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2019 Election Day 2019, state and local tax ballot measure results, 2019 tax ballot measures, 2019 ballot results

Results of 2019 State and Local Tax Ballot Initiatives

Election Day 2019 will feature notable tax-related ballot measures in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. Once the polls close tonight, beginning with Pennsylvania and Texas at 8 PM EST, we will begin tracking the results as they come in.

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2020 State Business Tax Climate Index, Business Tax by State, Best states to grow a business, Best states to start a business, Best states for business, worst states to start a business, worst states for business

2020 State Business Tax Climate Index

Connecticut, California, New York, and New Jersey rank lowest in our 2020 State Business Tax Climate Index, which compares states on more than 120 tax policy variables to show how well they structure their tax systems and to provide a road map for improvement.

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2019 International Tax Competitiveness Index

International Tax Competitiveness Index 2019

Our International Index compares OECD countries on over 40 variables that measure how well each country’s tax system promotes sustainable economic growth and investment.

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