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State throwback rules, state throwout rules

Throwback and Throwout Rules by State, 2020

State throwback and throwout rules may not be widely understood, but they have a notable impact on business location and investment decisions and reduce economic efficiency for the states which impose such rules.

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Recent changes in top dividend tax rates in Europe 2020

Recent Changes in Dividend Tax Rates in Europe

Over the last three years, eight European OECD countries have made changes to their dividend tax rates. Iceland, Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey increased their rates, each between roughly one and three percentage points. France, Greece, and Latvia cut their rates by 10 percentage points.

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CBO Releases New Long-term Budget Outlook

The pandemic precipitated the steepest decline in economic output and employment in recent history, which is leading to a drop in tax revenue. At the same time, the federal response to the crisis is producing a large increase in spending. This combination will cause the federal budget deficit to spike.

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How have your state's tax revenues changed in FY 2020 compared to FY 2019? State revenue collections beat state revenue expectations in FY 2020 despite coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn

New Census Data Shows States Beat Revenue Expectations in FY 2020

State tax revenue collections were down 5.5 percent in FY 2020, driven by a dismal final quarter (April through June) as states began to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. While these early losses are certainly not desirable, they are manageable and far better than many feared.

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VAT Gap EU member state 2020

New European Commission Report: VAT Gap

Just as COVID-19 is putting pressure on other sources of revenue, the loss of VAT revenues resulting from the crisis will force governments to evaluate their VAT systems.

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Recent changes in statutory corporate income tax rates in Europe, 2020 corporate tax trends in Europe

Recent Changes in Statutory Corporate Income Tax Rates in Europe

Over the last two decades, corporate income tax rates have declined around the world. Our new map shows the most recent changes in corporate tax rates in European OECD countries, comparing how combined statutory corporate income tax rates have changed between 2017 and 2020.

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State marriage penalty, state marriage penalties, does your state have a marriage penalty?

Does Your State Have a Marriage Penalty?

A marriage penalty exists when a state’s income brackets for married taxpayers filing jointly are less than double the bracket widths that apply to single filers.

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European tax treaties, European tax treaty network

Tax Treaty Network of European Countries

Tax treaties usually provide mechanisms to eliminate double taxation and can provide certainty and stability for taxpayers and encourage foreign investment and trade. A broad network of tax treaties contributes to the competitiveness of an economy.

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Thin-capitalization rules, Thin-cap rules in Europe

Thin-Cap Rules in Europe

To discourage a certain form of international debt shifting, many countries have implemented so-called thin-capitalization rules (thin-cap rules), which limit the amount of interest a multinational business can deduct for tax purposes.

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How high are property taxes in my state? How high are property taxes in your state? state property taxes paid as a percentage of owner-occupied housing value

How High Are Property Taxes in Your State?

New Jersey has the highest effective rate on owner-occupied property at 2.21 percent, followed closely by Illinois (2.05 percent) and New Hampshire (2.03 percent).

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CFC rules in Europe, Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules in Europe 2020, CFC rules in Europe 2020

CFC Rules in Europe

To prevent businesses from minimizing their tax liability by taking advantage of cross-country differences in taxation, countries have implemented various anti-tax avoidance measures, one known as Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) rules.

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Property Taxes by County, 2020

The five counties with the highest median property tax payments are all located near New York City and have bills exceeding $10,000.

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LIFO vs FIFO vs Weighted Average Cost. Inventory Valuation in Europe 2020

Inventory Valuation in Europe

The method by which a country allows businesses to account for inventories can significantly impact a business’s taxable income. When prices are rising, as is usually the case due to factors like inflation, LIFO is the preferred method because it allows inventory costs to be closer to true costs at the time of sale.

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Does my state tax social security benefits? States that tax social security benefits

Does Your State Tax Social Security Benefits?

The question, “Does my state tax Social Security benefits?” may be simple enough, but the answer includes a lot of nuance. Many states have unique and specific provisions regarding the taxation of Social Security benefits, which can be broken into a few broad categories.

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Real Property Taxes in Europe

High property taxes levied not only on land but also on buildings and structures can discourage investment because they disincentivise investing in infrastructure, which businesses would have to pay additional tax on. For this reason, it may also influence business location decisions away from places with high property tax.

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