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Individual Income and Payroll Taxes

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April 10th Afternoon State Tax Update

California extends tax filing and payment deadline to July 31 for a broad spectrum of business taxes as Virginia keeps May 1st tax filing deadline.

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These States Could Tax Your Recovery Rebates

Due to a quirk of some state tax codes, the recovery rebates in the CARES Act could increase your income tax liability in six states: Alabama, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, and Oregon.

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April 2nd Evening State Tax Update

California extends tax filing and payment deadline to July 31 for a broad spectrum of business taxes as Virginia keeps May 1st tax filing deadline.

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Tracking State Legislative Responses to COVID-19

Many states are racing to pass budgets, emergency COVID-19 supplemental appropriations, and other must-pass legislation as quickly as possible. We’re tracking the latest state legislative responses to the coronavirus crisis.

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A History and Analysis of Payroll Tax Holidays

As Congress and the White House consider ways to shore up the economy in the face of a public health crisis, President Trump has suggested suspending the entire payroll tax for the duration of the year. That would cost about $950 billion, according to our analysis.

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Congress Approves Economic Relief Plan for Individuals and Businesses

The CARES Act, now signed into law, is intended to be a third round of federal government support in the wake of the coronavirus public health crisis and associated economic fallout, following the $8.3 billion in public health support passed two weeks ago and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

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March 27th Afternoon State Tax Update

Massachusetts, Ohio, and West Virginia have newly extended their income tax filing and payment deadlines to match the July 15 federal deadline.

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Norway Opens the Fiscal Toolbox

Norway passed a large coronavirus tax relief package to address layoffs and bankruptcies, which includes a reduced VAT rate, the introduction of a loss carryback provision, and targeted postponements for wealth tax payments, among other provisions.

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Review and Analysis of House Democrats Coronavirus Response Bill

The proposed Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act can be contrasted with the Senate Republican CARES Act, although they share some similarities by providing individual taxpayers with a rebate and modifying business tax provisions to provide liquidity for struggling firms.

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What Should Coronavirus Response Legislation Look Like?

As lawmakers debate how to respond to the coronavirus crisis, they should focus the legislative response to the emergency at hand, using principled policy solutions to provide relief to those affected. Attempts to use the crisis to make other, unrelated policy changes should be avoided.

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Overview of Previous Tax Rebates During Economic Downturns

The timing from enactment to distribution has varied from about one and a half months to more than two months, indicating that it has historically taken a significant amount of time for individual taxpayers to receive their rebates after the policies have been put in place.

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States Should Follow Federal Lead in Postponing Tax Day

The federal government moved tax day from April 15 to July 15 in response to the coronavirus pandemic, granting more time for both filing and payment. But for many taxpayers, it might not matter much if states don’t follow suit.

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