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Individual Income and Payroll Taxes

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Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2020 Update

The latest IRS data shows that the U.S. individual income tax continues to be very progressive, borne primarily by the highest income earners. The top 1 percent of taxpayers pay a 26.8 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than six times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (4.0 percent).

6 min read
2020 State Individual Income Tax Rates and Brackets, 2020 state individual income taxes, 2020 state income tax rates, 2020 state income tax

State Individual Income Tax Rates and Brackets, 2020

Individual income taxes are a major source of state government revenue, accounting for 37 percent of state tax collections in fiscal year (FY) 2017. Several states had notable individual income tax changes in 2020: Arizona, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

9 min read