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Full Expensing Costs Less Than You’d Think

Full expensing could grow the long-run size of the U.S. economy by 4.2 percent, which would lead to 3.6 percent higher wages and 808,000 full-time jobs. What’s more, it wouldn’t cost as much revenue as some think.

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Ohio Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Taxes & The Economy

This new chart book cuts through the complexity and gives you a broad perspective of Ohio’s overall economy and tax system. The result is a powerful diagnostic tool you can use to identify your state’s unique strengths and weaknesses.

American Flags - Tax Freedom Day

Tax Freedom Day 2017 is April 23rd

Tax Freedom Day® is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for the year. This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 23rd, 113 days into the year.

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Data: Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures 2017: How Does Your State Compare?

How do taxes in your state compare nationally? This convenient resource compares the 50 states on many different measures of taxing and spending, including individual and corporate income tax rates, business tax climates, excise taxes, tax burdens and state spending.

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