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Sales Tax Base Broadening: Right-Sizing a State Sales Tax

Due in part to historical accident and also to the proliferation of exemptions, the effectiveness of the state sales tax continues to erode. The median state sales tax, which should apply to all personal consumption, is nonly applied to 23 percent of personal consumption.

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Wyoming Business Tax Competitiveness

2018 State Business Tax Climate Index

For 15 years, our State Business Tax Climate Index has been the standard for legislators and taxpayers to understand how their state’s tax code compares and how it can be improved. Now, for the first time ever, you can explore our Index’s 100+ variables in an easy to use, interactive format.

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Full expensing cash tax cuts and jobs act

Economic and Budgetary Impact of Temporary Expensing

Instead of making expensing temporary, lawmakers could pursue other ways to speed up cost recovery with permanent economic gains and without drastically reducing revenue. One way to do that is by enacting “depreciation indexing.”

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Ohio Commercial Activity Tax

Ohio’s Commercial Activity Tax: A Reappraisal

The Ohio Commercial Activity Tax, a 0.26 percent tax on business gross receipts above $1 million, is a throwback to an earlier era of taxation, bringing back a tax type that had been in steady retreat for nearly a century.

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Tax Expenditures, corporate and individual tax expenditures

Corporate and Individual Tax Expenditures

The elimination of tax expenditures is a popular way to pay for tax reform, but not all tax expenditures are equally worthy of elimination. It is important to ask, for each expenditure, whether it serves a reasonable purpose and whether it accomplishes that purpose in a reasonable way.

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International Tax

Designing a Territorial Tax System: A Review of OECD Systems

A well-designed territorial tax system would reduce the incentive for companies to invert, encourage businesses to invest in and expand operations throughout the world, and allow capital to flow more freely back to the U.S., but would also come with some new challenges.

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State Tax Changes, train tracks changing symbolizing the states changing their taxes

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2017

While most states enact tax changes at the beginning of the calendar year, a number of them implement changes at the beginning of the fiscal year. Eight states have tax changes that will take effect on July 1, 2017, the beginning of the 2018 fiscal year.

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Ohio Illustrated Banner

Ohio Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Taxes & The Economy

This new chart book cuts through the complexity and gives you a broad perspective of Ohio’s overall economy and tax system. The result is a powerful diagnostic tool you can use to identify your state’s unique strengths and weaknesses.

Tax Expenditures interest deductions, sources of personal income, Gross Receipts Taxes

Interest Deductibility – Issues and Reforms

Interest deductibility creates holes in the tax base, distorts corporate investment strategies, and contributes to a potentially dangerous macroeconomic environment of overleveraging.

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International Tax

Competitiveness Impact of Tax Reform for the United States

U.S. taxes on new business investment are uncompetitive globally. While corporate tax rate reductions would have a significant impact on competitiveness, expensing proposals currently being considered would add much more grease to make the wheels turn in the U.S. economy.

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