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Individual Tax Expenditures, Credits, and Deductions

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A Tradition Unlike Any Other: The Masters Tax Exemption

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Analysis of the “SALT Act”

Lawmakers recently introduced a bill to repeal the $10,000 cap on the state and local deduction (SALT) and raise the top tax rate on ordinary income from 37 percent to 39.6 percent.

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Who Benefits from Itemized Deductions?

While some tax preferences like the earned income tax credit (EITC) and child tax credit benefit lower- and middle-income households, others, like itemized deductions, benefit high-income households.

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Analysis of the Cost-of-Living Refund Act of 2019 Sherrod Brown Ro Khanna EITC expansion low-income tax credit

Analysis of the Cost-of-Living Refund Act of 2019

We estimate that a new proposal to expand the EITC would reduce federal revenue by $1.8 trillion and decrease long-run GDP by 0.29 percent, while boosting labor force participation for low-income tax filers by 822,788 full-time equivalent jobs.

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Education tax provisions

Evaluating Education Tax Provisions

Research shows that the current menu of education-related tax benefits is not effectively promoting affordability or the decision to attend college. Lawmakers wishing to provide education assistance should reconsider whether the tax code is the best tool to achieve that goal.

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