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EU tax research The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy EU digital levy

The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy

The consultation on the EU’s digital levy provides an opportunity for policymakers and taxpayers to reflect on the underlying issues of digital taxation and potential consequences from a digital levy. Unless the EU digital levy is designed with an OECD agreement in mind, it is likely to cause more uncertainty in cross-border tax policy.

12 min read
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act offshoring OECD BEPS project, OECD consultation document, OECD multinationals, Consumption tax policies in OECD countries, Consumption taxes in OECD countries

Consumption Tax Policies in OECD Countries

Despite the potential of consumption taxes as a neutral and efficient source of tax revenues, many governments have implemented policies that are unduly complex and have poorly designed tax bases that exclude many goods or services from taxation, or tax them at reduced rates.

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Carbon tax revenue to grow economy, Using carbon tax revenue to address post-Covid economic recovery, carbon tax economic recovery

Using Carbon Tax Revenue to Grow the Economy

The economy and climate change are two challenges the Biden administration has identified as priorities. One way to address both issues at the same time is to enact a carbon tax to discourage carbon emissions, and to use the resulting carbon tax revenue to lower—or in the case of the TCJA’s individual provisions, avoid increases of—other, more distortive, types of taxes. This would not only address the challenges of climate change but also support the economy.

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Massachusetts Flavored Tobacco Ban Causes Cigarette Sales’ Increase in Neighboring States Tax Stamps Sales in June-September 2020 versus June-September 2019. Massachusetts flavored tobacco ban and its impact on Massachusetts tax revenue

Massachusetts Flavored Tobacco Ban Has Severe Impact on Tax Revenue

The Massachusetts flavored tobacco ban highlights the complications of contradictory tax and regulatory policy, the instability of excise taxes that go beyond pricing in the cost of externalities, and the public risks of driving consumers into the black market through excessive taxation or regulation.

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Schumer marijuana bill recreational marijuana tax revenue by state

Several States Considering Legal Recreational Marijuana

With most states experiencing reduced tax revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, several are contemplating whether recreational marijuana legalization and taxation may be one avenue to raise new revenue. While states that have already legalized do raise meaningful revenue, lawmakers should remember that establishment of legal markets takes time.

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How Expensing for Capital Investment Can Accelerate the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

Expensing for capital investments is a powerful tax policy for economic growth. But expensing can also help shift the economy to a more sustainable future through increased investment in new, less carbon-intensive technology. Expensing for capital investment would eliminate a tax bias against energy efficiency improvements that reduce operating costs but involve high upfront investments. It could also serve to accelerate the existing trend of movement towards more green energy power sources.

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Digital tax debate, Digital taxes around the world, Digital economy taxes

Digital Services Taxes

Over the last several years, policymakers in countries around the world have groped for new ways to tax e-commerce, social media, cloud-based, and other online businesses, in some cases stoking major international trade disputes in the process. In this episode of The Deduction, we explore the “digital services tax” (DST), one new and increasingly popular policy designed to address the digital economy.

tax exemption definition TaxEDU 2021 state tax changes. net operating loss policies in the OECD NOL omnibus covid-19 relief deal. phase 4 coronavirus relief, phase 4 business relief, phase 4 relief net operating loss, cost recovery

State Tax Changes Effective January 1, 2021

Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia had notable tax changes take effect on January 1, 2021. Because most states’ legislative sessions were cut short in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fewer tax changes were adopted in 2020 than in a typical year.

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New Year's Eve taxes, Sparkling wine taxes in Europe

Sparkling Wine Taxes in Europe

This week, people around the world will celebrate New Year’s Eve, with many opening a bottle of sparkling wine to wish farewell to—a rather consequential—2020 and offer a warm welcome to the—by many of us, long-awaited—new year 2021.

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tax exemption definition TaxEDU 2021 state tax changes. net operating loss policies in the OECD NOL omnibus covid-19 relief deal. phase 4 coronavirus relief, phase 4 business relief, phase 4 relief net operating loss, cost recovery

Tax Extenders Hitch a Ride on Omnibus and COVID-19 Relief Deal

Tax extenders are no stranger to hitching a last-minute ride on year-end legislation. This year they made another last-minute appearance, finding a hold in their own division of the 5,593-page bill to fund the government through the fiscal year and provide additional coronavirus relief through March.

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Indiana Lawmakers Consider Cigarette Tax Increase, Indiana would have the highest cigarette tax in the region, $3 a pack cigarette tax rate

Indiana Lawmakers Consider Cigarette Tax Increase

While increasing taxes on cigarettes may limit demand, a 200 percent hike may also result in a number of unintended consequences, such as increased smuggling.

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New York cigarette smuggling sin taxes

New York Lawmaker Looks to Sin Taxes Once More

New York already suffers from significant smuggling of untaxed tobacco products—smuggled cigarettes accounted for 53 percent of cigarettes consumed in the state in 2018—and further increasing tobacco taxes is likely to make matters worse.

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Cigarette taxes by state, cigarette smuggling by state, cigarette tax rates by state, illicit cigarette trade 2021 excise taxes and 2021 excise tax trends

Cigarette Taxes and Cigarette Smuggling by State, 2018

Excessive tax rates on cigarettes in some states induce substantial black and gray market movement of tobacco products into high-tax states from low-tax states or foreign sources. New York has the highest inbound smuggling activity, with an estimated 53.2 percent of cigarettes consumed in the state deriving from smuggled sources.

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