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Global Tax Deal

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global tax agreement global tax deal OECD global minimum tax rules corporate minimum tax rules Secretariat Proposal, OECD Public Consultation Document, Unified Approach under pillar one profit shifting definition tax planning and avoidance foreign direct investment FDI global tax deal impact of global tax agreement OECD international tax proposal OECD global tax deal anniversary international tax agenda congress us Biden build back better global minimum tax

The Latest on the Global Tax Agreement

The agreement represents a major change for tax competition, and many countries will be rethinking their tax policies for multinationals. If there is no agreement on changes to Pillar Two or digital services taxes, retaliatory American tariffs could be on the horizon.

8 min read
Trump Global Minimum Tax Order

Five Things to Know About Trump’s Global Minimum Tax Order

This week, the incoming Trump administration issued a day-one executive order on the global minimum tax agreement known as Pillar Two, which seeks to ensure multinational corporations pay at least 15 percent in income tax.

6 min read
Kamala Harris Tax Plan 2024 Details Analysis

Kamala Harris Tax Plan Ideas: Details and Analysis

On tax policy, Harris carries forward much of President Biden’s FY 2025 budget, including higher taxes aimed at businesses and high earners. She would also further expand the child tax credit (CTC) and various other tax credits and incentives while exempting tips from income tax.  

17 min read
Bob Stack Unpacks US Challenges in Global Tax

Bob Stack Unpacks US Challenges in Global Tax

Bob Stack, an international tax expert, explores the implications of the EU’s adoption of Pillar Two and the potential for streamlining overlapping policies. He also addresses the issues that the US faces in global tax policy with the upcoming elections.

OECD Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax Unintended Consequences

Pillar Two’s Unintended Consequences

Pillar Two risks creating a more complex and unfair international tax system. It is inadvertently fostering new, opaque, and complex forms of competition, and policymakers should consider alternative approaches to creating a fairer international tax environment.

4 min read
Do Americans Abroad Still Pay US Taxes?

Do Americans Abroad Still Pay US Taxes?

How does living abroad impact the taxes an American has to pay? Unlike most countries that tax based on residency, the US employs citizenship-based taxation, meaning Americans are taxed on their global income regardless of where they reside.

Pillar Two: Electric Boogaloo

The global tax deal and Pillar Two are shaking up the tax landscape worldwide, introducing a web of complexity and confusion.

Puerto Rico Tax Competitiveness and Pillar Two Global Tax Deal

Puerto Rican Competitiveness and Pillar Two

Puerto Rico, a US territory with a limited ability to set its own tax policies, will be the first part of the US to be substantially affected by Pillar Two, the global tax agreement that seeks to establish a 15 percent minimum tax rate on corporate income.

17 min read
Hungary EU presidency tax reform and tax policies

Tax Files under New Council of EU Presidency: Hungary

As Hungary takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in the aftermath of the European elections, the relationship between tax policy and Europe’s competitiveness will be closely linked.

6 min read
Digital Taxation Around the World including digital services taxes and digital consumption tax reforms

Digital Taxation around the World

The outcome of the digital tax debate will likely shape domestic and international taxation for decades to come. Designing these policies based on sound principles will be essential in ensuring they can withstand challenges arising in the rapidly changing economic and technological environment of the 21st century.

58 min read
The Impact of BEPS 1.0 base erosion and profit shifting from the OECD and Tax Cuts and Jobs Act corporate international taxation

The Impact of BEPS 1.0

The global landscape of international corporate taxation is undergoing significant transformations as jurisdictions grapple with the difficulty of defining and apportioning corporate income for the purposes of tax.

22 min read
Fatal flaws of OECD Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax Foundation

The Fatal Flaw of Pillar Two

Pillar Two, the international global minimum tax agreement, has a considerable chance of failing and may ultimately allow the same problems it was designed to address.

6 min read