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Biden Tax Resource Center

The Biden administration has announced a number of tax proposals to fund new government investments such as infrastructure, education and family programs as part of the Build Back Better (Building a Better America) agenda. From analyzing the Build Back Better Act and Inflation Reduction Act to the U.S. Treasury’s international tax proposals, Tax Foundation experts continue to serve as trusted thought leaders, providing research, modeling, analysis, and commentary on how the Biden tax plan would impact U.S. competitiveness, economic growth, government revenue, and everyday taxpayers. The posts below include our research and analysis on a variety of Biden tax proposals. You can also explore our economic modeling via Options for Reforming America’s Tax Code and our 10 Tax Reforms for Growth and Opportunity. See the latest proposals from 2024 presidential candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump, with our 2024 tax tracker

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Inflation Reduction Act CHIPS and Science Act Global Tax Deal

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Wyden tax proposals reconciliation Wyden tax reconciliation

Reviewing Wyden’s Reconciliation Tax Policy Proposals

Congressional lawmakers are putting together a reconciliation bill to enact much of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. Many lawmakers including Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR), however, want to make their own mark on the legislation.

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congressional districts impacted by Biden corporate tax plan, New York City, LA, and San Francisco bay area

Top Ten Congressional Districts Impacted by Biden Corporate Tax Proposals

The Biden corporate tax plan would disproportionately harm these congressional districts and make the U.S. less internationally competitive. These tax hikes, along with individual tax increases, would also raise taxes on net for 96 percent of congressional districts by 2031 after these temporary credits expire in 2025.

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Wyden mark-to-market tax proposal. Explore Wyden financial services tax proposals, including Wyden carried interest tax, Wyden derivatives tax, and Wyden hedge funds and private equity tax

Wyden’s Financial Services Tax Proposals Would Put “Mark-to-Market” to the Test

Mark-to-market is not simple to implement, as it involves new administrative and compliance challenges for taxpayers. Mark-to-market levies tax on phantom income, requiring some taxpayers to engage in some degree of liquidation, ultimately suppressing incentives to save and invest. The limited tax revenues that could result from these proposals are not worth the risk.

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global minimum tax comparison international tax proposals about profit shifting Biden international tax Learning from Europe and America’s Shared Gross Receipts Tax Experience , Gross receipts taxes Europe America Gross receipts tax digital tax

International Tax Proposals and Profit Shifting

There are many ways the U.S.’s international tax rules could be changed, reformed, improved, or worsened. Reflexively jacking up taxes on U.S. multinationals does not necessarily accomplish the goal of reducing or eliminating profit shifting, and it would in fact worsen it.

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Claiming 97 Percent of Small Businesses Exempt from Biden Taxes Is Misleading. Fact-checking claim that 97 percent of small businesses wont pay income taxes under Biden tax plan

Claiming 97 Percent of Small Businesses Exempt from Biden Taxes Is Misleading

The Biden administration recently cited an analysis from Treasury claiming that “the President’s agenda will protect 97 percent of small business owners from income tax rate increases.” However, the figure is misleading. To assess the economic effect of higher marginal tax rates, it matters how much income or investment will be affected—not how many taxpayers.

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Biden tax compliance plan to improve IRS funding and tax enforcement to improve tax collection

Considering Trade-offs to Improving Tax Collections

Recent Biden administration proposals rely heavily on revenue from better IRS tax collections to fund spending initiatives. The American Families Plan uses several avenues to reduce the tax gap (or the difference between taxes paid and taxes owed), from increasing the IRS’s tax enforcement budget to improving information technology and expanding reporting requirements.

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Ways & means tax proposal seeks to combat extraterritorial taxes and discriminatory taxes Global minimum tax revenue OECD Pillar Two revenue OECD impact assessment OECD Pillar One tax Pillar one amount a Biden interest limitation Biden interest deduction rule Biden interest expense limitation Business interest expense limitation Democrat Senate international tax overhaul discussion draft legislation (Wyden Brown Warner international tax overhaul) or Sen Wyden international tax plan,

Four Revenue Scores on Options to Change U.S. International Tax Rules

Changes to international tax rules are likely on the way, and it is therefore important for lawmakers to understand how various reform options would impact U.S. tax burdens on multinational companies. Moreover, policymakers should also recognize the need for prudent policies that do not put U.S.-based multinationals at a competitive disadvantage or severely curtail investment and hiring.

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Will FDII Stay or Will it Go?

While the Biden administration has certainly proposed to remove FDII, it is not clear that Congress is on board with that approach.

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Flag and buildings, corporate taxation, double taxation

Piling on the GILTI Verdicts

The Biden administration has proposed to significantly increase the tax burden on foreign income through a policy known as Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GILTI). While the administration’s rhetoric focuses on doubling the tax rate on GILTI from 10.5 percent to 21 percent, this is less than half the story.

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