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High-Income Taxpayers, Progressivity, and Inequality

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10 Common Tax Myths, Debunked

Identify some of the most common tax myths and tax policy misconceptions and learn how to separate fact from fiction. Discover why tax refunds shouldn’t be celebrated, why you should pay your income tax bill, and why certain deductions are wrongly labeled “loopholes,” among other useful facts. Improve your ability to counter misleading arguments about the tax code.

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Analysis of Sen. Warren and Sen. Sanders’ Wealth Tax Plans

New modeling finds that the wealth taxes proposed by Sen. Warren and Sen. Sanders would raise significantly less revenue than promised, face serious administrative and compliance challenges, and would increase foreign ownership of U.S. capital.

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Effective tax rates on the top o.1 percent of u.s. households, taxing the rich, taxes on the rich, tax the rich

Comparing Wealth Taxation and Income Taxes

A low wealth tax rate is equivalent to a high-rate income tax. The interaction between wealth taxes and the existing income taxes must be considered when analyzing a wealth tax plan.

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