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Corporate Income Taxes

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Minnesota income tax reform bill

Minnesota’s Omnibus Tax Bill Would Undermine the State Economy

As policymakers in St. Paul finalize this year’s tax bill, they should avoid policies that incentivize the diversion or relocation of capital. Importantly, states do not institute tax policy in a vacuum. The evidence from states’ experiences and the academic literature supports the conclusion that tax competitiveness matters not just to businesses but to human flourishing.

15 min read
EU tax revenue stability amid global financial crisis European public debt crisis and Eurozone recession tax policy

Tax Policy and Economic Downturns in Europe

While some temporary policies can help in a crisis, policymakers should focus their efforts on sustainable policies that support growth and the resilience of businesses (and government coffers) over the long term.

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What Companies Do with Profits, including retained profits versus distributed profits like Biden stock buybacks tax and dividend payments

A Better Way to Tax Stock Buybacks

The distributed profits tax is a sounder approach to concerns about investment and stock buybacks than the existing policy approach.

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Stockholm Sweden Scandinavian tax systems to fund large social safety net and public service programs

Insights into the Tax Systems of Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavian countries are well known for their broad social safety net and their public funding of services such as universal health care, higher education, parental leave, and child and elderly care. So how do Scandinavian countries raise their tax revenues?

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2023 Missouri tax reform proposals and Missouri income tax reform including corporate income tax rate reductions

Missouri Tax Package Would Set State Up for Success

Accelerating its current individual income tax triggers and setting up the corporate income tax for eventual elimination would increase Missouri’s attractiveness among states at a time when businesses are increasingly mobile and tax competition matters more than ever.

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Capital cost recovery and capital allowances in the OECD 2023 , full expensing, full immediate expensing

Capital Cost Recovery across the OECD, 2023

To recover from the pandemic and put the global economy on a trajectory for growth, policymakers need to aim for more generous and permanent capital allowances. This will spur real investment and can also contribute to more environmentally friendly production across the globe.

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Throwback and Throwout Rules by State, 2023

While throwback and throwout rules in states’ corporate tax codes may not be widely understood, they have a notable impact on business location and investment decisions and reduce economic efficiency.

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2022 dividend tax rates Europe dividend income tax rates

Dividend Tax Rates in Europe, 2023

In many countries, corporate profits are subject to two layers of taxation: the corporate income tax at the entity level when the corporation earns income, and the dividend tax or capital gains tax at the individual level when that income is passed to its shareholders as either dividends or capital gains.

3 min read