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6207 Results
trade war tariffs agriculture impact farmers Biden small business tax Biden small business taxes farm estate planning

How Tariffs and the Trade War Hurt U.S. Agriculture

With inflation continuing to skyrocket, especially for food, which reached 10.4 percent in June, it is worth examining how the ongoing U.S. trade war with China and U.S. tariff policy overall has impacted U.S. agriculture and food prices.

3 min read
Ways & means tax proposal seeks to combat extraterritorial taxes and discriminatory taxes Global minimum tax revenue OECD Pillar Two revenue OECD impact assessment OECD Pillar One tax Pillar one amount a Biden interest limitation Biden interest deduction rule Biden interest expense limitation Business interest expense limitation Democrat Senate international tax overhaul discussion draft legislation (Wyden Brown Warner international tax overhaul) or Sen Wyden international tax plan,

Three Questions on Pillar One

While the global minimum tax gets much attention in the media, there is another significant piece to the deal.

6 min read
France social security contributions French workers upward mobility France marginal tax rates and France upward mobility

Lithuanian Model Could Help French Workers’ Upward Mobility

Reshaping some of these policies to generate a smoother variation of marginal tax rates over different income levels would likely raise labor supply and encourage the upward mobility of workers and especially that of average-income workers.

5 min read
Inflation Reduction Act minimum tax or Inflation Reduction Act corporate minimum tax Biden OECD tax proposals hurt FDI Ways and Means proposal profit shifting, federal corporate income tax liabilities under Ways and Means profit shifting proposal

Biden and OECD Tax Proposals Would Hurt FDI

Academic research indicates foreign direct investment (FDI) is highly responsive to the corporate effective tax rate (ETRs); that is, the tax rate after accounting for all deduction and credits available to corporations.

3 min read
PA corporate tax cut Pennsylvania corporate tax cut PA business tax cut Pennsylvania corporate net income tax

Pennsylvania Cuts Corporate Net Income Tax Rate

Policymakers from both parties in Harrisburg have proposed reducing Pennsylvania’s 9.99 percent corporate net income tax (CNIT) rate but could not agree on an approach—until now. With the enactment of HB 1342 lawmakers finally succeeded in cutting what had been the second highest state corporate tax rate in the nation.

7 min read
EU windfall profits tax EU energy security EU fossil fuel EU presidency European Union presidency including Czech presidency Europe council EU VAT Rates: EU VAT Directive & EU Reduced VAT Rates

Tax Files Under New Council of EU Presidency: Czechia

As the Czech EU presidency considers a plan to manage various tax-related files, it would be wise to consider principled tax policy that broadens the tax base and reduces the tax wedge on strategic investment.

4 min read
section 179 expensing state tax conformity section 168 Oklahoma State Capital Building

Oklahoma Becomes First State in Nation to Make Full Expensing Permanent

Gov. Stitt signed into law a pro-growth bill that will set the state apart from its peers. Other states should look to follow Oklahoma’s example and make full expensing permanent to maintain their competitiveness in an increasingly mobile economy.

3 min read
Both inbound and outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) are critical to sustaining supply chain resiliency and reducing economic risks

How FDI Adds Value to Supply Chains

Although the dispersion of our supply chains throughout the world has been scrutinized in recent years, both inbound and outbound foreign direct investment are critical to sustaining supply chain resiliency and reducing economic risks for both firms and investors.

5 min read
Biden corporate minimum tax global tax deal international tax corporate tax corporate global minimum tax proposal

4 Things to Know About the Global Tax Debate

The Biden administration has been supportive of the negotiations, but the changes should be reviewed in the context of recent policy changes in the U.S. and elsewhere, the general landscape of business taxation in the U.S., and potential challenges and risks arising from the global tax deal.

3 min read
US multinationals are large employers and investors in the US See FDI us employment impact

Why FDI Matters for U.S. Employment, Wages, and Productivity

Contrary to the Biden administration’s claims, raising taxes on cross-border investment would hurt U.S. economic growth and jobs. Research shows that FDI creates jobs in the U.S. and raises workers’ wages and productivity.

5 min read

The Legacy of Harvard Economist Dale Jorgenson

Dr. Jorgenson’s work has been instrumental in convincing many in the tax policy community to take seriously the need to factor in the economic effects of taxation on capital formation, productivity, wages, and employment in forecasting the welfare and federal budget consequences of changes in tax policy.

4 min read