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Business Consumption Taxes

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Renewed Calls for Severance Taxes on Bottled Spring Water

Amid a debate over water extraction from Florida’s springs, Florida Sen. Annette Taddeo (D) has introduced a bill (SB 562) which, if enacted, would establish an excise tax on water extraction beginning July 1.

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UK taxes, UK tax reform 2021 UK tax reform British tax reform, 2021 UK budget

Brits to Prepare for Tax Reforms

Tax hikes or spending cuts implemented early in the year might undermine the desirable rapid recovery of the economy. The UK should focus on implementing tax reforms that have the potential to stimulate economic recovery by supporting business investment and employment while increasing its international tax competitiveness.

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Individual Taxes Are the Most Important Tax Revenue Source for the United States Sources of Tax Revenue in the United States US tax revenue, governmetn revenue in the US, US federal tax revenue 2021

Sources of U.S. Tax Revenue by Tax Type, 2021 Update

In the United States, individual income taxes (federal, state, and local) are the primary source of tax revenue, at 41.5 percent of total tax revenue. Social insurance taxes make up the second-largest share, at 24.9 percent, followed by consumption taxes, at 17.6 percent, and property taxes, at 12.1 percent.

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Canada's Provinces Collect Almost the Same Amount of Revenue as Its Central Government Sources of OECD Tax Revenue by Level of Government, 2019, Sources of tax revenue in the OECD tax revenue

Sources of Government Revenue in the OECD, 2021 Update

Developed countries have on average become more reliant on consumption taxes and less reliant on individual income taxes. These policy changes matter, considering that consumption-based taxes raise revenue with less distortionary effects than taxes on income.

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EU tax research The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy EU digital levy

The European Commission and the Taxation of the Digital Economy

The consultation on the EU’s digital levy provides an opportunity for policymakers and taxpayers to reflect on the underlying issues of digital taxation and potential consequences from a digital levy. Unless the EU digital levy is designed with an OECD agreement in mind, it is likely to cause more uncertainty in cross-border tax policy.

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VAT revenues declined in 2020. VAT rates and VAT revenues amid the coronavirus pandemic. VAT covid analysis

Value-added Taxes in the Pandemic

Many governments have chosen to use VAT as a tool to provide tax relief for consumption in various sectors throughout the pandemic, but in the long term, VAT should not be used as a tool for relief.

3 min read
Value-added taxes (VAT) make up approximately one-fifth of total tax revenues in Europe. Actionable VAT Policy Gap in Europe

Actionable VAT Policy Gap in Europe

Value-added taxes (VAT) make up approximately one-fifth of total tax revenues in Europe. However, European countries differ significantly in how efficiently they raise VAT revenues. One way to measure a country’s VAT efficiency is the VAT Gap.

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act offshoring OECD BEPS project, OECD consultation document, OECD multinationals, Consumption tax policies in OECD countries, Consumption taxes in OECD countries

Consumption Tax Policies in OECD Countries

Despite the potential of consumption taxes as a neutral and efficient source of tax revenues, many governments have implemented policies that are unduly complex and have poorly designed tax bases that exclude many goods or services from taxation, or tax them at reduced rates.

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2021 Value-Added Tax Rates in Europe, 2021 VAT rates in Europe

VAT Rates in Europe, 2021

More than 140 countries worldwide—including all European countries—levy a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services.

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Africa tax revenue, revenue statistics in Africa, VAT is the most important tax revenue source in Africa

OECD Report: Tax Revenue in African Countries

Taxes on goods and services were on average the greatest source of tax revenue for African countries, at over 50 percent of total tax revenues. VAT contributed on average 30 percent, making it the most important tax on goods and services.

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Spain Recovery Plan Tax Hikes 2020 Spanish Regional Tax Competitiveness Index, Spain economic recovery, Spain recovery budget, Spain recovery plan

Spain’s Recovery Budget Comes with Tax Hikes

While other countries in Europe are working towards introducing tax cuts and stimulating economic recovery by supporting business investment and employment, Spain is putting more fiscal pressure on households and businesses.

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European country rankings on the 2020 International Tax Competitiveness Index. European tax systems ranked, Europe tax rankings

International Tax Competitiveness Index 2020

Our International Index compares OECD countries on over 40 variables that measure how well each country’s tax system promotes sustainable economic growth and investment.

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VAT Gap EU member state 2020

New European Commission Report: VAT Gap

Just as COVID-19 is putting pressure on other sources of revenue, the loss of VAT revenues resulting from the crisis will force governments to evaluate their VAT systems.

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Where Should the Money Come From?

The fiscal response to the COVID-19 pandemic will require policymakers to consider what revenue resources should be used to fill budget gaps. Tax policy experts have proposed wealth taxes, (global) corporate minimum taxes, excess profits taxes, and digital taxes as opportunities for governments to raise new revenues.

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