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DC tax hike, DC income tax DC flavored tobacco ban

Banning Tobacco Flavors Could Prove Costly for D.C.

Early signs indicate that flavors bans will not decrease tobacco consumption. It is not in the interest of the District of Columbia to pursue a public health measure that merely sends tax revenue to its neighboring jurisdictions without improving public health.

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Federal highway fund taxes federal infrastructure funding for highways federal excise tax on heavy commercial vehicles

Infrastructure Funding for Highways Digs into Issues of Outdated Taxes and Narrow Bases

As spending priorities are dividing lawmakers trying to negotiate among the various federal infrastructure plans, less time is being spent on the funding of one of the key components—our highways, both current and future taxes and fees. One of the current taxes, a federal excise tax on heavy commercial vehicles and trailers, is an important revenue generator, but its flawed tax design has a negative impact on investment and leads to unstable revenue.

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Business tax hikes Some Corporations Pay Zero Federal Income Taxes—and That Is Not a Problem Democrats child tax credit plan. tax administration issues, tax complexity cares act. trump tax cuts who benefited taxpayer subsidies for drug ads

Explaining the GAAP between Book and Taxable Income

A recent study identifies dozens of large companies that paid no income taxes in 2020. While such studies get headlines and may seem shocking, the reality is much more mundane.

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2021 Carbon Taxes in Europe Which European Countries have a carbon European Countries have a carbon tax Sweden

Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2021

In recent years, several countries have taken measures to reduce carbon emissions, including instituting environmental regulations, emissions trading systems (ETS), and carbon taxes.

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marijuana policy, cannabis policy, federal taxation of recreational marijuana, MORE Act tax Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act

Less Should be MORE with Federal Cannabis Taxation

Federal lawmakers re-introduced the MORE Act, the most significant federal legislative development on marijuana policy in 50 years. The MORE Act would impose a federal excise tax on marijuana at a rate from 5 to 8 percent.

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Financing Additional Infrastructure Spending with Corporate Tax Increases Would Stunt Economic Growth Biden Infrastructure plan American Jobs Plan new infrastructure $1 trillion in additional infrastructure

Financing Infrastructure Spending with Corporate Tax Increases Would Stunt Economic Growth

The Biden administration’s American Jobs Plan proposal to fund infrastructure spending relies on a bet that the benefits outweigh the costs of a higher corporate tax burden. Using the Tax Foundation model, we find that this trade-off is a bad one for the U.S. economy, resulting in reduced GDP, less capital investment, fewer jobs, and lower wages.

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State infrastructure revenue and state infrastructure spending, How are roads funded in your state? Road funding by state, infrastructure spending by state, infrastructure revenue by state, gas taxes and tolls 2021

How Are Your State’s Roads Funded?

Traditionally, revenue dedicated to infrastructure spending has been raised through taxes on motor fuel, license fees, and tolls, but revenue from motor fuel has proven less effective over the last few decades.

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State local tax collections per capita in your state, 2021 state and local tax collections per capita in your state, 2021 state and local tax collections per capita by state

How High Are State and Local Tax Collections in Your State?

Although Tax Day has been pushed back this year, mid-April is still a good occasion to take a look at tax collections in the United States. Because differing state populations can make overall comparisons difficult, today’s state tax map shows state and local tax collections per capita in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

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State vaping taxes 2021 state vaping tax rates and vaping taxes by state. 2021 state vapor tax rates (Vape and e-cigarette taxes)

Vaping Taxes by State, 2021

Several states are considering introducing or increasing taxes on vapor products to make up declining tax revenue from traditional tobacco products or to fill budget holes in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. However, lawmakers should approach the issue carefully because flawed excise tax design on vapor products could drive consumers back to more harmful combustible products like cigarettes.

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Schumer marijuana bill recreational marijuana tax revenue by state

Recreational Cannabis Taxes

The legalization and taxation of recreational marijuana remains one of the hottest trends in state taxation. New York recently became one of the latest states to legalize it. Join us as we dive into the complex world of marijuana taxation and explain how policymakers should approach designing such taxes.