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Details and analysis of the Virginia Governor Youngkin Tax Plan. See more on Glenn Youngkin tax plan.

Governor Youngkin Unveils a New Tax Plan for Virginia

Virginia Governor Youngkin unveiled the contours of a tax reform plan incorporated into his forthcoming budget, which includes three major structural elements: a reduction in the individual income tax rate, a 0.9 percentage point increase in the sales tax rate, and the broadening of the sales tax base to include some “new economy” digital services.

6 min read
Alcohol Tax Modernization: ABV Tax and other Drink Tax Reforms

Modernization of the Alcohol Tax

An alcohol by volume (ABV) tax could replace the existing alcohol tax system. An ABV tax would make alcohol taxes simpler, more transparent, and substantially more neutral than the current system.

18 min read
An Introduction of History of Taxes Video TaxEDU

An Introduction to the History of Taxes

Taxes have played a major role throughout history, and even date back to around 5,000 years ago. Taxes will continue to affect our lives and shape our societies just like they have for thousands of years.

global tax agreement global tax deal OECD global minimum tax rules corporate minimum tax rules Secretariat Proposal, OECD Public Consultation Document, Unified Approach under pillar one profit shifting definition tax planning and avoidance foreign direct investment FDI global tax deal impact of global tax agreement OECD international tax proposal

The Latest on the Global Tax Agreement

The agreement represents a major change for tax competition, and many countries will be rethinking their tax policies for multinationals.

7 min read
Is the Foreign Pollution Fee Act a Carbon Price?

Is the Foreign Pollution Fee Act a Carbon Price?

A national-level carbon price—a tax or cap-and-trade scheme placed on CO2 or other greenhouse gases—may seem distant in the U.S., especially since the Inflation Reduction Act, which included major climate policy, omitted one. However, policymakers on both sides of the aisle have been nibbling around the edges of carbon taxes.

5 min read