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Responding to the NYT’s Stock Buybacks Analysis
The increase in stock buybacks isn’t surprising nor a sign that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act won’t increase domestic investment.
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Lowering the Corporate Income Tax Rate Benefits Old and New Capital
Cutting the corporate tax rate improves the United States’ international tax competitiveness, incentives new investment and benefits both old & new capital.
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The Benefits of Cutting the Corporate Income Tax Rate
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced the corporate income tax rate from the highest statutory rate in the developed world to a more globally competitive 21 percent.
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What the Main Criticisms of Stock Buybacks Get Wrong
Stock buybacks are a clearly visible phenomenon, but most critics point out the initial action, the buyback, and ignore the greater context.
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Online Sales Tax Revenue Presents Opportunity for Permanent, Comprehensive Reform in Wisconsin
Wisconsin’s tax system needs to be more competitive. New revenue from online sales taxes will make it easier to accomplish comprehensive reforms that benefit all Wisconsinites.
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Enhancing Tax Competitiveness in Connecticut
Connecticut has failed to live up to the expectations of 1991. Changes intended to make tax collections more stable, combined with constraints intended to promote fiscal prudence, have strayed far wide of the mark. To turn things around, Connecticut needs a more competitive tax code.
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Decomposing a Dynamic Revenue Estimate
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Five States Accomplish Meaningful Tax Reform in the Wake of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, and Utah capitalized upon the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s (TCJA) changes by conforming to increase their annual state revenues.
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State-by-State Job Impacts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2018
Our updated analysis of the state-by-state impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act shows that the new federal tax law will create 215,000 full-time equivalent jobs in 2018. Here’s how each state will be affected.
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The Economics of 1986 Tax Reform, and Why It Didn’t Create Growth
In contrast, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate and allows immediate and full expensing for the next five years.
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The Distributional Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act over the Next Decade
Taxpayers in every income level will receive a tax cut in 2018 and for most of the next decade. See how the size of that tax cut will vary for each income group over the next decade with our new, long-term distributional analysis.
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Reforming the Pass-Through Deduction
Here’s how the new pass-through deduction works and how it can be reformed to be less complex, less prone to abuse, more neutral, and more economically efficient.
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