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Biden Tax Resource Center

The Biden administration has announced a number of tax proposals to fund new government investments such as infrastructure, education and family programs as part of the Build Back Better (Building a Better America) agenda. From analyzing the Build Back Better Act and Inflation Reduction Act to the U.S. Treasury’s international tax proposals, Tax Foundation experts continue to serve as trusted thought leaders, providing research, modeling, analysis, and commentary on how the Biden tax plan would impact U.S. competitiveness, economic growth, government revenue, and everyday taxpayers. The posts below include our research and analysis on a variety of Biden tax proposals. You can also explore our economic modeling via Options for Reforming America’s Tax Code and our 10 Tax Reforms for Growth and Opportunity. See the latest proposals from 2024 presidential candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump, with our 2024 tax tracker

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Inflation Reduction Act CHIPS and Science Act Global Tax Deal

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Should Tax Policy Play a Role in Tobacco Harm Reduction?

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