nonprofit. For over 80 years, our mission has remained the same: to improve lives through tax policies that lead to greater economic growth and opportunity.

Our vision is a world where the tax code doesn’t stand in the way of success. Every day, our team of trusted experts strives towards that vision by remaining principled, insightful, and engaged and by advancing the principles of sound tax policy: simplicity, neutrality, transparency, and stability.

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2024 State Business Tax Climate Index

2024 State Business Tax Climate Index

In recognition of the fact that there are better and worse ways to raise revenue, our Index focuses on how state tax revenue is raised, not how much. The rankings, therefore, reflect how well states structure their tax systems.

111 min read

International Tax Competitiveness Index 2023

While there are many factors that affect a country’s economic performance, taxes play an important role. A well-structured tax code is easy for taxpayers to comply with and can promote economic development while raising sufficient revenue for a government’s priorities.

88 min read
2023 European Tax Policy Scorecard Tax Foundation Europe

2023 European Tax Policy Scorecard

The variety of approaches to taxation among European countries creates a need to evaluate these systems relative to each other. For that purpose, we have developed the European Tax Policy Scorecard—a relative comparison of European countries’ tax systems.

52 min read
Tax Education - girl in classroom

TaxEDU is designed to advance tax policy education, discussion, and understanding in classrooms, living rooms, and government chambers. It combines the best aspects of cutting-edge and traditional education to elevate the debate, enable deeper understanding, and achieve principled policy.

TaxEDU gives teachers the tools to make students better citizens, taxpayers a vocabulary to see through the rhetoric, lawmakers crash courses to write smarter laws, and videos and podcasts for anyone who wants to boost their tax knowledge on the go.

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