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6171 Results
Are Tax Rebates a Good Way for Relief from Rising Prices? Learn more about gas tax rebates and sound tax relief inflation policy

Are Tax Rebates a Good Way to Provide Relief from Rising Prices?

States are flush with cash, but taxpayers’ purchasing power is being eroded by high inflation. Tax rebates, gas tax holidays, and other temporary tax expedients have the potential to add to existing inflation—but good intentions do not always make for good policy.

5 min read
EU tax trends and EU reforms including EU tax reform proposals Consumption taxes are most important tax revenue source for OECD countries OECD tax revenue 2022 sources of revenue in the OECD tax sources of revenue by country in the OECD 2022 OECD tax trends

Analyzing Recent Tax Trends Among EU Countries

In recent years, EU countries have undertaken a series of tax reforms designed to maintain tax revenue levels while supporting investment and economic growth. However, not all tax reforms were created equal.

7 min read
New Jersey inflation tax increase Governor Murphy budget New Jersey tax brackets inflation indexing New Jersey tax relief measures

Inflation-Indexing a Useful Tool to Protect New Jersey Taxpayers

Households across the country are struggling with the effects of high inflation. Lawmakers in New Jersey are looking to combat an unlegislated tax increase by indexing the state’s individual income tax code for inflation, something all states should consider.

3 min read
2022 Kentucky budget tax reform proposals 2022 Kentucky tax reform plan Kentucky legislature, Kentucky tax on vapor products, Kentucky tax reform

Will Kentucky Build Upon Its 2018 Reforms This Year?

As Kentucky policymakers make final decisions on tax relief this year, they should make the most of this opportunity to return excess tax collections in a manner that would also enhance the Bluegrass State’s prospects for long-term economic growth.

5 min read
gas tax definition windfall profits tax oil and gas profits oil company profits windfall tax

Windfall Profits Tax Wrong for American Energy

As oil prices skyrocket, a windfall profits tax targeted at oil company profits could punish domestic production and increase reliance on imports.

3 min read
carbon tax research and analyis see carbon tax resources tax foundation

Russia’s Ukrainian War Could Impact EU Carbon Proposal Too

Given the uncertainty surrounding the war in Ukraine, future trade relations with Russia, and the overall CBAM revenue structure. The EU will need to adjust policy when challenges arise as it looks to increase its role in fiscal affairs through new own resources.

5 min read
Biden research and development tax treatment of R&D expenses R&D expensing R&D tax treatment in the US US COVID19 fiscal response Comparing fiscal responses to the pandemic House Democrats tax plan US competitiveness Build Back Better Act reconciliation bill

To Stimulate R&D Investment, Stop Penalizing it in the Tax Code

In his State of the Union Address, President Biden called for leveling the global research & development (R&D) playing field by increasing federal R&D spending, specifically by asking Congress to pass the bipartisan United States Innovation and Competition Act (USICA).

3 min read
pillar two global minimum tax model rules GILTI 2019 Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income

Accounting for the Global Minimum Tax

Double taxation impacts the ability of companies to invest valuable things like improving their supply chains, developing new products, and hiring workers, and it can be fixed if the minimum tax uses a country’s own tax rate.

8 min read
Iowa tax reform including Iowa property tax reform Governor Kim Reynolds

Iowa Enacts Sweeping Tax Reform

Even if 2022 sees many tax reforms, the scope of Iowa’s tax relief measures is likely to stand out. With the most recent reform package, Iowa lawmakers have made a significant investment in a more competitive tax climate for an increasingly competitive era.

6 min read
Missouri tax competitiveness Missouri tax reform options

Missouri’s Tax Competitiveness

While Missouri has room for improvement, the state is making waves, positioning itself as an increasingly attractive location for business investment. And as ongoing reforms further enhance the competitiveness of the state’s tax code, more businesses will take notice.

8 min read
Tax haven, tax havens, tax haven countries, offshore tax havens, tax shelter US cross-border tax reform and GILTI Global Intangible Low Tax Income. Foreign tax credits

A Regulatory Tax Hike on U.S. Multinationals

While much of the policy focus has been on proposals embedded in the Build Back Better agenda, a meaningful tax hike for multinational companies has already been adopted.

1 min read
Federal Menthol Cigarette Ban Will Cost States Millions. State Cigarette Revenue Impact Due to Federal Cigarette Ban

Federal Menthol Cigarette Ban May Cost Governments $6.6 Billion

The FDA’s expected announcement of a national ban on menthol-flavored cigarettes and cigars with a characterizing flavor would carry significant revenue implications for both the federal government and state governments, with likely limited benefits in smoking cessation.

6 min read
global minimum tax build back better revenue global minimum tax revenue and build back better act revenue potential domestic minimum tax

The Global Minimum Tax Changes the Game for Build Back Better Revenue

One goal for the Build Back Better Act has been to increase the amount of revenue the U.S. raises from U.S. companies at home or abroad. With the global minimum tax rules in play, it is likely that the expected gains to the U.S. Treasury from foreign profits of U.S. companies will diminish.

5 min read