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Individual Tax Expenditures, Credits, and Deductions

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Full TCJA extension fiscal challenges highlighted by latest CBO projections

Latest CBO Projections Highlight Fiscal Challenge of Full TCJA Extension

While neither full expiration nor a deficit-financed full extension of the TCJA would be appropriate, lawmakers should consider the incentive effects of whichever tax reform they pursue. Because taxes affect the economy, they also affect the sustainability of debt reduction.

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Tax Neutrality: Balancing Priorities

Tax Neutrality: Balancing Priorities

Neutral tax codes don’t play favorites or try to influence personal or business decisions but stick to what they’re best at – raising sufficient revenue through low rates and a broad base.

Reigning in America's $3.3 trillion tax-exempt economy of 501c3 nonprofit tax form laws

Reining in America’s $3.3 Trillion Tax-Exempt Economy

For over a century, lawmakers have exempted politically favored organizations and industries from the tax code. As a result, the tax-exempt nonprofit economy now comprises 15 percent of GDP, roughly equal to the fifth-largest economy in the world.

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National Tax Poll Results and Answers: Understanding the Tax Code

National Tax Literacy Poll: Understanding the Tax Code

To make sound financial decisions and support better tax policy, taxpayers should understand the taxes they face. Unfortunately, most U.S. taxpayers do not know or are unsure of basic tax concepts.

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2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax law has individual tax cuts expiring in 2025

Why Are the Individual Tax Cuts Expiring?

The TCJA improved the U.S. tax code, but the meandering voyage of its passing and the compromises made to get it into law show the challenges of the legislative process.

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Tax stability

Unstable Taxes and an Unpredictable Future

When the tax code is stable and predictable, individuals, families, and businesses can set goals for the future and make plans to achieve them.