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Highest beer taxes in Europe on International Beer Day 2022 tax on beer in Ireland and tax on beer in germany. Compare lowest and highest beer tax in Europe

Beer Taxes in Europe

’Tis the season to crack open a cold one. Ahead of International Beer Day on August 5th, let’s take a minute to discover how much of your cash is actually going toward the cost of a brew with this week’s tax map, which explores excise duties on beer.

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2022 gas taxes in Europe Compare fuel tax rates and EU gas tax Europe map EU fuel excise duty

Gas Taxes in Europe

The Netherlands has the highest gas tax in the European Union, at €0.82 per liter ($3.69 per gallon). Italy applies the second highest rate at €0.73 per liter ($3.26 per gallon), followed by Finland at €0.72 per liter ($3.24 per gallon).

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2022 vapor taxes by state vaping tax rates on e-cigarettes and vaping taxes by state

Vaping Taxes by State, 2022

If the policy goal of taxing cigarettes is to encourage cessation, vapor taxation must be considered a part of that policy design.

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State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2022

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2022

Although the majority of state tax changes take effect at the start of the calendar year, some are implemented at the beginning of the fiscal year. Fourteen states have notable tax changes taking effect on July 1.

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Windfall Profits Taxes?

Oil prices have skyrocketed, posing a new risk to the post-pandemic recovery. Feeling the pressure to respond, policymakers have proposed everything from gas tax holidays, tapping into strategic reserves, and even rebate cards. One idea that has crawled back from the dead: “Windfall Profits Taxes.” This idea is seemingly simple: legislation targeted at the “excess” profits of oil companies. However, as with anything in tax policy, the reality is much more complicated.

Carbon Taxes and the Future of Tax Reform, See more on green tax and climate change tax reform proposals

Carbon Taxes and the Future of Green Tax Reform

Our new analysis reviews the basic structure of carbon taxes, how they compare to the existing set of climate policies, and how they could fit into various pro-growth tax reform packages.

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Carbon taxes in Europe 2022 carbon tax rates in Europe EU carbon tax

Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2022

In recent years, several countries have taken measures to reduce carbon emissions, including instituting environmental regulations, emissions trading systems, and carbon taxes. In 1990, Finland was the world’s first country to introduce a carbon tax.

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Cigarette taxes in the EU cigarette tax rates EU tobacco Europe taxes

Cigarette Taxes in Europe

Ireland and France levy the highest excise duties on cigarettes in the EU, at €8.85 ($10.47) and €6.88 ($8.13) per 20-cigarette pack, respectively.

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Clearing up Carbon Taxes

Amidst bipartisan climate negotiations on Capitol Hill, there have been renewed calls for a carbon tax. Carbon taxes have long been magnets for political controversy. But from an economic standpoint, they deserve to be taken seriously. Here’s why.

TaxEDU glossary

Case Study: Taxing a New Industry

More states are contemplating the tradeoffs associated with legalizing recreational marijuana and taxing it to obtain a new stream of revenue. In fact, a key point when legalizing recreational marijuana is tax design. Most states that currently allow and tax sales have opted for a price-based (ad valorem) excise tax and levy the general sales tax on recreational marijuana sales.

History of Taxes

Learn where and when taxes originated and how they resemble taxes we have today. Understand how the American tax code developed from the beginning of the colonies. Learn about some of the weirder taxes throughout history, designed not just to raise revenue, but influence behavior too.

TaxEDU glossary

Lesson Plan: Not All Taxes Are Created Equal

In this lesson plan, students will discover why there are better and worse ways for governments to raise a dollar of revenue. Students will compare the economic impact of the three basic tax types—taxes on what you earn, buy, and own—including three specific taxes within each category, and learn about the basics of “dynamic scoring.”

TaxEDU glossary

Case Study: Sales Taxes vs. Excise Taxes

Excise taxes are imposed on a specific good or activity, such as cigarettes, alcohol, and fuel. Because of their narrow base, excise taxes distort production and consumption choices. Sometimes this distortion is by design. Compare the effects of sales taxes and tobacco excise taxes with real policy examples.