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Taxes In Nebraska

Nebraska Tax Rates, Collections, and Burdens

How does Nebraska’s tax code compare? Nebraska has a graduated state individual income tax, with rates ranging from 2.46 percent to 5.84 percent. Nebraska has a 5.2 percent corporate income tax rate. Nebraska also has a 5.50 percent state sales tax rate and an average combined state and local sales tax rate of 6.97 percent. Nebraska has a 1.44 percent effective property tax rate on owner-occupied housing value.

Nebraska has an inheritance tax. Nebraska has a 30 cents per gallon gas tax rate and a $0.64 cigarette excise tax rate. The State of Nebraska collects $6,345 in state and local tax collections per capita. Nebraska has $8,165 in state and local debt per capita and has a 98 percent funded ratio of public pension plans. Nebraska’s tax system ranks 24th overall on the 2025 State Tax Competitiveness Index.

Each state’s tax code is a multifaceted system with many moving parts, and Nebraska is no exception. The first step towards understanding Nebraska’s tax code is knowing the basics. How does Nebraska collect tax revenue? Click the tabs below to learn more! You can also explore our state tax maps, which are compiled from our annual publication, Facts & Figures 2024: How Does Your State Compare?

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State Tax Data

Individual Taxes

Top Individual Income Tax Rate
5.84%See Full Study
State Local Individual Income Tax Collections per Capita
$1592Rank: 20
State and Local Tax Burden
11.5%Rank: 32See Full Study

Business Taxes

Top Corporate Income Tax Rate
5.2%See Full Study
State Business Tax Climate Index Ranking
24See Full Study

Sales Taxes

State Sales Tax Rate
5.50%Rank: 29See Full Study
Average Local Sales Tax Rate
1.47%See Full Study
Combined State and Average Local Sales Tax Rate
6.97%Rank: 28See Full Study
State and Local General Sales Tax Collections per Capita
$1462Rank: 18
State Gasoline Tax Rate (cents per gallon)
30.00¢Rank: 25
State Cigarette Tax Rate (dollars per 20-pack)
$0.64Rank: 41

Property Taxes

Property Taxes Paid as a Percentage of Owner-Occupied Housing Value
1.44%Rank: 8
State and Local Property Tax Collections Per Capita
$2169Rank: 12

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