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Biden carbon tax corporate tax trade offs

Two Roads Diverge in the OECD’s Impact Assessment

The difference that the OECD presents between the potential impact in the context of agreement compared to a harmful tax and trade war should show policymakers the value of continuing multilateral discussions.

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Top Rates in Each State Under Joe Biden’s Tax Plan

President Joe Biden’s tax plan would yield combined top marginal state and local rates in excess of 60 percent in three states: California, Hawaii, and New Jersey (also New York City).

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The Biden Tax Plan Would Rank the U.S. Below Where It Stood Prior to Tax Reform International Tax Competitiveness Index Ranks for 2020 with the U.S. ranks for 2017, 2020, and the Biden tax plan us competitiveness

How Would Biden’s Tax Plan Change the Competitiveness of the U.S. Tax Code?

While the Biden campaign is certainly focused on increasing taxes on U.S. businesses and high-income earners, it is important that policymakers also understand what that reversal might do to U.S. competitiveness, and the competitive global environment in which U.S. companies and U.S. workers operate.

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Role of the 2017 Tax Reform in the Nascent U.S. Economic Recovery

While there is still plenty of work to be done to get unemployed Americans back to work, the U.S. economy as a whole is now recovering strongly from the pandemic-induced economic downturn, outperforming forecasts from earlier in the year and outperforming most other developed countries.

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CARES Act, Senate Coronavirus bill, Senate Coronavirus relief, Senate Coronavirus Aid

Reviewing the Commitment to American GROWTH Act

House Republicans recently introduced HR 11, the Commitment to American GROWTH Act, outlining an alternative to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax vision. The proposal would address upcoming expirations of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and create or expand other tax provisions designed to boost domestic investment.

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European country rankings on the 2020 International Tax Competitiveness Index. European tax systems ranked, Europe tax rankings

International Tax Competitiveness Index 2020

Our International Index compares OECD countries on over 40 variables that measure how well each country’s tax system promotes sustainable economic growth and investment.

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OECD BEPS Higher Corporate Tax Revenues Globally Despite Lower Tax Rates

Pillars, Blueprints, an Impact Assessment, and Construction Delays

The OECD released blueprints for proposals on changing international tax rules alongside an impact assessment based on the overall design of the proposals. While the blueprints cover proposals both for changing where large multinationals owe corporate tax and designing a global minimum tax, there are still many unanswered questions. In the meantime, other digital tax proposals are moving forward and have the potential to result in a harmful tax and trade war.

4 min read
european countries with a carbon tax, carbon tax rates in Europe, carbon taxes in Europe

Carbon Taxes in Europe, 2020

17 European countries have implemented a carbon tax, ranging from less than €1 per metric ton of carbon emissions in Ukraine and Poland to over €100 in Sweden.

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State throwback rules, state throwout rules

Throwback and Throwout Rules by State, 2020

State throwback and throwout rules may not be widely understood, but they have a notable impact on business location and investment decisions and reduce economic efficiency for the states which impose such rules.

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Illinois fair tax, Governor Pritzker

Twelve Things to Know About the “Fair Tax for Illinois”

Heading into Election Day, the Illinois legislature and Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) are trying to convince voters to scrap a key constitutional feature of Illinois’ tax system: a provision in the state constitution that prohibits a graduated-rate income tax.

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Recent changes in top dividend tax rates in Europe 2020

Recent Changes in Dividend Tax Rates in Europe

Over the last three years, eight European OECD countries have made changes to their dividend tax rates. Iceland, Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey increased their rates, each between roughly one and three percentage points. France, Greece, and Latvia cut their rates by 10 percentage points.

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environmental tax policies, environmental taxation

Countries Eye Environmental Taxation

A recent OECD report on 2020 tax reforms reveals an increase in the number of environmentally-related tax policies, including gas taxes, carbon taxes, and taxes on electricity consumption.

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Biden capital gains tax rate proposal historical context of capital gains tax proposal under Biden tax plan

Joe Biden’s Tax Plan Explained

Depending on the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, we could be looking at a very different tax code in the years to come. What tax changes has former Vice President Joe Biden proposed and what would they mean for U.S. taxpayers, businesses, and the overall economy?

Designing a Global Minimum Tax with Full Expensing

The design and implementation of a global minimum tax is not simple and straightforward. There are dozens of challenging issues that policymakers will need to consider. So, when it comes to the way the minimum tax treats new investment, it seems clear that incorporating full expensing into the design would have significant benefits.

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