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Individual Tax Expenditures, Credits, and Deductions

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Phase 4 Is not the Time to Experiment with Temporary Credits

As lawmakers consider returning to the tax code as a tool to revive a struggling economy with high unemployment and an unpredictable virus, they should avoid temporary changes that can be distortive in the short term and inefficient in the long term.

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Tax Relief for Families in Europe

Most countries provide tax relief to families with children—typically through targeted tax breaks that lower income taxes. While all European OECD countries provide tax relief for families, its extent varies substantially across countries.

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Federal deductibility SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in the CARES Act. Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in the CARES Act

HEROES Act Temporarily Increases Dependent Credit Generosity

The HEROES Act would make notable expansions to all three dependent-related credits, increasing maximum credit amounts, refundability, and income eligibility phaseouts. Practically, this means that certain filers could expect to receive a larger refund for each additional hour of work, eligible dependent, and dependent care expenses if the bill became law.

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