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2018 International Tax Competitiveness Index
The structure of a country’s tax code is an important determinant of its economic performance. Our 2018 international tax rankings provide a road map for each of the 35 OECD countries to improve the structure of their tax codes and achieve a more neutral, more competitive tax system.
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2019 State Business Tax Climate Index
Our 2019 State Business Tax Climate Index compares each state on over 100 variables including corporate, individual, property, and sales taxes. How does your state rank?
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The Economics of Stock Buybacks
Stock buybacks are readily visible, and unfortunately some have misunderstood stock buybacks to be taking place at the expense of long-term investments.
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Permanence for 100 Percent Bonus Depreciation Provides More Cost-Effective Growth than Permanence for Individual Provisions
In the long run, permanent full expensing produces about 4.5 times more GDP growth per dollar of revenue than making individual TCJA provisions permanent.
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The TCJA’s Expensing Provision Alleviates the Tax Code’s Bias Against Certain Investments
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant progress in improving businesses’ ability to recover the cost of making investments in the United States by enacting 100 percent bonus depreciation.
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Pennsylvania: A 21st Century Tax Code for the Commonwealth
Policymakers from across the spectrum recognize that Pennsylvania’s tax code has not kept up with a 21st century economy. Here are comprehensive solutions for how Pennsylvania can achieve a more competitive tax code.
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Proposed Corporate Rate Hike Would Damage Economic Output
Raising the corporate tax rate would reduce economic growth and lead to a smaller capital stock, lower wage growth, and reduced employment.
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