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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)

The 2017 Trump Tax Cuts, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), reduced average tax burdens for taxpayers across the income spectrum and temporarily simplified the tax filing process through structural reforms. It also boosted capital investment by reforming the corporate tax system and significantly improved the international tax system.

At the end of 2025, the individual portions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expire all at once. Without congressional action, 62 percent of filers could soon face a tax increase relative to current policy in 2026. At the same time, the price tag for extending the 2017 Trump tax cuts is in the trillions.

Explore our related resources below, including our tariff tracker, our budget reconciliation tracker, our latest analysis and reform options regarding TCJA permanence, our interactive tax calculator and congressional districts map, and how 2026 brackets would change if the TCJA expires.

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